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Sweet N Little's Avatar
A friend once told me " You could have the most gorgeous wife/husband and eventually one of you will get tired of fucking the other one." Originally Posted by shorty
aka hugh grant and elisabeth hurley
London Rayne's Avatar
When you get married, you take an oath of fidelity. Be a man of your word. If your marriage is that unfullfilling, then "MAN UP", end it and move on.

For if a man chooses to honor the contracts he enters into at will, picking and choosing to suit his needs, then his word means little.

Like Dr Phil says, if he does it with you, he will do it to you...... Originally Posted by FatBastard
Awww...just awww.
shorty's Avatar
Exactly SNL!! Sometimes it not always about the looks. I'm not the greatest looking nor very tall guy but I'm real kind and considerate of other people. However, kind and considerate doesn't get you much play in real life. Why is it that ladies want that hunk or bad guy image?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I will take kind and considerate anyday over hunk/bad guy. When i was younger i went for the bad boy type but alas i grew I think thats why a lot of relationships dont last is that we think we want one thing and crave the other.
Im only 5'1"
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I can't read everything on my phone at the moment but I read one comment and I need to say....

Ok I do not in any way think that marriage is easy it is probably one if not the hardest thing you will ever do. That is the reason I say that the words you speak at that alter are so special. I know quite a few that have a very good marriage.... more in my family than I can count. Let me tell ya.... it's because they put each other first in everything they do. I mean everything. That person you marry is suppose to be number one over everything.

Let me get this straight..... most men say that they would die for their wives. Even the ones that do this which if their wives found out they did would probably destroy them. You will die for your wife if had to but you can't sacrafice sex for her until you find out what you need to do in order for her to heal so that she can give her all to you.

I can't say that these men that do this are wrong for seeing providers. Unless two people believe in the same authority and can go to something that will day what is right and wrong this is a pointless discussion but the way I feel about marriage is stated so far.
shorty's Avatar
That's kinda what I thought. I see all these nice looking ladies that are in a relationship and they think he's hung the moon. I all see is she's pregant or has a kid and he's treating her like dirt. Guess that's why we have a pretty high divorce rate among 18-35yrs.
burkalini's Avatar
I think thru the questions and suggestions I got from some of the providers I saw when I was hobbying has made me a better lover. I know my SO and I have a great love life.
shorty's Avatar
I do believe that hobbying does make us a better person towards the lady.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I do believe that hobbying does make us a better person towards the lady. Originally Posted by shorty
Trust me when I say that hobbying can also have the complete opposite affect. Let's take a guy with low self esteem. Ah hah finally the guy with no confidence, that never asked a girl out for fear of rejection has found a sure thing. No risk of rejection. Well here you can be rejected as well. For any number of reasons. Sorry to break it to the guys but money is not king to all the ladies here. Quite a few will turn you down. If he gets turned down by a provider a few times or subjects himself to some of the bad apples that take advantage of him being a "nice" guy and they usually are then his heart will harden. He will become jaded towards women period. Not just providers but all women...... There are quite a few of those here.
shorty's Avatar
That is true EA. However, I feel hobbying does make you better aware of what ladies like in the bedroom and just in general.
Trust me when I say that hobbying can also have the complete opposite affect. Let's take a guy with low self esteem. Ah hah finally the guy with no confidence, that never asked a girl out for fear of rejection has found a sure thing. No risk of rejection. Well here you can be rejected as well. For any number of reasons. Sorry to break it to the guys but money is not king to all the ladies here. Quite a few will turn you down. If he gets turned down by a provider a few times or subjects himself to some of the bad apples that take advantage of him being a "nice" guy and they usually are then his heart will harden. He will become jaded towards women period. Not just providers but all women...... There are quite a few of those here. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Yes I was told once by a provider that she ended an appointment with someone who was just a horrible kisser. Just because you have the money there doesn't mean the appointment will take place. Both parties have to feel comfortable for it to be enjoyable.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yes I was told once by a provider that she ended an appointment with someone who was just a horrible kisser. Just because you have the money there doesn't mean the appointment will take place. Both parties have to feel comfortable for it to be enjoyable. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Well said!
jughead1171's Avatar
Save the marriage? I would probably answer no to that one. Hobbying I think would better be described as a symptom of a marriage in real trouble (unless the SO is aware and is ok with the hobbying activities).
I know you can't put these two in the same category. What about a guy who goes to strip clubs? Usually when he gets home he fucks the bloody hell outta his SO
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Depends.... Only the wife knows if it truly hurts her that he goes to a strip club. If it does hurt her then he shouldn't. If it doesn't then by all means he can do what he wants but mark my words.... eventually it will hurt her and wear her down. IMO when we are married we put the other first above us in everything. No grey area.....