Great news in the fight of over population

Ducbutter's Avatar
The above is pure fear mongering propoganda and typical uninformed responses. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Funny, but that pretty well sums up the premise of this thread.
Ducbutter's Avatar
A book written by men- to control men. Ok- When there is an instruction manual for you to follow- I see you want to follow it. That reminds me of those ppl who lack free will and need to follow some dictation of go forth and multiply. PPl who live on islands without christianity seem to also do that dont they? Perhaps it's just part of being a human that you don't need to follow a book of instructions- you just do what you need to do to survive and enjoy life- including fucking, eating and protecting yourself. Eye for an eye isn't novel for example.

Populations in Hindu' areas are exploding- they didn't read a bible. Just wondering why that Anglo-Saxon book means more to Merican's than being a good person who doesn't cheat, lie, steal or commit crimes against their fellow-man?

I mean- I don't think even little kids think those things are OK- despite not having been in sunday school or theologists!

BTW- a "Trump" association to the bible is an abomination, just as his name associated to any book, tax return or game- will result in said reference being- "all you're about to read is fiction". LOL Originally Posted by eyecu2
You clearly don't know the first thing about the bible.
Keep telling us more about what you don't know. It's entertaining.

For first time the world's population has declined.
Some govts are recklessly calling for more births.

A decline in the over population of our planet is great news. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Well it is true, it’s not statistically significant.
The target number is 500 million. So between Wars, Disease, poisons in our food and water, vaccines to induce infertility and more disease the population has no choice but to drop. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Is there a moderator here? Not only should this reply be removed but the account that posted it. Please. Unless credibility is not an issue. Then by all means…..
Don't complain if you end up somewhere where you don't want to be. Originally Posted by Levianon17
What is your reference here? I don’t understand whatsoever your reference
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Is there a moderator here? Not only should this reply be removed but the account that posted it. Please. Unless credibility is not an issue. Then by all means….. Originally Posted by Daneskold1
Psssst! Your inner monolouge is showing and it ain't even wearing underwear. Besides, the OP is struggling to muster up the courage to be part of the solution that they seek.
winn dixie's Avatar
Psssst! Your inner monolouge is showing and it ain't even wearing underwear. Besides, the OP is struggling to muster up the courage to be part of the solution. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I've paid for several abortions. How's that for being part of the solution! Through population control we can eliminate many of humanity's problems, and stabilize the earth's resources.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Closed minds ignore science and environmental signs.
God says to be fruitful. He also says gluttony is a wrong.
In other words. God wants us to be responsible with the earth he provided. We are not doing that.
Population control is the best plan to ensure the future of the human race. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Closed minds ignore the math. Become part of the solution that you seek.
I thought this "500 million" clap-trap sounded eerily familiar. Just couldn't recall the Master Plan of it. Anyway, found it and it sorta makes the Communist Manifesto seem like a First Grade reader.

2030 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) hide a 6 armed scheme to gradually murder global population (7,5 billion until reaching their “sustainable” 500 million target) with:
  • Lethal “medicine”
  • Longterm harmful microwaves
  • Climate changing
  • Food and water
  • Nuclear irradiation
  • Choking digi-tatorship
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

You know, I was sort of wondering the same thing myself when I first saw this thread. (Where have I seen this 500 million number? Sounds eerily familiar.)

Sometime later, this occurred to me: I had read something about the "Georgia Guidestones," a stone monument commissioned by a religious fanatic who actually changed his last name to Christian!

Apparently he and his flock decided that 500 million is the population level that allows humanity to remain "in balance with nature."

Speaking of eccentrics:

In a similar vein, there was a UT-Austin prof who seemed to think the Earth is doomed if we didn't find some way to off about 90% of the globe's population. I remember seeing this back a few years ago:

One thing stands out as a bit of a curiosity here, though.

The guy had 18 "pet bison" walking around on his acreage near dripping Springs.

For someone who seems so panicked about strains on the earth's resources, doesn't that strike you as just a tad ideologically inconsistent?

Then there's Dr. Paul Ehrlich, the doom-predicting professor who wrote The Population Bomb way back in 1968:

Those with serious concerns about this issue probably think he deserves a lifetime achievement award for his body of work in this area.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The target number is 500 million... Originally Posted by Levianon17
I would agree that the solution to climate change is, in fact, likely only 500Thousand souls. Unfortunately, it dwells within a global population of a fuzz over 8Billion. The solution appears reversed in the equation. Take a look at the below X-post, from someone that hails themselves as a Climate Change Expert:

The cult of the Climate Change by Any Means Necessary

From the very bottom of the post we see where the reasonable target of 500 Thousand exists. It is: (the number of likes +39,000 hangers-on, aka wanna-be's). So's I axe ya: As such, would not the Greater Good for the bulk of human kind be more effectively achieved with eliminating 500Thousand Climate Hoaxers to save the remaining ~7.6Billion souls?

Problem solved?!?
Yet you think the MAGAS should.

It is reasoning like this that demnds population control. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What makes you think that?
Psssst! Your inner monolouge is showing and it ain't even wearing underwear. Besides, the OP is struggling to muster up the courage to be part of the solution that they seek. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
He was scoffing at my post but he got Banned, lol.
winn dixie's Avatar
Some just are relegated to letting whatever happens happen. Very ill informed and selfish.
500 million is a number that has many years of study. It's no random number.
Those who don't want to see. Never will. I'm not too worried bout those folk.
winn dixie's Avatar
Funny, but that pretty well sums up the premise of this thread. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
That's the problem. No one gets it.
Some just are relegated to letting whatever happens happen. Very ill informed and selfish.
500 million is a number that has many years of study. It's no random number.
Those who don't want to see. Never will. I'm not too worried bout those folk. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Don't worry the World Population will drop to the magic number of 500 million. Why do you think people have posted videos of Rail Cars with Coffin Liners stacked up on them? Yeah, they plan to kill people.