Now we are in Uganda

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No argument about Kony, but he is not our problem.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-18-2011, 11:48 PM
No argument about Kony, but he is not our problem. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree with your assessment... but just imagine the PR boost... if 100 U.S. Special Ops guys were able to "take out" the Kony scumbag (in remote northern Uganda).... and show what a "Humanitarian" that Barack Hussein Obama is?!?!

Do you really believe Barry hasn't weighed his odds?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Yeah or raping children in the nations
they are obstensively protecting.

The target of sheik hussein's action is a group
called the Combat Lord's Resistance Army.
This group has been the only significant
combatant of the muslim militias in
Somalia and Sudan. Removing the CLRA
would be a great benefit to the muslim
militias. Sheik Hussein is showing
his true color and loyalties.
American soldiers will kill christians to
serve a greater muslim good.

The elimination of Soros' competition
for access to Ugandan oil is a 2fer
the minion serves his master well. Originally Posted by anaximander
Get real.
The lord’s resistance army are not Christians. They are abusers of human rights, they paint crosses on themselves to stop bullets, and they can’t be wiped out off the face of the Earth soon enough. None of that addresses whether or not we should be involved with the fight but to portray the LRA as anything but terrorists and scumbags is something only rush Limbaugh can do.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-19-2011, 01:06 AM
Get real.
The lord’s resistance army are not Christians. . . . . Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
!! NEWS FLASH !! * Duh.............

Trouble is.... "Christian" is the first "descriptor" you find when searching for the "LRA"!

News Media Bias.... yeah....
Munchmasterman's Avatar
And more recently probably the largest oil reserves on Earth.

And as for all of those whining about spending U.S. "treasure" on producing oil overseas .... who would you rather have the oil?

United States
_______________ (Write in your favorite oil consuming nation) Originally Posted by LexusLover

Nowhere near the largest.

Between 1 (40th in the world) and 2 (35th in the world) billion bbl. in reserve.

Wait. This just in!
Found a recent estimate of 4 to 6 billion. 6 billion would put them at #21 in the world.

#1 Saudi estimated reserves at 262 billion.

The UK, France, China, and Russia control most of the leases.

Let me rephrase that.

Companies from those countries will work the leases.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
!! NEWS FLASH !! * Duh.............

Trouble is.... "Christian" is the first "descriptor" you find when searching for the "LRA"!

News Media Bias.... yeah.... Originally Posted by MrGiz
Bias really isn’t an issue in this case. At least not news media bias. Google bias maybe but moot point.

The group describes themselves as Christians. That’s why the word hits.

Careful about hitting yourself in the forehead and snapping your head back. You’ll chip whirlaway’s front teeth.

I mean his front tooth.
LexusLover's Avatar
The UK, France, China, and Russia control most of the leases.

Let me rephrase that.

Companies from those countries will work the leases.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Exxon's been off the coast exploring the scope and depth for several years now. There is no "value" in advertising reserves until they have been tied down based on reliable exploration, as opposed to puff to get investors and to "hedge" potential stock sales. European countries are not in that picture, just moving in that direction. I am willing to stand by "probably" until the CIA factbook is "updated."

FYI: For years Pemex was notorious for understating reserves in order to keep the lid on finanicial "drains" on the company through the government. Rumor was that the President (of Mexico) would steal depending on the available reserves in Pemex. So, Pemex had 2 sets of books. Theirs and the one for the government.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-19-2011, 02:20 PM
I suppose it's useless for me to remind you again... the topic is UGANDA!!

Exxon off the "coast" of... Uganda?


Joseph Kony is no more of a Christian , than Muhammad Ibn Abdullah!!

Munch.... your Whirlaway obsession is beginning to runaway with itself...
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Exxon's been off the coast exploring the scope and depth for several years now. There is no "value" in advertising reserves until they have been tied down based on reliable exploration, as opposed to puff to get investors and to "hedge" potential stock sales. European countries are not in that picture, just moving in that direction. I am willing to stand by "probably" until the CIA factbook is "updated."

FYI: For years Pemex was notorious for understating reserves in order to keep the lid on finanicial "drains" on the company through the government. Rumor was that the President (of Mexico) would steal depending on the available reserves in Pemex. So, Pemex had 2 sets of books. Theirs and the one for the government. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not having first hand knowledge of who and what they have leased, I posted the countries listed in several sources. Me not seeing references to any US companies doesn’t mean there are none involved or that I intentionally omitted them.
I understand why one set of numbers will be low and the other high but I saw no recent estimates that were within an order of magnitude of the Saudi reserves.
I saw an article from 2009 that was pre-test drilling, from an envoy I believe, that compared it to the Saudis. But there was no real evidence at that point to substantiate that claim. Can you provide a link to a recent estimate that compares it to the Saudis?
LexusLover's Avatar
I suppose it's useless for me to remind you again... the topic is UGANDA!!

Exxon off the "coast" of... Uganda?

Originally Posted by MrGiz
My response was to the question:

Originally Posted by MrGiz
Can anyone please tell me of any "good news " that come from the African Continent in our lifetime?* Originally Posted by MrGiz

"African Continent" ....

Munchmasterman's Avatar

Munch.... your Whirlaway obsession is beginning to runaway with itself... Originally Posted by MrGiz
I have reached a comfort level with him due to the lack of redeemable statements put forth by him. He is really the only person on the board that I can’t find any common ground with.
The problem with that is a bias I have certainly developed when reading anything by him. When you add the lack of links and the reluctance to provide any type of evidence to back up some of his outrageous statements or “facts”, I can only plead “nolo contendere” to your charge. I will try to balance my future statements with that bias in mind.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-19-2011, 05:24 PM
My response was to the question:


"African Continent" ....

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Please pardon me... but I am still confused by your response...

I hope you recognized my obvious "tongue in cheek" Ugandan Coast reference!

A MAJORITY of the seven continents have oil & gas reserves which continue to be un-assessed... much less, explored!* North America's proven reserves should be the central topic of another thread....

I am struggling to keep this discussion about UGANDA.... I believe that was the original intent of the OP.

But then again.... the total LACK of response to the issue of UGANDA has led to the present situation there!!
NOBODY amongst us, gives a shit!*
Does that mean it's a USA concern?*THAT is the topic of this thread.... remember?
LexusLover's Avatar
Please pardon me... Originally Posted by MrGiz
You are ....

from bringing up the "African Continent" in a discussion about ....


I am not sure why the U.S. spent any time in Great Britain at the beginning of WWII, since the Germans were across the Channel in Europe. Do you have any clue on that?

Oh, wait. you are focused on Uganda?

I once asked a similar question to some Brits (out of uniform) in a bar in Central America back in the 80's. They replied: Doing our bidding at the request of their PM to cover our CIC-Reagan. Something about the Iran-Contra "scandal" .... and Ronnie having to "retreat" from Central America .... "Maggie" took it over and sent them there to spend the year. I thanked them; bought 'em a round.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-19-2011, 06:56 PM
So... in other words.... FUCK Uganda!!

I understand your sentiment... and don't much disagree.... I just find it depressing that the OP's topic can't even be discussed!

... who gives a shit.... right?

P.S. - I've already admitted that I too, don't care much about Uganda's problems.... they matter near-nothing to me.* But after spending a year of my life, in a few different coutries on the continent... even I came away with some sympathy for the conditions there.* Is it my responsibility to make things better there? *No.... but, as in everywhere I have ever been.... I met some high quality people there who I wish the best for!!
LexusLover's Avatar
So... in other words.... FUCK Uganda!! Originally Posted by MrGiz
I am sorry you feel that way. What do you have against Uganda?