"Never forget"

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Until major political reform happens and the electoral college is banned there's no reason to vote. Period. Originally Posted by sexykarma
So don't vote, yet expect things to change? Hmmm... there is a word for that, multiple actually. None of them very complimentary or flattering. This is not a spectator sport. Put a helmet on and get in the game.

But herein lies the rub; to a large degree we are actually in violent agreement on some things. Things do need to change in a big-ish way. Where we are in violent disagreement is to what?

Clearly the systems has become corrupt, mainly the players (politicians and judges), not to mention career government employees and the size, scope, function, reach and breadth of the Federal government overall. Term limit are a great solution, either voluntarily or otherwise. To me, this is one of the few flaws in the Constitution. In their passion to make a better form of government they never envisioned that the elected would endeavor to do so for life. It should be a no problem, no brainer, that we could easily fix via an amendment to the Constitution, including Judges and we could do it now.

You (probably RD as well) seem interested in some dystopian Marxist wet dream. Sorry Karen, ain't gonna happen. The closer we get back to the original premise of the Constitution, the better - albeit with some minor tweaks. I would rather see the Bill of Rights folded directly in, but that's just semantics. Several existing amendments could be jettisoned altogether.

In normal times, I would advocate for a Constitutional Convention of the States. But we are not in normal times. The path to normal times is a truly rough road and many will not make it to the destination. Once there, the survivors can hopefully hammer it all out.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The constitution is all about limited government. Which is not intended to be some type of utopia where everything is free
A random wise person recently said:

Not so sure I would call it a proud doctrine. It is more of a divinely inspired vision of a free society, of the people and for the people.

You really don't know anything useful. Maybe you could start by learning a bit more about "The 3/5ths Compromise" Not just the Wikipedi version either. Then meander through the Civil War on up to Civil Rights movement. After that; get a frick'n clue. Get back to us in 40 years or so. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
"Of the people and for the people"....except if you're black or some other minority, female, LBGT....the history books are littered with stories dating way back before the civil war and continue to this day about discrimination and those groups not having equal rights to the white males in society. Blacks fought in our wars only to come back home and face the same discrimination they faced before they left. The clueless ones are the ones that look at some parched document like the declaration of independence and think it represents all the people equally and somehow is some shiny example of what the nation is....if I was wrong there wouldn't have been a civil rights movement because it all would have been solved by some overbloated document drawn up by hypocrites centuries ago.
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2020, 12:51 PM
OBLM is a marxist and Gay organization dedicated to a Marxist revolution in America - and blackmailing White folks for millions in funds to perpetuate marxist DPST policies.

It is an al sharpton type Race baiting - along with Reparations - and denial and canelling history prior to the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

It is written - if One is not a socialist when young, One has no heart
If One is not a Capitalist when mature - One has no brain.

Socialism is not an answer - and neither is the DPST party Plantation politics and race-baiting.

i firmly believe in and stand for Equal opportunity and equality under the law for all - while the DPST party is busy carving out loci of laws to make their racial groups "more equal" under the law - as fast as they can.
Until they take over - and that will be the end of the vote for representative democracy in America.

But - One does not learn what representative democracy actually means in a Teacher's union marxist educational system.
So don't vote, yet expect things to change? Hmmm... there is a word for that, multiple actually. None of them very complimentary or flattering. This is not a spectator sport. Put a helmet on and get in the game.

But herein lies the rub; to a large degree we are actually in violent agreement on some things. Things do need to change in a big-ish way. Where we are in violent disagreement is to what?

Clearly the systems has become corrupt, mainly the players (politicians and judges), not to mention career government employees and the size, scope, function, reach and breadth of the Federal government overall. Term limit are a great solution, either voluntarily or otherwise. To me, this is one of the few flaws in the Constitution. In their passion to make a better form of government they never envisioned that the elected would endeavor to do so for life. It should be a no problem, no brainer, that we could easily fix via an amendment to the Constitution, including Judges and we could do it now.

You (probably RD as well) seem interested in some dystopian Marxist wet dream. Sorry Karen, ain't gonna happen. The closer we get back to the original premise of the Constitution, the better - albeit with some minor tweaks. I would rather see the Bill of Rights folded directly in, but that's just semantics. Several existing amendments could be jettisoned altogether.

In normal times, I would advocate for a Constitutional Convention of the States. But we are not in normal times. The path to normal times is a truly rough road and many will not make it to the destination. Once there, the survivors can hopefully hammer it all out. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I don't vote because I don't expect things to change under the current system where our power lies simply in choosing the next leader that gets to run loose like a dog off a leash.

We didn't get to a 26+ trillion dollar national debt by having responsible leadership. Until there are harsh guidelines for our leaders and penalties for abuse there won't be any change, it's just going to be changing the cogs in a useless system full of ineffective and corrupt leaders and all the usual political gridlock that goes with it.

Four elections have been lost by the candidate carrying the popular vote, so don't tell me our votes actually count when the victor is determined by the electoral college. Ban the electoral college and if it takes 2 months to count the popular vote, so be it.

Change isn't going to happen regardless if you or I vote or if everybody in the country votes because there's little oversight or regulation as to how the elected operate. It's gonna take 100 or more elected in one shot with the mindset of creating major changes in the way things are done to ever make a difference in reality. So it doesn't matter how many people "put a helmet on, and get in the game"....all we're doing is choosing which fox to guard the henhouse.

That's why voting is clearly a waste of time.....all these people all over the place acting like it's some sacred ritual and cherished right and patriotic duty and thinking the next great white hope is going to turn things around....it's just not going to happen the way the current system is run, the politicians aren't going to kill off the golden goose they have with corporate america, people 1000 years from now are going to be talking about the same shit we're talking about now if anybody thinks they can vote their way into a responsibly run country.
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2020, 01:14 PM
Change isn't going to happen regardless if you or I vote or if everybody in the country votes because there's little oversight or regulation as to how the elected operate. It's gonna take 100 or more elected in one shot with the mindset of creating major changes in the way things are done to ever make a difference in reality. So it doesn't matter how many people "put a helmet on, and get in the game"....all we're doing is choosing which fox to guard the henhouse.

That's why voting is clearly a waste of time.....all these people all over the place acting like it's some sacred ritual and cherished right and patriotic duty and thinking the next great white hope is going to turn things around....it's just not going to happen the way the current system is run, the politicians aren't going to kill off the golden goose they have with corporate america, people 1000 years from now are going to be talking about the same shit we're talking about now if anybody thinks they can vote their way into a responsibly run country.

for those brainwashed by marxist educators that Marxism is superior to representative democracy - sk - Once you give up the right to Vote on your governemnt - You will throw off marxist Socialism only by violent revolution.

See how well Marxism works in the world - Venezuela, , Cuba - etc - russia and China are now Communist dictatorships allowing Capitalism for their economies to keep the peoples subjugated.

You can keep your Racist marxism.

Civil War is coming!
Change isn't going to happen regardless if you or I vote or if everybody in the country votes because there's little oversight or regulation as to how the elected operate. It's gonna take 100 or more elected in one shot with the mindset of creating major changes in the way things are done to ever make a difference in reality. So it doesn't matter how many people "put a helmet on, and get in the game"....all we're doing is choosing which fox to guard the henhouse.

That's why voting is clearly a waste of time.....all these people all over the place acting like it's some sacred ritual and cherished right and patriotic duty and thinking the next great white hope is going to turn things around....it's just not going to happen the way the current system is run, the politicians aren't going to kill off the golden goose they have with corporate america, people 1000 years from now are going to be talking about the same shit we're talking about now if anybody thinks they can vote their way into a responsibly run country.

for those brainwashed by marxist educators that Marxism is superior to representative democracy - sk - Once you give up the right to Vote on your governemnt - You will throw off marxist Socialism only by violent revolution.

See how well Marxism works in the world - Venezuela, , Cuba - etc - russia and China are now Communist dictatorships allowing Capitalism for their economies to keep the peoples subjugated.

You can keep your Racist marxism.

Civil War is coming! Originally Posted by oeb11
I'm not promoting marxism or racism, for the record our founding fathers were clearly racist. I'm just stating that voting is clearly overrated given what little control we have on them after they get elected.

Do you honestly think we are going to vote a 26 trillion dollar national debt down to nothing? Representive democracy working absolutely splendidly when it comes to managing the National Credit Card. Bravo! Voting at it's finest! Keep up the fine job of voting!

So what if we have representative democracy....how are we being represented by the people we elect in our democracy anyway? It only works if there is structure and rules in place, which there are few. Ok, so you don't like the job the guy is doing then your only recourse is to vote another loser into his place?
Thank you, Why_Yes_I Do for your respectful eply. I agree that we likely agree a lot. To give you a hint as to my leanings, I would likely vote for Pence if he were the Republican nominee, but Trump's vitriol and mood swings, and denial of science frankly scare the bejesus out of me (humor intended, since I'm a professed athiest), so personally, I'll be voting AGAINST him and all those who tag onto his coattails without thinking for themselves (current governor of Missouri for example). Don't care to argue my logic, but thats my opinion, expressed respectfully, and my right as is yours or anyone else's right.

I generally hate analogys, because they are never perfect and people like to snipe at the imperfection, rather than the point. And, I'll admit this one is dramatic. One of the most horrific videos I've ever seen is of ISIS be-heading a whole group of people at one time. No resistance from the condemned; they simply accepted their fate and were slaughtered brutally. Personally, I would have fought like hell, even though useless. Point is, if someone chooses to not vote, then they should bow their head and accept their fate (good or bad, not arguing that point). Not my style though, I think all should "fight" for what we think is "Right"....or "Left"....and that was truly meant as humor.
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2020, 02:10 PM
I'm not promoting marxism or racism, for the record our founding fathers were clearly racist. I'm just stating that voting is clearly overrated given what little control we have on them after they get elected.

Do you honestly think we are going to vote a 26 trillion dollar national debt down to nothing? Representive democracy working absolutely splendidly when it comes to managing the National Credit Card. Bravo! Voting at it's finest! Keep up the fine job of voting!

So what if we have representative democracy....how are we being represented by the people we elect in our democracy anyway? It only works if there is structure and rules in place, which there are few. Ok, so you don't like the job the guy is doing then your only recourse is to vote another loser into his place? Originally Posted by sexykarma

Our forefathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were 'racist' - therefore we must tear down everything they did or said or passed down to us in modern times.

a wee bit of modern DPST marxist ideology and propaganda!
Throwing the baby out with the bathwater
Judging people of 200 years ago by your modern day indoctrinated and brain washed Marxist ideology.

Go ahead Vote Biden - I support your right to do so.

Neither you - sk - nor any of the DPST party support the right to freedom of speech which is not c/w your marxist ideology, the right to keep and bear arms - and support of our Constitution and representative democracy.

Vote Biden - and you won't ever have to be 'bothered' to vot again .
marxist Socialism can be voted in - but only thrown off through force of Arms
Civil war is coming!
oeb...for the record, I'm not voting for either or any candidates in the upcoming election, the next election will be another in a string of elections to choose the next candidate to kick the can down the road, you and all the dreamers out there can pick the ones with the weakest legs.

Biden or whoever gets elected isn't going to be radical enough to turn this country communist or marxist or whatever overnight as some people think, whoever gets elected is just gonna be another stagnant piece in a useless government that can't solve problems and can't run a business. They'll talk a big game like the rest have and smear their opponents like the rest have but at the end of the next 4 years the only thing that will change is the names in the political race.

The usual infighting between the dems and 'pubs will still continue like 2 gangs fighting for the same drug turf, and the national debt will climb to about 30 trillion in the hole.

Contrary to what you may think, I support the 1st and 2nd amendments but I'm not rabid about the 2nd amendment like some diehard NRA zealot. They spend their time shielding their weapons from some boogeyman government though when the time comes when the dollar goes to zero it's going to be neighbors vs neighbors protecting themselves from home invasions...if law and order breaks down there may not be a government to fight against....I would expect the leaders who are wealthy enough to simply take an "extended vacation" and move off to the French riviera, New Zealand or some tropical island paradise, if they're liquid enough in gold or silver. They won't be sticking around here to face some angry uprising by unwarranted optimistic people who thought they could turn things around by voting. They'll skip town and just play the blame game, dems will blame the 'pubs and 'pubs will blame the dems....same as it is now. And they still won't give a shit.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

It is written - if One is not a socialist when young, One has no heart
If One is not a Capitalist when mature - One has no brain.

Socialism is not an answer - and neither is the DPST party Plantation politics and race-baiting. Originally Posted by oeb11

what is one who has no heart and no brain?
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Civil War is coming! Originally Posted by oeb11
You keep posting, and posting, and posting this.

I'm guessing you REALLY want to see it happen. Are you hoping for a violent end to the USA??
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Ga-a-a-a-ck!! You really, truly, don't know anything useful. Must have to wear slip-on shoes too.

Last I heard, if a black or LBG-whatever, got a decent and useful education and applied themselves, they will get a decent paying job and be able to move to a location of their choosing. If it was a really good education, they would be able to tell dincuses like you to jump off a cliff.

Let's face it, you are likely not Hitlery Clintoon, so you cannot rewrite history.

"Of the people and for the people"....except if you're black or some other minority, female, LBGT... Originally Posted by sexykarma
  • oeb11
  • 08-21-2020, 08:19 AM
what is one who has no heart and no brain? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

An elected Democrat in the House or Senate!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I'm not promoting marxism or racism,.. Originally Posted by sexykarma

You are nothing but Racism and Marxism. Well, a heap'n help'n of dumb as rock and clueless sprinkled on top perhaps.