Voter fraud bullshit exposed!

I B Hankering's Avatar
You boys is funny. Tell me where that windshield is, kind sir, and I'll be rights ovah to squeegee it.

That would be a long walk for someone like you who sits around collecting welfare checks, Assup. Why don't you just head over to Sixth Street. Maybe you can fool someone into having pity on your lazy, unemployed ass and they'll toss you two bits to help you make it to your next welfare check.
Sensei's Avatar
I am Hispanic and have no problem proving I am eligible to vote. We have to show IDs to cash checks, board a plane, have a drink..but not to put a person in the highest office in the US? Most places that require ID will provide one free of charge, its about time everyone do their civic duty and vote no matter what is required to do so. I have voted from Iraq, Japan, and South America and I hope it counted. Seems some would rather make it nearly impossible for a US Soldier to vote than have regular citizens show an ID...shameful!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I am Hispanic and have no problem proving I am eligible to vote. We have to show IDs to cash checks, board a plane, have a drink..but not to put a person in the highest office in the US? Most places that require ID will provide one free of charge, its about time everyone do their civic duty and vote no matter what is required to do so. I have voted from Iraq, Japan, and South America and I hope it counted. Seems some would rather make it nearly impossible for a US Soldier to vote than have regular citizens show an ID...shameful! Originally Posted by Sensei
IDs or indelible ink.
I am Hispanic and have no problem proving I am eligible to vote. We have to show IDs to cash checks, board a plane, have a drink..but not to put a person in the highest office in the US? Most places that require ID will provide one free of charge, its about time everyone do their civic duty and vote no matter what is required to do so. I have voted from Iraq, Japan, and South America and I hope it counted. Seems some would rather make it nearly impossible for a US Soldier to vote than have regular citizens show an ID...shameful! Originally Posted by Sensei
Thanks for your service. I agree it's shamefull.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-24-2012, 10:18 PM
Seems some would rather make it nearly impossible for a US Soldier to vote than have regular citizens show an ID...shameful! Originally Posted by Sensei
. Who is making it harder for soldiers to vote. It seems to me that you would want all citizen voting. If you do not vote, your taxes should be higher or you have to skip a welfare check or military check. People should be penalized for not voting.

I'm not sure the GOP would go for that. We should also restore the vote to felons once they have paid their debt to society. Why should they never be allowed to vote again?

There are a whole bunch of things we should do to encourage that everyone votes. Not make it harder for folks to vote.
Sensei's Avatar
. Who is making it harder for soldiers to vote. It seems to me that you would want all citizen voting. If you do not vote, your taxes should be higher or you have to skip a welfare check or military check. People should be penalized for not voting.

I'm not sure the GOP would go for that. We should also restore the vote to felons once they have paid their debt to society. Why should they never be allowed to vote again?

There are a whole bunch of things we should do to encourage that everyone votes. Not make it harder for folks to vote. Originally Posted by WTF
It has been going on for some time, either ballots mysteriously being "lost in the mail" or said to be received too late to count; that is when you actually receive your absentee ballot.

Enough Said!
It's a "solution" to a nonexistent problem. All the squawking by the repukes about voter fraud is simply smoke and mirrors to cover up their real agenda: to suppress the votes of Americans likely to vote democratic.

Slimey and lowdown...and typically republican.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It's a "solution" to a nonexistent problem. All the squawking by the repukes about voter fraud is simply smoke and mirrors to cover up their real agenda: to suppress the votes of Americans likely to vote democratic.

Slimey and lowdown...and typically republican. Originally Posted by timpage
Hey Simpleton Timmy, 177 convictions for voter fraud in one election, in one state, with hundreds of other cases being investigated and/or tried; thus, possibly throwing the Senate to the Dimocrats. VOTER FRAUD HAPPENS, SIMPLETON TIMMY!!!
Election boards are made up of half republican and half democrat if voter fraud exists put the blame where it should be,In your own election board...
I don't know why you all waist your time replying to this guy..... What does he have to do with Kansas City. Certainly there is voter fraud and certainly both sides try to suppress votes that are not for their side. Duh... He joined ECCIE just in time for the election (Aug 20. 2012) from Harlem and he is an on the ground liberal trying to stir just like the main stream media.... siding totally with OBAMA & evading every domestic & international policy question. No this guy would rather divert to voter fraud - give me a break.........
Now - let's get back to reviewing providers so we can have some fun...
whether a form of ID will help diminish illegal voting is not certain , voter fraud is however certain. the ease in registering to vote and the lack of any real proof required in registering, the lackadasicalness and/or individual partisanship of government bureaucracies that accept and record registration, and the ever rising number of illegals in the united states render the vote quite open to fraud.

voter registrations are used in selecting people for jury service in most areas. in one u.s. district court, over a two year period, 30,000 or so people were called for service using voter registrations. up to 3% of those called were found to not be u.s. citizens. whether that same percentage would hold across the country is doubtful but in high illegal immigrant areas it is quite possible and enough to affect many elections.

another type of fraud is the student vote and the snowbird vote. away from home and able to vote in disparate locales with no cross checking available. the jewish vote in florida is a prime example of the susceptibility of voting in two places, say new york and then again in florida. and democrat leaders express feigned wonder to fool their supporters at student id's not being acceptable in these voter id laws that states pass in trying to maintain the sanctity of the vote for all. an additional problem in this area is the partisan umbrage of voters should you even try to discuss this.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Election boards are made up of half republican and half democrat if voter fraud exists put the blame where it should be,In your own election board... Originally Posted by ekim008
Same day registration circumvents rigorous vetting. The election boards do not make the laws governing voter registration.
markroxny's Avatar
I don't know why you all waist your time replying to this guy..... What does he have to do with Kansas City. Certainly there is voter fraud and certainly both sides try to suppress votes that are not for their side. Duh... He joined ECCIE just in time for the election (Aug 20. 2012) from Harlem and he is an on the ground liberal trying to stir just like the main stream media.... siding totally with OBAMA & evading every domestic & international policy question. No this guy would rather divert to voter fraud - give me a break.........
Now - let's get back to reviewing providers so we can have some fun... Originally Posted by SP50SYOUNG
Thanks for not knowing what you are talking about. I didn't join in August because of the election. Avoid domestic and international policy questions? WTF are you talking about.

And your argument is that i'm some kind of Obama Operative that decided that is an important place for me to join so I can make political arguments for Obama? Is that your thought process?

I love people who think they know something and post it as gospel when they dont have a clue what they are talking about. You dont know me or my motives so please do not pretend to.
Same day registration circumvents rigorous vetting. The election boards do not make the laws governing voter registration. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You need to live in a better place...
At least from what you have presented here with your Obama flag on your signature - and the lame case that you have presented YOUR MOTIVES ARE OBVIOUS - so don't insult everyone's intelligence by once again throwing a smoke screen like
we can't figure you out ...... Asshole...........