Trumpf inciting insurrection and civil unrest

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fortunately there are far fewer of you than you imagine.
winn dixie's Avatar
I have seen and listening to trumpfs tone and ranting. He definitely was alluding to insurrection.AGAIN.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
As have I. And he shat his drawrz too.
winn dixie's Avatar
Indeed. One would have to, to incite a bloodbath of American citizens
How does anyone even think Diaper Don is sane, nothing but a cry baby loser.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
His tone, demeanor or civility has definitely tracked with his crippling narcissism and deteriorating emotional state.

I think a good barometer of just how desperate Trump is can be found on the pages of this forum. Anger up, truth down. Bigger gap than ever. Trump fucks up in a speech and the MAGAs echo his "that didn't hurt" comments. Looks like a growing number of GOP leaders have had enough of this chump.

Hopefully November will mark the fourth straight cycle that Trumpism gets rejected. Maybe he'll move on to what God intended for him - BUSTING ROCKS!

PS -- Memo to all Trumpists: You won't get your money back!

Now we know magas support a bloodbath if trumppf loses.
No way to take this out of context. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Nobody but Liberals took it out of context. If Trump loses there won't be a blood bath but if he wins there will be a flood of tears from silly little Liberals.
Your media programed the trumpys into believing mass election fraud while showing no evidence. Fox coughed up @$800 million.

If fox keeps current ratings lead, it will take 75 years to recover loss from fine.
No real proof of any of that. The Media was successful at programming your mind into believing that. Then there's Biden making hardly any sense, stumbling over his words making a complete jackass out of himself and that's the only hope for the Democrats to defeat Trump. Give me break. The Democrats deserve to lose in 2024. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Your media programed the trumpys into believing mass election fraud while showing no evidence. Fox coughed up @$800 million.

If fox keeps current ratings lead, it will take 75 years to recover loss from fine. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Hahahaha, What a screwball you are trying to make a point with a chickenshit post. You can't faze me with this nonsense.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Can you understand what it said, Levi?

$800 million is a lot of money, even in MAGA world. Just ask the Scheissfuhrer.

But you should feel flattered. Fox, OANN and Trump are willing to destroy the country and bankrupt themselves to win the battle for the hearts and minds of …

Viewers Like You
Can you understand what it said, Levi?

$800 million is a lot of money, even in MAGA world. Just ask the Scheissfuhrer.

But you should feel flattered. Fox, OANN and Trump are willing to destroy the country and bankrupt themselves to win the battle for the hearts and minds of …

Viewers Like You Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Trump was referring to a "Bloodbath" in reference to the economy and EV Cars it had nothing to do with violence or insurrection. You and others in here didn't understand what he said. You all heard Bloodbath and ran with it. It's immaturity and lack of wisdom that breeds this type of nonsense.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump was referring to a "Bloodbath" in reference to the economy and EV Cars it had nothing to do with violence or insurrection. You and others in here didn't understand what he said. You all heard Bloodbath and ran with it. It's immaturity and lack of wisdom that breeds this type of nonsense. Originally Posted by Levianon17
What part of bloodbath and no more elections did you not understand sir?
Pretty damn clear to millions of americans.
VitaMan's Avatar
Even Salty here went so far as to say Trump is looking for "revenge". Then he tried to soften it, to no avail.

This is the man the Republicans have decided on to be their presidential candidate. The Republican party is just a shell of its former self. They had many good policies and great leaders in the past. Trump is not a leader......he is a pathetic narcissist.

The Reagan era showed what Republicans can do. Even Nixon was tremendous with foreign policy issues.

Trump ? He flies to N. Korea and kisses Kim's ass.
What part of bloodbath and no more elections did you not understand sir?
Pretty damn clear to millions of americans. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Only stupid people with no incite took Trump's comment to mean violence in a literal sense. People took Trump's comment out of context because they wanted to. It was another perfect opportunity for Liberals and Rhinos to portray Trump in a bad light.
Precious_b's Avatar
Well, that term sure does precipitate that reaction it has gotten.
That's on donny.

But y'all rightie rights love those trigger terms. Keeps peoples minds off the massive mercy flush that is about to happen to your orange, excuse me, golden boy.

BTW YR, what happened to those cheapskate deadbeats OAN? Ever since AT&T gave them the boot I haven't seen anything from those people. Idk whose boots foxy licks now.