Russian bounties on US soldiers

  • oeb11
  • 07-01-2020, 07:56 PM
Russia must not be paying the taliban enough bounty - but after all - what TF can One buy with rubles???
Illustrates the idiocy of the premise.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Oh, Nancy thinks it’s true...

It’s complete BS, two soldiers killed in Afghanistan this year, TWO!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
Ummmm...this is incorrect.
lustylad's Avatar
Ummmm...this is incorrect. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Are you too lazy to tell us what the correct number is then?

I looked it up for you. We've lost 9 soldiers in Afghanistan so far this year. There's no evidence of a "bounty spike" since this is in line with our casualty levels over the past 5 years.
HedonistForever's Avatar
So Trump tweeted that this bounty story is another "hoax". You guys still think so? Originally Posted by smokedog01

Like so many other times Trump has used the word hoax, this must be defined as to what he means.

Is he saying the story is a hoax, that it did not happen or is he saying reporting that he knew about the report and did nothing is a hoax.

I think he is speaking of the latter when he used the word hoax.

It appears that the CIA is confirming that a career CIA officer who made the call not to inform Trump has been confirmed and the reason she didn't brief Trump is because the CIA/ Intelligence couldn't agree on confirmation.

Then comes the argument that even if it couldn't be confirmed, the President should be briefed.

OK, so he is briefed that this "Might have happened" but we can not confirm it. So what does Trump do with that? Nothing until it can be confirmed of course.

But here is something that is uncomfortable to say but it is history and a fact. We gave weapons to Afghan fighters that killed Russians when they were fighting in Afghanistan. Is the distinction of a bounty really so outrageous as to make a difference in whether we retaliate?

Russia is doing what we did to them, support the other side. That should be enough to sanction the piss out of Russia and Pakistan and anybody that supports the people we are fighting unless of course we shouldn't be there fighting in the first place which would solve the problem of our soldiers being killed for any reason.

Get out of Afghanistan and tell the Taliban that if they support any force trying to kill Americans like Al Qaeda will will seek out and kill their leaders. General Soleimani should be proof enough of our capabilities.

I don't see any reason we should worry about sanctions on Russia. This is another area where Trump can't win politically so why not ask the Democrats what they want to do with regard to Russia and take Russia off the fucking table as something to use against Trump? Do they matter one bit, no, they do not.
How exactly was it trolling? I simply asked for thoughts on an article from foxnews and maybe a few on Trump's deleted tweet from this morning. Originally Posted by smokedog01
What's wrong little puppy, could you not find the paper so needed to poop on this forum?

.... Originally Posted by JCM800
Ambassador meltdown in progress.

BTW, the NYT reporters of this fake news story pushed the Russian collussion hoax.
pleasurem's Avatar
Yes, 9 killed... that is correct number! Still a BS story!!!

I see all these fools acting like Trump doesn’t care, that’s BS too!!!

He’s a better President than Bush or Obama, they were complete fools!!!
Did Putin offer them 72 virgins? That seems to be the going rate.
  • oeb11
  • 07-02-2020, 03:45 PM
HF - well written as always.

This issue shows the Libdems will use any accusation, no matter how weak - to attack trump.

It is about their own trump hate, elitism, and entitlement to the 2016 election.

They truly have an H.... personality, values, convictions (unfortunately none for her crimes), and behavior.
Pelosi and the mainstream media seems to have forgotten about the time Pelosi claimed she wasn't briefed about "Enhance Interrogation Techniques" and the CIA proved otherwise.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
bounty gate is a nuthing burger.. its bullshit rumor.

pencil neck knew about in february 2020. why didn't he bring that up?

theres no basis for it.

Russia denied it
Taliban denied it

even low level cia personnel couldn't agree on the veracity of the rumor.

the only hole that this bounty ball is going into biden and penil neck's ass.

wouldn't be surprised me if pencil neck was behind the leak.
JCM800's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 10:32 AM
Does OBLM have Bounties on white Folks????
If not, why not????
They want 50,000,000 dead Caucasians - and to take over all the properties of the dead Caucasians.

is that "racism" - mmm - could be!!!

Will the OBLM puppets of the LibDem "Masters" of the Plantation" bring out the Ak's smuggled from china and start the marxist revolution???
Biden 's controllers are so hoping

biden doesn't care - as long as he gets his puddin'!
JCM800's Avatar
JCM800's Avatar