we have been here before: to mask or not to mask

Lou Spowells's Avatar
I don't use masks or condoms. Covid19 is a hyped up hoax.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Hey Exorcist ;

You worked the Name Calling,Ignorant,Elitist,Arrog ant,and DPST in there.

But you left out the Marxist,Totalitarian,Gay,Socia list bullshit.

You not slipping are you ?

And some of you others remember if you can't keep up you have to sit at the Kiddie Table !!
sportfisherman's Avatar
And we are certainly glad to receive the most recent input from the most illustrious and astute individual above.

I'm sure his thoughts and opinions are sought out and considered on all matters of import by friends and associates.
  • oeb11
  • 08-04-2020, 12:07 PM
DPST acolytes do not think rationally.

Their narrative directs them.

hail comrade Xi!!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Netherlands is #14 in the world for most deaths per capita from Coronavirus. It doesn't make a lot of sense to be looking to them as a role model. Originally Posted by Tiny

they didn't shut down their economy either.

as was pointed out, they only wore the mask when in public transportation.

what the netherlands did was proper... leave the healthy people alone and concentrate on the hospitals that need help.

people are going get the virus sooner or later. get it over with.

what do you have them do?
  • Tiny
  • 08-04-2020, 10:25 PM
they didn't shut down their economy either.

as was pointed out, they only wore the mask when in public transportation.

what the netherlands did was proper... leave the healthy people alone and concentrate on the hospitals that need help.

people are going get the virus sooner or later. get it over with.

what do you have them do? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
There's not much downside to wearing masks. They can help keep the economy going, instead of shutting down businesses and the like. The Netherlands 2nd quarter GDP number will be out on August 14 and if you'll remind me we can compare to say Germany or Austria, who have been masking up more aggressively, not just on public transportation. I can guarantee you beyond a doubt that their GDP numbers will be much poorer than South Korea and Taiwan, which masked up from the start, and their deaths per capita will be many times higher. But it's probably not fair comparing the Netherlands to Asian countries.

You're apparently making the assumption that a vaccine will not be widely available before we've reached herd immunity. That's not a given, many would disagree. And even if you're right, the stress on the health care system is reduced if you can slow the spread.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
There's not much downside to wearing masks. They can help keep the economy going, instead of shutting down businesses and the like. The Netherlands 2nd quarter GDP number will be out on August 14 and if you'll remind me we can compare to say Germany or Austria, who have been masking up more aggressively, not just on public transportation. I can guarantee you beyond a doubt that their GDP numbers will be much poorer than South Korea and Taiwan, which masked up from the start, and their deaths per capita will be many times higher. But it's probably not fair comparing the Netherlands to Asian countries.

You're apparently making the assumption that a vaccine will not be widely available before we've reached herd immunity. That's not a given, many would disagree. And even if you're right, the stress on the health care system is reduced if you can slow the spread. Originally Posted by Tiny

I don't think the vaccine will be available. from what I've been hearing, this virus appears to mutate too quickly for the vaccine to be useful.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Notwithstanding that Fauci's NIH had tested HCQ against SARS-COVID-1 back in 2005 with good results. Probably just a coincidence that Dr. Fauci holds patents on SARS-COVID and has a major stake in big pharma, via Moderna stock ownership. Let's see what we know about the world at large.

These Two Charts Should Land Dr. Fauci in Prison

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a leading non-partisan professional association of physicians across the United States.

Today the AAPS filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to compel the release to the public of hydroxychloroquine by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS).

Here are two charts that show hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness in treating the coronavirus....

sportfisherman's Avatar
Those graphs are way too advanced for Chump.

Can you dumb it down some so he could maybe grasp the concept ?
  • oeb11
  • 08-05-2020, 12:07 PM
Thank you - elitist, arrogant DPST who thinks anme-calling addresses issues!
Go read up on a book on debate - you and biden - he could use it to face Trump - which the DNC does Not Want to happen!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I don't think the vaccine will be available. from what I've been hearing, this virus appears to mutate too quickly for the vaccine to be useful. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Besides, what's not to love about having your genes edited within your own body, when they have skipped over several step of testing in animals along the way? Try it, you'll like it. Ooopsies!

BTW: I have read a few articles that point towards the recent mutations as actually being regressions. In other words, it was something natural that was modified (gain of function) and appears to be reverting back to natural form - as would be expected in nature. Who knew?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Those graphs are way too advanced for Chump.
Can you dumb it down some so he could maybe grasp the concept ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Sure, but I don't have the skills to dumb it down to your level. Trump has advocated for use of HCQ and apparently most of the world agrese with him because it is showing results.
Hey there Why_Yes_I _Do, can you provide proof of your HCQ statement other than opinion or anecdotal reports? The peer reviewed scientific studies I've seen seem to dispute its effectiveness and indication as treatment. I'd also be interested in postulated mechanism of action from a scientific standpoint and if the postulate has been proven by accepted scientific method. I'd also be interested in reviewing peer reviewed articles demonstrating that mutations of Covid being regressions as you call it (I assume you are implying less "dangerous"). I've seen one or two journal publications noting gene mutations, but none noting that the mutations have been shown other than by speculation to affect the virus effects or that the mutated virus is viable. I'm interested in the science of this virus, so if you have some background science unknown to me I'd like to review.
sportfisherman's Avatar
He is mostly good at Ciphering !

He can do his multiplication tables from 1-10 !!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

Might take a little effort on your part to recall whom was overseer of that group at that time.

I referenced the above here: (Gots some purdy pictures even)
Notwithstanding that Fauci's NIH had tested HCQ against SARS-COVID-1 back in 2005 with good results.... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
From some kooky French Doctorish dude
The Coronavirus Is Man Made According to Luc Montagnier
There have been others of similar inclination, but this guy ain't no piker

A-N-D if your interest in dealing with COVID and a myriad of similar diseases is genuine, I'll share one other article that provides tremendous insights on how best to avoid it in the first darned place. Pro Tip: It ain't got jack shit to do with masks
Hey there Why_Yes_I _Do, can you provide proof of your HCQ statement ... Originally Posted by reddog1951