Is this Okay Married/boyfriend/girlfriend/fun buddy

Good lord, I think I need to see a shrink. For once I actually agree with Whispers (and on both points, no less) AND Kickrocks.
Treetop78759's Avatar
I don't know why everyone is surprised about Whispers response.

One day you people will realize that he is truly the we'll spoken wise man.
Treetop78759's Avatar
A: Your troll material was getting better there for a minute, now its back to meh. (Shrugs) Luckily, I run the Lightestouch/Windinhishair International Trolling University. Classes start at $400/hour Don't get caught with your pants down!!!

B: I've literally never read someone so stupid who didn't have a court-appointed guardian.

C: May you forever be trapped in a room full of haunted anal fisters. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
I would hate to be a tube of toothpaste in your bathroom.

I'm sure you violently squeeze it at the top.
Good lord, I think I need to see a shrink. For once I actually agree with Whispers (and on both points, no less) AND Kickrocks. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

I had to quote that so if you decided to change it.

RICKDOG8's Avatar
Hey TreeTwerp “whispers is we’ll spoken” ...what a dummy!
Treetop78759's Avatar
They're you gone again. When we'll you ever learned.
winn dixie's Avatar
This is just a waste of space. If we all advertised and vented the things we think or feel a X did wrong on here.. Lol.. I couldnt even begin to explain the level of shit we would see. Point being, Using the co-ed to slander someone you had a personal relationship with....Is just FAKE NEWS ! Keep the coins on the dresser. Nsa. Along with the personal claims. Being that you moved on in dec and now this post. As a female it makes me question your motives. Not what happened. I say that because Its not for me or anyone else to call you out or say it didnt happen. But, you cant start a thread that someone cant defend themselfs on and make serious accusations like these. Its not right.

At the end of the day you are responsible for the alcohol you consume. You have to own your shit. Period. This is also why alot of providers dont drink on the clock. To stay aware of their surroundings.
But then again you are posting about your personal experience. Someone you resided with. Nothing to do with the hobby. Originally Posted by TexasJess
Why can't special/ed respond? She ended the relationship because of his stalking and her post.. She has suffered quit a bit. After long thought and talking to other members she decided to post. Jenna has had to change her personal phone #, and move because scholar will not leave her alone. What's worse is he has sessions with other providers and talks about Jenna through most of the session. Scholar continually posts about his "past relationship with a provider" airing their dirty laundry all over texas eccie forums.. He has even revealed some very personal shit. Scholar cannot get over her, and move on.. Jenna has not slandered special/ed in any way. She has only come forward after all of these events because scholar is a danger to her and others. From almost day one of scholar being in Austin, Britt had to post an alert/ warning about him, and other providers have had issues with him.... Scholar is creepy and should be someone to stay away from.....
I have nothing against you texas jess!! But I know the facts here, and have seen them. You do/have not....What scholar has done is unforgiveable !!
Precious_b's Avatar
Actually he cant. Originally Posted by TexasJess
Why can't he?
He is not banned.
And I'd bet he knows this thread exist.

His silence can be construed to two things.
And one of them is not good.

Yes, why not response?
Precious_b's Avatar
Jenn, I hope you take steps in the RW to minimize any danger that this person can do to you.

I have seen what Hobbyist that are obsessed with Providers do first hand. I've read the texts and heard the voice mails that Providers have shown me. Don't take them lightly and take measures to protect yourself.

Yes, why not response? Originally Posted by LimitlessJD
Because she if he comments or responds to anything dealing with her or this drama he would get banned. I received a similar warning in regaurds to another member. Actually this whole thread was a total violation of that warning. But hey lol...
He's telling you she called his job? So since you're saying this is a personal matter and not a hobby matter, then that should not matter, correct? He can't have it both ways. He is a big boy and he can get on here and explain his own actions. How he was able to convince you to be his public defender baffles me.

As for sending him a p.m., I will not. I will assume his guilt like everyone else until he speaks for himself. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously

So with that being said... Which one is it? Personal or biz? She met him on here, she outted him. Has shared his personal info ect. Seems like this court makes up its own guidelines. Instead of applying them to both parties. Hell she may have been drunk and doesn't remember calling his job. Who knows...
Im not his public defender lol but I do feel that certain ppl have been lied to and situations have been explained thru rose colored drunken glasses I really think silence is golden ESPECIALLY when your being accused of CRIMINAL ACTS...
And you have been harassed at your place of employment.

She made a hobby related warning so, calling his employer is a well.. Just out of line. If its personal then why was a warning posted on here. She cant have it both ways.
winn dixie's Avatar
She rtm'ed what?? This makes no sense!! How much is he paying you Jess. Better watch your drinks around him.. I hope you never have to deal with the images that haunt her and the nightmares she is having about what scholar has done to her. You say she outted him. How? Like I stated before she had to move and change her personal # because he continued stalking her . Her neighbors saw him hanging around her place, and leaving flowers and notes below her window ! He called and texted her cousin. I saw the texts ! Scholar is a known liar when cornered!
She rtm'ed what?? This makes no sense!! How much is he paying you Jess. Better watch your drinks around him.. I hope you never have to deal with the images that haunt her and the nightmares she is having about what scholar has done to her. You say she outted him. How? Like I stated before she had to move and change her personal # because he continued stalking her . Her neighbors saw him hanging around her place, and leaving flowers and notes below her window ! He called and texted her cousin. I saw the texts ! Scholar is a known liar when cornered! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Actually, it makes perfect sense. What doesn’t make sense (if it’s true)is why the OP hasn’t been banned.

It’s called a directive. And it will get you banned. See below.

if B2HH isnt banned, we'd know about it real fast. Darth Maul posted a rhetorical question in a thread that explains the reason for the ban. for the record, b2hh is, indeed, quite banned. when a Supreme Directive is issued, leeway is, just to be clear, quite narrow. that's why i stayed on the other side of the planet from B2HH (metaphorically speaking).. Originally Posted by pxmcc
She rtm'ed what?? This makes no sense!! How much is he paying you Jess. Better watch your drinks around him.. I hope you never have to deal with the images that haunt her and the nightmares she is having about what scholar has done to her. You say she outted him. How? Like I stated before she had to move and change her personal # because he continued stalking her . Her neighbors saw him hanging around her place, and leaving flowers and notes below her window ! He called and texted her cousin. I saw the texts ! Scholar is a known liar when cornered! Originally Posted by winn dixie

How much of a discount is she giving you? I have also have knowledge of messages,ect. I dont worry about my drinks because im not a sloppy drunk. How do you know she is having nightmares from a experience she cant remember? She did state she woke up and didn't remember anything. I also know boundaries and would never invite a client into my personal world, family thanksgiving ect then cry victim to A HOBBY BOARD... NOT A X GIRLFRIEND'S REVENGE BOARD..When its over.