Time For GOP to stop criticizing Obamacare

flghtr65's Avatar
Here is your answer JD. President Obama did not intend for the 85% to lose their policies. Did you see the interview he did with NBC before he met with all the state insurance commissioners(to get the cancelled old policies back)? They put a clause into the law to say that if you had a policy from 2010 that did not change, the insured could continue with that policy. The exchange website rolled out in 2013. The insurance companies chose to cancel the policies, stating that policies had changed. It was a technicality why the policies were cancelled. It was not because Obama wanted them to be cancelled. Obama has done two different things to remedy the cancellation issue. He had a meeting with all the state insurance commissioners, to see if the cancelled policies could be offered again. The state of New Jersey has agreed to do so. I don't know about other states. The second thing that was done is that if you can't get your old policy back, you can sign up for a limited type coverage policy that was designed for people 30 years old and under. It is unfortunate that the old policies were cancelled when they weren't suppose to be. This is not an issue to scrap the ACA law and start over. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Here is the hardship exemption that I was talking about that was granted Dec. 20th for policyholders who received the cancellation letters.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
its a good thing WE aren't paying for procedures at county hospitals, and free clinics that far exceed insurance subsidies isn't it ?

YOU MORON. Originally Posted by CJ7
Of course. Now we are subsidizing treatments and procedures the policyholders WILL NEVER USE! And you call ME a moron? Methinks thou doth protest too much.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-03-2014, 10:54 PM
Of course. Now we are subsidizing treatments and procedures the policyholders WILL NEVER USE! And you call ME a moron? Methinks thou doth protest too much. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

yup, you're a moron.