since no one owns an assault rifle, problem solved! when will you libtards understand that only full-auto weapons are assault rifles? only police forces and the military have them.
Beto was talking about the AK-47 and the AK-15. The Yahoo article considered these two weapons to be assault weapons. You can take that up with them. Beto would have these two weapons sold back to the government. Considering one of these weapons is commonly used in mass shootings, I think it's good idea. So, since people can own these two types, THE PROBLEM IS NOT SOLVED.
Both weapons you cited were semi automatic and not "weapons of war" The term assault weapon is a invention of the left as anything from a rock to a meat Cleaver and a machine gun could be an assault weapon. Actually neither weapon is commonly used in mass shootings. The handgun is more common. The media makes a bigger story out of the other two. Like the Las Vegas shooting...he has many more weapons but we only hear about a couple. The VA tech shooter killed 38 people with handguns. Major Hassan, handguns again.