Oh Fani - get ready for your mugshot

berryberry's Avatar
What possible reason would a local DA have to spend hours at the White House? Maybe she was partying with Hunter. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
None. It was all part of Senile Biden and the Democrats plan to try and bury him in bogus lawsuits because they know they can't beat him in a free and fair election

Senile Biden and his admin illegally colluded with Fat Ass Fani and helped her to bring this bogus case
berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: Trump Co-Defendant offers eyewitness proof that Fulton DA Fani Willis lied to the court

"Special Prosecutor" Wade's former law partner will testify the love affair began before Willis was sworn in as DA

Willis stated it was only in 2022 that the affair began

So lets add perjury to Fani's list of crimes she committed
berryberry's Avatar
Fani also trying to evade the law

REAKING: U.S. Marshals Service have hand delivered a House Judiciary Committee subpoena personally to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis after she failed to take service of it over email
... Too Right! ... I heard from MTG on Friday.
She said that Fani is better-off resigning right now.

Crikey! ... this whole thing has surely hit the skids...

### Salty
Several articles today whistleblowers coming forward against her.

Most know the country will never be the same do to Obama. All the discord in this country started when Obuma was in office.

Now we have rioting, looting, burning, people fleeing liberal run cities do to liberal policies.
The liberals have abused racism to the point it’s become ineffective and disgraceful to actual racism!
How about this, it’s Obama’s Doing not Trumps or so-called MAGA people.
... Too right, Chase... Some of the whistleblowers are from
Fani's own office! ... They warned her that she and Mr. Wade
were mis-using funds, earmarked for one exact project and then
just using funds for something else. ... That's a no-no...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
New Complaint Reveals ALMOST HALF of Fulton County DA Fani Willis’ Campaign Contributions Purportedly Tied to ILLEGAL Money Laundering..

A freshly lodged complaint claims that close to 50% of Willis' campaign funds, totaling about $168,000, are connected to unlawful activities, such as money laundering and identity theft.
All these cases against Trump are politically motivated. What does that say about where the country was and is now after Obama.

I keep saying it over and over again, the likes of Willis will one day come after the liberals if any of them step out of line once we have a one party system like China, Russia, Brazil and North Korea.

Laugh it off like it won’t happen, It already is, some don’t care at the moment but they will once the liberals have total control.
As a small example of control the BS ban on natural gas appliances. May seem like nothing to some, how about the once requirement to get a Covid shot if you want employment by the government, shutting down power plants, coal mines, pipelines and drilling to advance China batteries and solar panels, wonder who’s getting pay backs and contributions from China.

Willis and other local DA’s controlling our elections while being the ones that’s actually corrupt.
Check out the DOJ going after Trump for the exact same thing every other President did while dropping the same charges against Biden.
This is exactly what the likes of China does. What does this say about you if you support using the government to come after anyone purely for power and control.

Willis will go down like Obama’s IRS person Lois Lerner that went after conservatives, nothing, it will just be a smoke screen.
Lerner simply retired with full benefits while Obama gave his phony smile.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
A one party system is why dems want to continue to flood the country with indigent foreigners. Dems have a lock on those who sponge off the taxpayer, every border crosser is another potential vote. Everyone knows this, even if politicians won’t admit it outwardly.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Thread is not about the boarder or foreigners
berryberry's Avatar
Witness to testify that Fani Willis began her relationship with Nathan Wade TWO YEARS PRIOR to the beginning of the election case against President Trump..

“Willis claimed the relationship started only AFTER the case began.”

“The defense attorney, basically says Fani Willis is lying.”
berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: Judge in Trump Case in Georgia on Fani Willis: “I think it's possible that the facts alleged could result in disqualification. I think an evidentiary hearing must occur to establish the record on those core allegations”
... Me political "insiders" are sayin' that the Evidentiary Hearing
has been scheduled for Thursday. ... 15 Feb.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Another BAD DAY in court for old Fani.

Reminder that a year ago, Fani Willis got dressed down by a judge for hosting a fundraiser for the **political opponent of a Trump elector she was trying to prosecute**

Judge called it "horrific" conflict

She should have been disqualified/disbarred then. Oh well, her day is coming
... Me political "insiders" are sayin' that the Evidentiary Hearing
has been scheduled for Thursday. ... 15 Feb.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... Ya know something, mates... I gotta wonder IF
Trump will be allowed to sit in the courtroom
during the Evidentiary Hearing to view the evidence
against Fani. ...

... Trump sitting in the front row there, and
smirking as all the misdeeds and blatant corruption
are aired in full display... ...

Wouldn't THAT be Grand? ...

#### Salty