Trump clamps down on food stamps, will this make more women join the hobby?

Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
I feel as if foodstamps and medicaid are both on a double standard for what trump claims he wants. I have two friends on both one white and one latina and their requirments were diffrent the white mom of 2 who just lost her husband .. Was told that she had to have a job bringing in at least 200.00 a week in order to get food stamps and to get her kids on Medicaid but she herself could not be covered by it ....whereas the latino mom of 4 only requirment was she file child support with attorney general and her and her kids get full coverage medicaid close to a grand in f.s plus tanf of 500 every 2weeks.. No job required no nothing. So this is foolish because they have a tanner skin tone they arent held to the same standard as the white lady whose just lost her husband so she doesnt deserve medical coverage but the other woman does seems a bit double standard to me
Champagne Brown's Avatar
It would not surprise me 1 bit! For years I've been seeing tanks and war equipment being shipped somewhere along I-10. They have army type station on Aldine Bender near beltway 8 already. Originally Posted by suckaforlove
Yeah I've seen the videos too, by free lance reporters being shipped in all over the US.

Now back on food stamps, you know who's going need them?

These government workers filing for unemployment, but what's sad is they're not going to be able to get them.

We all know, you don't get much from unemployment, and if anything it'll just cover your bills.. I've only filed unemployment once when I was working for this big computer company back in the early 2000s, and im sure not much has changed since then..
The government workers are still employed they have not lost their jobs and they will all get back pay and honestly it’s not that many of them affected. It is only a partial shutdown only affecting a small amount of workers.

Now it sucks they are going through this and got caught up in it but when the Dems do nothing but obstruct for 2 solid years and then refuse to listen to the american people and the border patrol and the home land security secretary of the needs for our safety and submit a bill with zero border wall protection but instead want to add billions more to the multiple billions proposed for foreign aid...are they kidding! They could have funded the wall instantly with what they added and still had money leftover for foreign aid.

Even with the House they are still obstructing!

Remember the 5 billion is only 1/10th of 1 percent of the budget. Literally front pocket change in comparison. And also remember in 2004 or 2006 all of them voted to spend 25 Billion for a wall back then and all of them where saying the exact same thing as Trump is saying today all of them. Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer...just google it you will see and hear them saying it.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I'm not a dem or rep, but more walls isn't going to do more or less than what it's already doing now.. I don't feel unsafe , by any outside foreigners.. We have great Homeland security that's on the clock 24hrs a day, and they're already doing what a wall is supposed to do, keeping people out..

If anything hire more workers, hi tech drones, built-in heat seeking sensors,and motion detected alarms.

This wall is going to be a waste of my tax dollars,as it's not going to keep nobody out..
Champagne Brown's Avatar
List of Federal workers working without pay, including agents..


Staff from the State Department, Coast Guard,IRS,and Homeland Security..

Lets not forget about our wounded vets, their checks are on halt as well..
I guess this isn't the same Chucky...
Videos don't lie...Hummmm
List of Federal workers working without pay, including agents..


Staff from the State Department, Coast Guard,IRS,and Homeland Security..

Lets not forget about our wounded vets, their checks are on halt as well.. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
It says right here in the article you linked says that the Vets are not at all affected...”Veterans are still receiving their benefits because the Veterans Affairs Department was among those funded through September 2019.”

And again all government employees will receive back pay once things get going again. And yes it sucks for them to be the pawns here.
I personally feel that any government shutdown involving working without pay for essential personnel should first and foremost be all of the Congressmen/women and all of the Senators plus all of their staff...if that was set into law and how it worked the government would never shut down. But as it stands they do not care about anybody but themselves and it does not affect them so they really don’t care things are shut down.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Tunnel's don't lie, and they made these tunnel's for what exactly? Walls

We all need to be realistic here,

Oct 2018

I guess this isn't the same Chucky...
Videos don't lie...Hummmm Originally Posted by bb1961
Nope videos don’t lie... the RNC should play all these videos several times a day on all of the news channels including the Spanish channels. The government would be open in no time with full funding for the wall.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
But as it stands they do not care about anybody but themselves and it does not affect them so they really don’t care things are shut down. Originally Posted by goofy11
Didn't Trump give themselves a $10,000 raise since shutdown, wtf..
Tunnel's don't lie, and they made these tunnel's for what exactly? Walls

We all need to be realistic here,

Oct 2018

https://www-latimes-com.cdn.ampproje...009-story.html Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Yes tunnels are possible but like the report states they are very expensive and take a long time to dig and most like this one are discovered before they are finished and the ones that are completed get found out quickly so the wall has drastically slowed down the flow of drugs and illegals across the border.

The bigger and better wall the Democrats voted on and approved back with Obama is currently being reported to have stopped 90-95% of illegal crossings. That is huge and shows it is working, hence why almost all of the caravan that were waiving their country’s flags (not the US flag) as they marched to our border and demanded we let them in, that we all watched on the news is still stuck in Tijuana. Don’t see it on the news much anymore since it was stopped.

One could say that 90% is a pretty good number for a small section of a fairly good wall built. Imagine an even better and longer wall, what that could potentially stop. Most all of the other border fencing is very low budget and easily breached. In all honesty that was probably the intent, make it look like the politicians tried but make it so people could easily get through.

But let’s lower the 90% for the San Diego wall down to just 50% stoppage of illegal crossings. Just 50% improvement will save the American tax payers around $64 Bilion from just welfar and social services spending in just 10 years. That alone would pay for 2 walls, so if you really look at it the wall would pay for itself with just this alone. Imagine the number if it stopped 90+%...

Another cost savings and potential funding for a wall... it costs the American taxpayers 70 thousand per illegal immigrant, or a low estimate of about 155-245 Billion annually (each and every year) just to make sure the illegal immigrants are taken care of and actually better off than many, many, many American Citizens! Stop that nonsense and we can have 5-8 walls in just 1 year! But since we only need 1 good wall, think of all the wonderful things that saved money could do for our American citizens in need, our inner cities, our schools, our infrastructure, our taxes, our opiate addiction, our national debt...

Since 1972 the government has built over 3000 miles of “sound walls” along our highways to protect nearby home owners and apartment renters and businesses from traffic noise. These walls cost about 2 Million a mile which is right around 6 Billion. If the government can spend 6 Billion to protect us from “traffic noise” why can’t they spend 5 Billion or even 30 Billion to protect our borders, our lives, our livelihoods, our opiate addiction, our national debt?

If walls do not work...are all our prisoners staying in our prisons voluntarily?

If you don’t think the wall will work let’s see who a wall has worked for over time...
The Vatican
Turkey/Syrian boarder
Saudi Arabia
And 60+ other countries.

Walls also seem to work very well for...
Large Companies and Corporations
Private residences
Apartment and Condo Complexes
Military bases
Area 51

So if you are really against the border wall...what about tearing down your walls/fences and removing any and all of your security measures, and keep your doors unlocked all of the time day and night. None of us would ever do that so why should we do that with our Nation and leave our borders wide open and unprotected?

Let’s do immigration the legal way, the right way, the affordable way, the way our great great grandparents, great grandparents, grandparents, and our mothers and fathers did it. We have a fair and balanced legal immigration process and those that follow the rule of law are welcomed and have the potential for a great life. Those that cut the line and do not want to follow the rule of law and think we should pay them to be here, is illegal and just wrong and you know it. You may not admit it but you know it is wrong. All are welcome the legal way.

Pretty sure we all would get a little cranky, maybe even down right pissed, if we were standing in a very long slow moving line at Disney on a hot summer day and a few rowdy teenagers or a large family decided to cut line and expected us to let them and even buy them a lemonade and a picture at the end of the ride. What’s the difference really with cutting in on the immigration line? Let’s corridor off the border and get everyone in line to come in the right way.

Who doesn’t have a wall and how are they doing? France, England, Germany...
Didn't Trump give themselves a $10,000 raise since shutdown, wtf.. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Did you read the article you shared?

Pay raises for top officials, including Vice President Mike Pence, were reportedly set to go into effect on Saturday. But federal agencies were told in a memo issued Friday from the acting director of the Office of Personnel Management to hold off enacting the raises during the shutdown, according to The Associated Press.

So no they are not getting their raises at this time.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
What I was talking about is Trump's administration, So yes Pence being one..
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Yes tunnels are possible but like the report states they are very expensive and take a long time to dig and most like this one are discovered before they are finished and the ones that are completed get found out quickly so the wall has drastically slowed down the flow of drugs and illegals across the border.

The bigger and better wall the Democrats voted on and approved back with Obama is currently being reported to have stopped 90-95% of illegal crossings. That is huge and shows it is working, hence why almost all of the caravan that were waiving their country’s flags (not the US flag) as they marched to our border and demanded we let them in, that we all watched on the news is still stuck in Tijuana. Don’t see it on the news much anymore since it was stopped.

One could say that 90% is a pretty good number for a small section of a fairly good wall built. Imagine an even better and longer wall, what that could potentially stop. Most all of the other border fencing is very low budget and easily breached. In all honesty that was probably the intent, make it look like the politicians tried but make it so people could easily get through.

But let’s lower the 90% for the San Diego wall down to just 50% stoppage of illegal crossings. Just 50% improvement will save the American tax payers around $64 Bilion from just welfar and social services spending in just 10 years. That alone would pay for 2 walls, so if you really look at it the wall would pay for itself with just this alone. Imagine the number if it stopped 90+%...

Another cost savings and potential funding for a wall... it costs the American taxpayers 70 thousand per illegal immigrant, or a low estimate of about 155-245 Billion annually (each and every year) just to make sure the illegal immigrants are taken care of and actually better off than many, many, many American Citizens! Stop that nonsense and we can have 5-8 walls in just 1 year! But since we only need 1 good wall, think of all the wonderful things that saved money could do for our American citizens in need, our inner cities, our schools, our infrastructure, our taxes, our opiate addiction, our national debt...

Since 1972 the government has built over 3000 miles of “sound walls” along our highways to protect nearby home owners and apartment renters and businesses from traffic noise. These walls cost about 2 Million a mile which is right around 6 Billion. If the government can spend 6 Billion to protect us from “traffic noise” why can’t they spend 5 Billion or even 30 Billion to protect our borders, our lives, our livelihoods, our opiate addiction, our national debt?

If walls do not work...are all our prisoners staying in our prisons voluntarily?

If you don’t think the wall will work let’s see who a wall has worked for over time...
The Vatican
Turkey/Syrian boarder
Saudi Arabia
And 60+ other countries.

Walls also seem to work very well for...
Large Companies and Corporations
Private residences
Apartment and Condo Complexes
Military bases
Area 51

So if you are really against the border wall...what about tearing down your walls/fences and removing any and all of your security measures, and keep your doors unlocked all of the time day and night. None of us would ever do that so why should we do that with our Nation and leave our borders wide open and unprotected?

Let’s do immigration the legal way, the right way, the affordable way, the way our great great grandparents, great grandparents, grandparents, and our mothers and fathers did it. We have a fair and balanced legal immigration process and those that follow the rule of law are welcomed and have the potential for a great life. Those that cut the line and do not want to follow the rule of law and think we should pay them to be here, is illegal and just wrong and you know it. You may not admit it but you know it is wrong. All are welcome the legal way.

Pretty sure we all would get a little cranky, maybe even down right pissed, if we were standing in a very long slow moving line at Disney on a hot summer day and a few rowdy teenagers or a large family decided to cut line and expected us to let them and even buy them a lemonade and a picture at the end of the ride. What’s the difference really with cutting in on the immigration line? Let’s corridor off the border and get everyone in line to come in the right way.

Who doesn’t have a wall and how are they doing? France, England, Germany... Originally Posted by goofy11
I can understand where you're coming from here .