Irrefutable Proof of Trump's Financial Genius

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Oh, come on now, Salty. I said I only stole their money for a short period of time.

It's simple, if you don't understand the market, don't get into the market because fuckers like me will take your money because it is 100% legal for me to do so. It's no different than going to Vegas. If you don't know how to gamble, don't fucking go there and gamble and lose your money to the people who know how to gamble.

I'm not like Trump, I've never filed for bankruptcy to stiff banks and I've never raised money to pay off debts I can't afford to pay... sure, he has a lot more money than I do, but I'll never have to worry about the IRS or the FBI knocking on my door because I fucked people over for my money. He does have to worry about that though because the chickens always come home to roost eventually.
... If you say so. ... .. er, .. If you say so, mate.

Yer excuses there sound like the ones that
Ned Kelly would surely give me Pap on WHY it
was okay to rob from the rich lords - and give
some o' the money to the poor.

### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Kelly would surely give me Pap on WHY it
was okay to rob from the rich lords - and give
some o' the money to the poor

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I'll just stick with your analogy. I wasn't robbing from the rich. I was robbing from the poor which is why I stopped. People with money know how the stock market works and they do their due diligence. One thing you don't do is buy a shit stock with no financial transparency at that high of a stock price solely because you are buying it out of emotion. People with money know that. Those that don't are clueless about that simple fact. That's why vultures like me take their money because if you're dumb enough to give it, we're smart enough to take it.
Hee Hee! ... Fair enough, mate.

And it surely wasn't me-own analogy - it came from Ned Kelly.
He should know - being a robber baron and what-not.

Though I'm thinkin' that he was retired when he and me Pap
were hittin' all the station saloons and kissing the dancing girls.

### Salty