Turning Texas Blue

Harsh comments dude, I hope you aren't violent. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
You hope I'm not violent?? That's rich. We're talking about people who want the "right" to roto-rooter babies into the third semester. Harsh, indeed...[/QUOTE]

Sorry oilman, I didn't mean to be personal. I was thinking of the extreme wing of the pro-lifers that have bombed clinics and killed people.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I wasn't aware those casinos were yours, or Oklahoma's, chief! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
actually my daughters and I believe there are sales taxes on the food you eat plus the gasoline taxes but they are just truckstop's
I've lived in TX for a long time. It will eventually be a blue state. That's not pie in the sky, it's simply a reflection of changing demographics. The GOP refuses to see it, but the writing is on the wall. Once that happens, there will never be another Republican President, because they won't have the electoral votes to overcome California, New York, and Texas.

Unless they drastically change their platform, starting NOW, they are going to see their voter base steadily shrinking. It's probably a waste of time for them to even attempt to court the Latino vote at this point. They'd have better luck reaching out to independents and white Democrats by taking a more moderate stance on issues.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
actually my daughters and I believe there are sales taxes on the food you eat plus the gasoline taxes but they are just truckstop's Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
"Truckstop's" what?
LexusLover's Avatar
I've lived in TX for a long time. It will eventually be a blue state. Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie
Me, too. Apparently longer than you, because since reconstruction until about 20 to 30 years ago it was primarily Democratic dominated.

Hopefully the immigration plan of flooding the Southwestern states with illegal aliens and then "legalizing" them with at least the right to vote will fail and the Northeastern states will have to come up with some other way to "pack" the voting booths in the Southwestern states in the effort to create a one-party nation.

It will take more than a fully-busted, hot babe senator and a mob in the gallery to shift the conservative landscape in the Texas. Also, I recognize that the liberals in this state (and outside) believe that they can bullshit the Hispanic (legal) voters into believing that the liberals are their best bet for "living the dream" they came her to enjoy, but there will be personalities who will influence their perspective and the predominately conservative and religious Hispanic voters will rethink their alliances.
I've been watching you gentlman discuss this at length and thought I would weigh in as a female and a former Colorado resident.

First of all I hate that our whole political system can be stopped by a filabuster and an angry mob. But its also unfortunate that these politicians are allowed to vote for what they supposedly think I want. I have never agreed with the electoral college and wish there was a way for everyone to vote on every topic vs politicians voting on a topic based on which group yells the loudest. I know, I know, completely unfeasable they say but in a world of information technology you would think we could find a better plan.

Next when the takeover of colorado began it started with the "let the puppy moo" campaign for gay rights and ended with legalizing pot. Now I don't have anything personal against people with different lifestyles (hey I'm here on eccie right) but it brought every right wing thinker for miles to want to live there now and all the residents are jumping ship. I came to TX because I love the way that Texans always threaten to ceceide everytime they don't like the politics. That's Moxy! Please lets not try and be a blue state or a red state but a state with its own opinion and thought process.

And finally on the original abortionl topic. 20 weeks is too late. stop being an f***ing procrastinator! A woman should know within minutes if she wants to be tied to that dude for the rest of her life. piss or get off the pot ladies!

Off my soapbox now
LexusLover's Avatar
But its also unfortunate that these politicians are allowed to vote for what they supposedly think I want. Originally Posted by Charlottehoney
They don't vote for what they think "you" want. They vote for what they think the majority of their constituents want. Not being disrespectful in the least .. but that's ...

.. representative government.

What do the majority of Texans (and I mean Texans .. not carpetbaggers) want?

less government
less taxes
more jobs
better economy
safer, controlled borders
less drugs
controlled abortions
fewer out of staters coming in here and telling us what we want.

which is not an exhaustive list
[QUOTE=LexusLover;1053258301]Me, too. Apparently longer than you, because since reconstruction until about 20 to 30 years ago it was primarily Democratic dominated.

. Also, I recognize that the liberals in this state (and outside) believe that they can bullshit the Hispanic (legal) voters into believing that the liberals are their best bet for "living the dream" they came her to enjoy, /QUOTE

That is something tha also makes me wonder. We have a perfect example of what close to 5 decades of liberal policy's can do for a ethnic community. Just look at the Black Community. 70 percent out of wedlock birth rate, herded into slum housing projects, the highest unemployment rate of any other major group, and the highest incarceration per population of all the major ethnic groups in the Country.

To maintain all of this, all they have to do is continue to vote Democrat at a 90 percent rate.

I'm sure this is just what the Hispanics want for their children.
Yes and in this age of super fast information we should have already figured out a way for representatives to take polls of their district on a topic basis. Emailing, tweeting, facebooking.....how about text polling so everyone can be heard. They are already tracking us anyway right
I B Hankering's Avatar
The only thing "turning blue" is the dumb-fuck golem jackass's prick-shaped head which is "turning blue" from oxygen deprivation because of the cock ring the dumb-fuck golem jackass wears around its putrid, scrawny neck. That's why the dumb-fuck golem jackass was elected:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What a FAG! ll you do is talk about my "prick" and my "ass." Your use of the word "fuck" in virtually every sentence you direct my way might also indicate a latent desire for a little butt love.

Sorry, you're not my type. Im not into trannies or corproohiliacs.

Oh, and where's that link, shitbreath?
Free shit paid for by others will always win the day when the freeloaders can control electoral outcomes !

There is no proof that Hispanics will act more like Asians than the black community...all evidence suggests they will follow the black path of plantation politics.

The future of Texas (and America) is bleak.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
America for white patriots, eh, Whirlyheave?

why'd you leave Diamonds and Tuxedos? They run you off, too?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
All of the Teawipe asswholes keep throwing tantrums and holding their breath.

It will be a few more years before the coherence level here rises to ground level, unfortunately.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I believe the Kermit Gosnell trial changed a lot of people's thinking on abortion, especially the late term version.

Even the most ardent supporters of choice get squeezy when you start talking about hacking up 20 week fetuses. The truth is, it looks too damned much like a real live baby.

As medical science progresses, you will probably see more and more people turn against the abortion industry.

Why the heck doesn't every woman, or girl, that is old enough to breed carry a morning after pill with them at all times. This could end 95 percent of all abortions. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Having ladies carry the morning after pill or even carrying around other forms of contraceptives (hell, dudes should be carrying around condoms too) would be great but would require quite a few changes such as sex education that is something other than abstinence-only and a cultural shift where it's acceptable to have sex without being married to your partner.

Free shit paid for by others will always win the day when the freeloaders can control electoral outcomes !

There is no proof that Hispanics will act more like Asians than the black community...all evidence suggests they will follow the black path of plantation politics.

The future of Texas (and America) is bleak. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I honestly think a large difference between Asians and say blacks & hispanics is the education level of the general demographic of immigrants.

A much higher percentage of hispanic immigrants are illegal and have less education than many Asian immigrants who a much higher percentage are here for their undergrad or graduate programs.

Higher education will usually mean higher income and generally speaking, those with higher income will tend to vote Republican.

Sadly, as we see in much of the black community (of course there are many exceptions to this generalization!), at least in the US, it seems that there's a general acceptance of not getting a good education as well as idealization of rappers/athletes/the prison culture. That cycle just seems to be a very difficult cycle to break.