Boys behaving badly... Again

creation of these
threads sole purposes, to
observe and know what
kind of client not to see.

Same applies to men. Originally Posted by siberia
I agree, guys do look at providers posts and decide to not see that provider.

Part of the marketing game.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I agree, guys do look at providers posts and decide to not see that provider.

Part of the marketing game. Originally Posted by disilene
+1. Yep--those "Tay-tay is Cra-cray" posts were VERY instructive awhile back... and there have been several along those lines.
I have mixed feelings about "haggling" as it were. When I first started and my little middle class sensibilities were easily offended, I used to dislike the notion on some principle of value which was nebulous at best. I also used to be anti bartering too because of some notion of boundaries until I realized this is just a service that lends itself easily to that sort of negotiation. If you can cut out the middle man, why not? Now, I'm not offended by someone asking, certainly not on principle. I just usually don't offer one because It will be never ending if folks know you will budge. Y'all can be vultures at times.

Also, the last time I offered my time for a discount I ended up become tryy offended by th notion. I agreed to go on an extended date for a deeply discounted rate, and I did so because I needed the money. Now, this guy was a surgeon, extremely wealthy, which he proceeded to brag about all evening. Literally spent half the evening talking about his very expensive hobby of collecting and restoring classic cars. As one can well imagine, I was fuming by the end if the evening. All I could think was you can readily spend money on objects, but have an issue paying full rate for a human being. That bothers me. In general, and I cannot speak to every individual situation, I completely understand that, but in general, you guys are in a more stable financial situation than we are. So, I think, analyzing the situation from a purely "market driven" perspective is a little one dimensional. I have haggled or negotiated for items, cars, big ticket items , etc. But, I just personally won't when I feel like the person needs it mitre than I, or if it's a small local operation, etc. just feels very douchy to me. One other example-some time ago I was contacted by a gentleman who wanted an appointment by 200. I politely explained that If he was short on cash perhaps we could try for another time. This clearly got his ego and he explained to me that had a huge house in Metairie and had just paid his Gardner and that was all the cash he had left. it's all the cash he had left. Apparently, he was unfamiliar with the concept of an ATM. I guess my point is, from our prospective it can feel like donething of a game. The erroneous "on principle" principle can run both ways. At the very least if you are going to negotiate a price with a lady, don't spend the evening talking about all the shot you have or the vacation you just took to Maui. Or, that you can't pay the rate because you have your driver your last hundred bucks as a tip. Sorry this post was rambling.
Sorry this post was rambling. Originally Posted by chelseabean was nice.

Hint: hit enter after every 5 sentences and it won't seem like rambling.

And all the old fucktards with blurred vision from viagra might be able to follow along better edit: and learn something
Precious_b's Avatar
Miss Bean, I hear you.

I put myself through college by working in the fast food industry.

And the type of person that pissed me off the most (and no matter what job field you are in) were the people who could afford to tip but did not. I worked and lived off tips.

I don't have an extravagant hobby budget. But I know not to haggle over set rates.
bodilly's Avatar
Miss Bean, I hear you.

I put myself through college by working in the fast food industry.

And the type of person that pissed me off the most (and no matter what job field you are in) were the people who could afford to tip but did not. I worked and lived off tips.

I don't have an extravagant hobby budget. But I know not to haggle over set rates. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Why would anyone tip a fast food worker ?
I know most won't like this but whatever happened to the work ethic in this country.
It seems like people expect to get paid top dollar for mediocre effort, specially the younger generations.

I am not talking about providers only but all fields of labor. I went to Quaker Steak and Lube to get a take out order. The girl actually asked how much tip I wanted on my credit card.
She handed me a bag of food and swiped a card.

We have the same problem at our company we have people actually wanting bonuses for showing up on time, not being high or drunk and half ass following the safety rules.
Sorry mods for hijacking the thread. This tip thing is pet peeve of mind lately.
A guy asking if I have a special is fine.
I am positive if your company wanted to short you $20 on pay day,
their responce," just asking" is taking advantage of you. Just a nola guy
trying cheap manipulative moves.
Good thing I have a SG/SO to take care of my main bills and me making some money on the side.
Arverni's Avatar
I tip fast food workers - if there's a tip jar. Subway / Starbucks / Philipe's or whatever that taco place is.

As a bouncer though - I refuse tips. I'm not taking a tip from a guy I may have to throw out of the bar tomorrow night.
My New Policy,
rogerdodger's Avatar
wow. sorry for everyone's troubles. really.
My new reply when hit up:

"I'd love to bb, but you're to expensive."
^^ Roflmao
I tip fast food workers - if there's a tip jar. Subway / Starbucks / Philipe's or whatever that taco place is.

..... Originally Posted by Arverni
You might whisper to the cashier "Who gets the tips?"

I know you think I'm braggin...but there are several places like that around me in Houston where tipping is not customary but not out of the ordinary either. Long ago I flashed the bill I was dropping to the spinner helping me...she said "Ok thanks but the owner gets that." (I'm thinkin she was a little bitter about was before my SD days so I wouldn't have picked up on an invitation.)

Once I started asking...I've found more and more of the places where tipping is not customary....but they have a tip jar: the owner gets the take.

Hopefully, most of them split the tips amongst the shift.
Arverni's Avatar
You might whisper to the cashier "Who gets the tips?"
Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
I don't tip business owners and never have.

Thanks for checking on me though! LOL
Difference is what makes the world go round. No one provider or client see things the same.
Love these threads.
Thank you all the providers I have seen for making me feel good for a little while.
The hobby is the most fun I have had for sure.