The Real Truth About Masks

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Twitler insulted, disrespected and pissed off the entire medical community with his ridiculous COVID response and subsequent claims of doctor fraud. But Pillow Dude is going to deliver us?

Twitler has spent most of this year, nee his re-eleciton campaign, undermining the public health system he said he would overhaul. I'll be surprised if we don't have 325,000 dead by Inauguration Day.

People debate public health policy but many aren't willing to admit there's a crisis. And Americans keep dying by the thousands.

Trump more than anybody else legitimizes that insane debate and symbolizes the systemic dipshittery of our nation. But is he the cause of said systemic dipshittery or the product of it?
Masks only about 15% effective , so hold your breath forever ..........

Just OBEY the box Originally Posted by rexdutchman
The Vaccine ultimately about the same. So live your life with passion for the future is uncertain and the end is always near. Unless of course you're a Liberal and you think the media is watching your back, lol.
The Vaccine ultimately about the same. So live your life with passion for the future is uncertain and the end is always near. Unless of course you're a Liberal and you think the media is watching your back, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The vaccine is only 15% effective huh. From what well respected medical journal or study did yoh gleen this information?

I'm sure it will be 0% effective on you because you won't get one. And I could care less about that. It's your perogitive.

What a ridiculous post.
The vaccine is only 15% effective huh. From what well respected medical journal or study did yoh gleen this information?

I'm sure it will be 0% effective on you because you won't get one. And I could care less about that. It's your perogitive.

What a ridiculous post. Originally Posted by Jam3768
Why don't you see if you can prove me wrong. Don't try to post a link on some bogus study because there hasn't been conducted yet and there won't be one either. !5 to 20% effectiveness is about all you'll get out of any vaccine especially one with no track record like the Covid.
Prove your own ridiculous statement.

Your case is dismissed faster than a Trumpy voter fraud lawsuit.
Prove your own ridiculous statement.

Your case is dismissed faster than a Trumpy voter fraud lawsuit. Originally Posted by Jam3768
Prove me wrong instead instead of running your big dumb mouth. Do you really think a vaccine that has been created in less than a years time is going to be 90% effective?
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2020, 06:42 PM
Hey gnadfly -- do you suppose the parking lot at your hospital might be empty because visitors are not allowed to see covid patients? Also most Covid patients in need of medical care do not drive themselves to the hospital. Therefore, it is logical that the hospital beds can be mostly full while the parking lot remains relatively empty. Originally Posted by Jam3768
You're the second or third person who's brought this to Gnadfly's attention, and he keeps coming back to the half empty parking lot.
winn dixie's Avatar
Remember. Masks have multiple uses!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It's not like they want people in hospitals now unless they have to be there. This isn't exactly the best time for visitors to be bringing balloons and flowers.

Healthcare workers are already putting up with enough risks, they don't need anymore to deal with as far as visitors who their sick patients have likely had contact with before he or she was brought to them for care.
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2020, 07:01 PM
Prove me wrong instead instead of running your big dumb mouth. Do you really think a vaccine that has been created in less than a years time is going to be 90% effective? Originally Posted by Levianon17
How long would it have taken to develop an atomic bomb if we weren't under the gun? President Trump brought in the expertise and resources to create a modern day Manhattan Project, and his wisdom and drive is paying off in spades. Here's an interesting interview with the man the Trump administration brought in from the private sector to head the operation,

The two vaccines we're talking about, that should be authorized for emergency use soon in the USA and that are 95% effective, are genetic vaccines developed using mRNA technology, a first. From

....SARS-CoV-2 virus genes...can be administered directly as either DNA or RNA. Several of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines furthest along in phase 3 trials are messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines that deliver the spike protein gene, including those by Moderna, BioNTec with Pfizer, CureVac, and Imperial College London. Once the genetic sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was known in January 2020, it was relatively straightforward to generate genetic vaccine candidates. mRNA vaccines are easier to develop and manufacture compared to other vaccine types as they do not require cultivating viruses in cells.... RNA is particularly potent at inducing innate immune response, the earliest type of response to a pathogen that prevents spread within the body.

My fear is the opposite of yours, which I believe is that the vaccine is going to become available in record time which presents safety concerns. Trump isn't afraid to push the FDA to approve or disapprove a vaccine instead of sitting on an application for an eternity. I'm afraid when Biden comes into office, he may let off the gas.

There will be plenty of data by the time the vaccine becomes available to you and me. I hope that at that time you'll review it and make an informed decision.
winn dixie's Avatar
Snuff dippers are automatically immune to the chinese wuhan virus!
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2020, 07:09 PM
Remember. Masks have multiple uses! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Winn Dixie has presented us with another reason to wear masks. They're like cloth handkerchiefs were in the old days. When a woman needed to wipe away a tear or a ball of snot, the chivalrous gentleman would pull out his handkerchief and offer it to her. The modern day equivalent is the mask. What woman wants to walk around all day with cum smeared on her face, or worse yet wipe it off with her hand?

Be prepared. Wear a mask.
winn dixie's Avatar
Winn Dixie has presented us with another reason to wear masks. They're like cloth handkerchiefs were in the old days. When a woman needed to wipe away a tear or a ball of snot, the chivalrous gentleman would pull out his handkerchief and offer it to her. The modern day equivalent is the mask. What woman wants to walk around all day with cum smeared on her face, or worse yet wipe it off with her hand?

Be prepared. Wear a mask. Originally Posted by Tiny
I advise to carry extras for emergencies like these.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Gum flapper.
Your evidence the 90% is incorrect is right out of the trumpy play book. There is evidence it works and the evidence it doesn't remains to be seen.
The studies and trials are the evidence of the 90% is correct. You haven't even waited for a public release of the vaccine before you flap gums.
All that being said, who believes you and your lack of proof? On top of that, even if the vaccine was 99%, you wouldn't acknowledge it.
Your autism doesn't come from vaccines.
It comes from the bleach you drank.

Prove me wrong instead instead of running your big dumb mouth. Do you really think a vaccine that has been created in less than a years time is going to be 90% effective? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Munchmasterman's Avatar
That's the beauty of a bandana.
They are a handkerchief and they can be used as a mask.
The problem for trumpys is they don't change or wash their masks. I've seen them standing befuddled, in front of a liquor store in a cum covered bandana, saying, "Was I going to buy chips at the 7-11 and rob the liquor store? Or the other way around?"
Winn Dixie has presented us with another reason to wear masks. They're like cloth handkerchiefs were in the old days. When a woman needed to wipe away a tear or a ball of snot, the chivalrous gentleman would pull out his handkerchief and offer it to her. The modern day equivalent is the mask. What woman wants to walk around all day with cum smeared on her face, or worse yet wipe it off with her hand?

Be prepared. Wear a mask. Originally Posted by Tiny