WSJ: NSA Surveillance is Legal and Necessary

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2013, 03:31 PM
Yah like two brothers are phoning each other to discuss the plan...Jeesh Originally Posted by i'va biggen

maybe they lived in different rooms
Good point.
It's what isn't reported that will have the most direct affect on everyone's life in the future.

starting with this

If you read the actual law, it will really surprise you. Compound that with all the executive orders passed since 2001, and the fact that Obama has passed more executive orders than Reagan, Bush, Clinton and GW.Bush those and that should have you worried. What you hear on CNN, MSNBC, and just fodder for those that won't read................The false partionship between Dems and Reps is all an act. They are on the same team,,,,,they are just against US.

Check out the laws as they are passed and read about them in the federal register online. THen wonder why you don't hear about those same laws and regulations on CNN, MSNBC, Fox and talk radio...........It's not simply's a concerted plan to dupe those that aren't paying attention into freely giving up their rights because of orchestrated fear.....................somet hing to think about!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
Well said! but Mark Levin talks about this for hours every night.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gnadfly, Excellent point. The PRISM operation was in place when the Boston bombing occurred. IT DIDN'T WORK! That is NOT what it is for! That's what you people don't understand.

It is not going to work. It's not MEANT to work. They are not trying to protect the people!

THEY ARE TRYING TO PROTECT THE GOVERNMENT!! People be damned! They are only securing power and control for themselves.

WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Quit patting yourself on the back you shooting for dipshit of the year?
Uncle Han's Avatar
The Russians calling Odumbo administraction more than once about the Boston bombers didn't work either!

Hillbilly Clinton was right about Odumbo. So fucking un-American!
Uncle Han is gone IB Hankering reappears.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-13-2013, 11:41 PM
thought you said the potus is under no obligation to uphold the constitution
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now, CBJ7, you know that is a lie. I exposed that lie in another thread. The President is sworn to uphold the Constitution; preserve, protect and defend it, if you will. However, you said that the President HAD to enforce any and all federal laws. I asked you to point out where in the Constitution that is stated. I don't think the President HAS to enforce any laws he doesn't want to. Prove me wrong. As if you could.
Imagecoast Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Some people have too much free time on their hands! They need to get a job that does not require spending time on your knees inside the mens restroom stalls at the Salina Bus Station!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-14-2013, 01:54 AM
Now, CBJ7, you know that is a lie. I exposed that lie in another thread. The President is sworn to uphold the Constitution; preserve, protect and defend it, if you will. However, you said that the President HAD to enforce any and all federal laws. I asked you to point out where in the Constitution that is stated. I don't think the President HAS to enforce any laws he doesn't want to. Prove me wrong. As if you could. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

The President's office and authority are created and bounded by the Constitution; he is required to act within its terms. Put somewhat differently, in serving as the executive created by the Constitution, the President is required to act in accordance with the laws -- including the Constitution, which takes precedence over other forms of law. This obligation is reflected in the Take Care Clause and in the President's oath of office.

my words

if a potus is under the impression a law is unconstitutional, only then can he decline NOT to abide by the law.

Denny Crane
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

What were you doing up so late creeping round to post crap like this??? Woke up to pee?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CBJ7. Provide the link to that part of the Constitution that supports your claim. Simple question.

By the way, you can't. It isn't there.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-14-2013, 11:33 AM
CBJ7. Provide the link to that part of the Constitution that supports your claim. Simple question.

By the way, you can't. It isn't there. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy