The facts do not justify the fear

LexusLover's Avatar
toilet paper shortage lol Originally Posted by Missburger
... there's a bottled water "shortage" and

... potato and corn chips are flying off the shelves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Twinkie Supply is depleted!

But think about it for a moment .....

... standing in line with a bunch of potentially infected consumers to get a shot at more potato and corn chips ....

... the water and TP has evaporated! The Chinese have quit sending stuff to the U.S.

Countries with less restraint on their governments have a better chance to isolate and mandate their citizens into anti-virus behavior. "Hoarding" and other anti-social activity can be quelled with a directive. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Like I said earlier...

China couldn't contain the virus in its borders, and they probably violated every single human right in the book to try to prevent the spread....and I wouldn't put it past them to underreport the effects within their own borders.
As they go back to work, I wonder if the outbreak will flare back up, now that the draconian measures are lifted enough to ramp back up the economic machine.
close but not quite right. it's not genetics it's built up immunity from the crappy food supply in China. they eat rotten crap food so regularly .. daily .. that it doesn't affect them so much anymore. they live in squalor, eat crap and breathe air so bad it would "cure" smoker's hack.

the crappy food processing in China is what caused this to begin with. and Bird flu and Swine flu. China is a filthy nasty pollution filled shithole. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Or perhaps the environment/culture "weeded out" the ones with weaker defenses, as well?
the "informed elite" they have on these sunday morning talk shows ..give me the guys down at the old pit barbeque in pleasanton or city market in luling
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Or perhaps the environment/culture "weeded out" the ones with weaker defenses, as well? Originally Posted by SecretE

so you believe in the power of evolution to wipe people out.... got it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
let see here.. i have a problem with your thinking that its a dead issue.

for the people who were affected by the fbi malpractice, its not a dead issue. they were obviously harmed by it.

Cry me a river.

people expect fairness in our institutions, what went on with the fisa court was not fair by any metric.
What people?

Prosecutors and judges fucking over the elite is funny to those of us who have been fucked over by prosecutors and judges. Story? No. Not to me. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
cry me a river?? ur a sicko.

you'd be okay with corrupt feds filing false charges and fake evidence against u if they decide they don't like you or the way you think.

as for people, I was referring to american people.
HedonistForever's Avatar
No. You yourself said the only people who see a story "are all on the right". It's the kind of "news" only those on the far right wing is worth telling. Like Sean Hannity. That's what I mean.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

No, only those on the right are reporting the story. The left see it ( how could they not ) just like I believe you do but they will not report on it because it will hurt their cause and destroy their narrative. The left MSM simply refuses to cover such stories detrimental to their cause. Maybe the right does some of that but not nearly to the extent the left does and AGAIN, we have the collusion hoax and FISA abuse story to back up my point.

From the very beginning, Fox News said there was no conspiracy. CNN and MSNBC, NYT and WAPO said there was. Adam Schiff said he had the evidence but for what ever reason, wouldn't share it with us. Now we know why, he lied. Simple as that. When Devin Nunes first reported on FISA abuse and whether you define it as a "story" or not, it happened which you finally acknowledged, good for you. Adam Schiff and those I just listed, said NO! everything was done by the book. It wasn't, that was a lie and Nunes had the evidence that Schiff and all the rest dismissed. Why? Because it would hurt their narrative to admit it and they still won't admit it.

I could give you a hundred such examples of the left not carrying a "story", report if you like because it wouldn't be good for their business like we found out when a secret recording of the head of CNN telling all his people that they will report on impeaching Trump and nothing else and don't even talk to people with a narrative other than the one they are pushing like "don't even interview Lindsey Graham anymore".

To say an unprecedented story of corruption at the FBI, DOJ and possibly CIA, isn't worth telling merely makes my point and highlights your agenda to cover up such stories because they will hurt your side of the aisle. You reluctantly admit the judge wrote a scathing report about corruption which if directed at the right, you would be all over it, but since it is directed at the left, in your words "not interested". I think that pretty much says it all.
lustylad's Avatar
No, only those on the right are reporting the story. The left see it ( how could they not ) just like I believe you do but they will not report on it because it will hurt their cause and destroy their narrative. The left MSM simply refuses to cover such stories detrimental to their cause. Maybe the right does some of that but not nearly to the extent the left does and AGAIN, we have the collusion hoax and FISA abuse story to back up my point.

From the very beginning, Fox News said there was no conspiracy. CNN and MSNBC, NYT and WAPO said there was. Adam Schiff said he had the evidence but for what ever reason, wouldn't share it with us. Now we know why, he lied. Simple as that. When Devin Nunes first reported on FISA abuse and whether you define it as a "story" or not, it happened which you finally acknowledged, good for you. Adam Schiff and those I just listed, said NO! everything was done by the book. It wasn't, that was a lie and Nunes had the evidence that Schiff and all the rest dismissed. Why? Because it would hurt their narrative to admit it and they still won't admit it.

I could give you a hundred such examples of the left not carrying a "story", report if you like because it wouldn't be good for their business like we found out when a secret recording of the head of CNN telling all his people that they will report on impeaching Trump and nothing else and don't even talk to people with a narrative other than the one they are pushing like "don't even interview Lindsey Graham anymore".

To say an unprecedented story of corruption at the FBI, DOJ and possibly CIA, isn't worth telling merely makes my point and highlights your agenda to cover up such stories because they will hurt your side of the aisle. You reluctantly admit the judge wrote a scathing report about corruption which if directed at the right, you would be all over it, but since it is directed at the left, in your words "not interested". I think that pretty much says it all. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

This post is spot-on! I couldn't agree more. Thank you for explaining it all so plainly in a way anyone can understand.

Ever since the truth of the story started seeping out in late 2017, I have been astonished at the way the left has refused to own up to what happened. Can anyone imagine the media covering up for the 1972 Watergate break-in to bug Larry O'Brien's phone at the DNC? That's exactly what their behavior in today's FISA abuse scandal is tantamount to.

As AG Barr said "I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal!" Nobody can intelligently disagree with that simple statement. Every attempt to do so ultimately breaks down into the laughable, scornworthy argument that it's ok if we do it but wrong if they do it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Or perhaps the environment/culture "weeded out" the ones with weaker defenses, as well? Originally Posted by SecretE
so you believe in the power of evolution to wipe people out.... got it. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

i think he meant a "culling". not like that hasn't happened in China before, yeah?
HoeHummer's Avatar
purification of the nation? Sounds like somethings right up your alley, Pedsy.

Hanging corpses and everts goddamneds thing!

And dilsy, yous don’t believe in evolutions? I’m not surprised.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
cry me a river?? ur a sicko.

you'd be okay with corrupt feds filing false charges and fake evidence against u if they decide they don't like you or the way you think.

as for people, I was referring to american people. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Again, cry me a river. Of course I'm not okay with the government using fake evidence and filing false charges against anyone. Why the elite white privilage outrage now? Want a tissue?

Why do the American people expect fairness and equal justice? Tissue?

No, only those on the right . . . .

From the very beginning, Fox News said . . . .

I think that pretty much says it all. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

I still like your writing style.

+1 Originally Posted by lustylad
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
i think he meant a "culling". not like that hasn't happened in China before, yeah? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

culling, shmulling whatever.... its the same thing.....

if by evolution naturally or by manmade extirpation...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
purification of the nation? Sounds like somethings right up your alley, Pedsy.

Hanging corpses and everts goddamneds thing!

And dilsy, yous don’t believe in evolutions? I’m not surprised. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
i believe in evolution so... you don't know what the hell ur talking about spastic mouth.

Трахни тебя!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Again, cry me a river. Of course I'm not okay with the government using fake evidence and filing false charges against anyone. Why the elite white privilage outrage now?

I don't think "of course I'm not okay with the government using fake evidence and filling false charges", lines up with "I just don't think it's a story anybody is interested in", now does it. It seems to me the more you write, the bigger hole you dig for yourself.

Why the elite white privilege outrage now?

Because now is when it is happening and what on earth does being White have to do with any of this? Are White's even those with privilege, what ever that means, less deserving of Constitutional guarantees? But you see, right there, this identity politics crap is what pisses me off most about the Democrat party. You just can't help yourself.

Why do the American people expect fairness and equal justice?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

From the guy that just told us he isn't okay with the government using fake evidence and filing false charges. The American people expect fairness and equal justice because that's what the Constitution and our laws guarantee us and the "self respecting citizen" means to hold their government to those guarantees no matter who it involves, not tell us they aren't interested when unfairness and unequal justice are presented to them.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
From the guy that just told us he isn't okay with the government using fake evidence and filing false charges. The American people expect fairness and equal justice because that's what the Constitution and our laws guarantee us and the "self respecting citizen" means to hold their government to those guarantees no matter who it involves, not tell us they aren't interested when unfairness and unequal justice are presented to them.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
"Spoken" like a true old white guy who doesn't recognize privilage.

The reason it's not a story is because government prosecuters have been abusing their power against minorities for centuries. I'm not okay with it. It's a dead story. Why does it seem to you I'm digging myself a whole? Maybe becaue your an angry old white guy who can't admit you expect fairness. Only when it makes you sad.

Now is not the only time this has happened. Even at it's worst and most malicious. NOW you think it's something people should put on the front page? If you care about justice, you care about the hundreds, if not thousands, of wrongful executions of innocent Americans.

You should help yourself to opening your eyes about asking me if whites are less deserving of Constitutional right. And see that I want equal rights for every American. Even if they don't have D.C. super lawyers.

Is that too hard to read?