So Just What Is The Tea-Party's Grand Plan?

It is so funny to see the children of sixties liberals who wouldn't fight for America, a bunch of fucking traitors to the real America, call the sons of the defenders of the real America traitors.
Go fuck yourself, faggot!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
^ More emotional ranting from the party who can't figure out how to grow their "big tent". So humor me Jewish Lawyer (who must qualify his expertise as if he's a suspected Palestinian living in Jerusalem) what constitutes the real America?

Is this it:

flghtr65's Avatar
^ More emotional ranting from the party who can't figure out how to grow their "big tent". So humor me Jewish Lawyer (who must qualify his expertise as if he's a suspected Palestinian living in Jerusalem) what constitutes the real America?

Is this it:

Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Z789 this is the best video ever posted on ECCIE. How about the guy in the blue t-shirt with no teeth who said "voting Republican has not worked for me but IT COULD"

Do they have dentists in Mississippi? The state of Mississippi needs expanded Medicaid and fast. That area of Mississippi looks worse than a third world country.
The liberal nuts on ECCIE should take a cue from uber liberal Chris Matthews, today on MSNBC show. The last 90 seconds are very interesting - "what is government good at":

Z789 this is the best video ever posted on ECCIE. How about the guy in the blue t-shirt with no teeth who said "voting Republican has not worked for me but IT COULD"

Do they have dentists in Mississippi? The state of Mississippi needs expanded Medicaid and fast. That area of Mississippi looks worse than a third world country. Originally Posted by flghtr65
It's sad but as I previously mentioned you have to give Republicans credit for duping these poor people into siding with Corporate fascists and voting against their own interests in the name of "smaller government." It's proven to be a brilliant strategy tbh. The video is what smaller government looks like which is a 3rd world country. You think the corporations are going to pony up for infrastructure and technology costs? Only if it means improvements that allow them to personally live in comfort.

Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Hey, Old-Trollop is Rabiznaz's post of this video Raaacisst?

Just wondering?

The last 90 seconds are very interesting - "what is government good at": Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Actually the last 15 seconds will be the key to the next Prez election. Regarding immigration. Hillary, who never met a h1-B visa she didn't like and will work to create more for her silicon valley buddies - vs. a populist TP repub - she will get decimated.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-11-2014, 10:17 PM
Hey, Old-Trollop is Rabiznaz's post of this video Raaacisst?

Just wondering? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

I haven't seen Old-Trollop post recently, but I wouldn't want your poor pea brain to be troubled so let's answer your question.

Those are a pair of disturbing racist videos. I am very surprised that you couldn't tell that on your own.

The black panther idiot is a racist fool who likely has a life expectancy of only a few years--people that stupid usually remove themselves from the gene pool pretty quickly. By the way, the original black panthers, at least the ones in NYC I was familiar with, would mock this guy and have no use for him.

Moving on to the wonderful video of the Thumpers of Mississippi (sounds like a reality show that might have some promise in certain unnamed former confederate states). What an amazing collection of hypocritical Bubbas. Hard to pick out which one is the most racist of the bunch, but the guy who at least admits it is at least honest. That guy in the blue t-shirt, you really need to get him to run on the TP platform--he's got to be the prototypical TeaNut.

But was it a racist thing to post the Mississippi Thumper Trash video? No, I don't think so. Wasn't that video part of the Mississippi Board of Tourism's latest ad campaign? What could be racist about showing some of Mississippi's finest to the world. Who knows, maybe the people of Bangladesh will feel sorry for the people of Mississippi and send large amounts of foreign aid. Then they can cut taxes in Mississippi even more, and regress even faster.

If there ever was an argument to allow secession, this may have been it. Well, not quite secession, but jettisoning.

Question: If Mississippi was forcefully ejected from the US--sort of like projectile vomiting--how long before they were in the bottom 25% of nations based upon literacy, GDP, etc.? How long before they would institute a theocracy? How long before the blacks would lose the right to vote?

How long before IIFFY would move there? Maybe he already has! It is the definitive Dixie, isn't it? Maybe IIFFy IS the guy in the blue t-shirt. Do we know for certain that he is not? I think he just might be that guy!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
First of all, the "Tea Party" is not a political party, notwithstanding the name that is commonly thrown around. The name "TEA Party" is both an homage to the Boston Tea Party, which was a populist uprising against British taxation -- remember, "no taxation without representation" -- and also an acronym for Taxed Enough Already.

Essentially, it started as a nonpartisan reaction against politicians of both parties who practice tax-and-spend politics (mostly Democrats) and/or borrow-and-spend politics (mostly Republicans). The genesis of the Tea Party is that politicians of both parties are in the tank for big government, they just differ on which pet projects, and how to finance them.

While immigration is not intrinsically foundational to the birth of the Tea Party, the fact that illegal immigration is costing our society massively adds to the argument that our deficit is soaring because politicians of both stripes are failing to safeguard taxpayer dollars.

I think the GOP quickly saw the risk to their franchise and decided that, for self-preservation reasons, they needed to appropriate the "Tea Party" moniker for themselves. In so doing, cultural issues such as abortion and gay marriage have been introduced. It's a shame that this has happened because the Tea Party should be about fiscal sanity. This bastardization of some elements of the Tea Party have led to the problems. Problems like Dan Patrick. Texans will rue the day ......

I personally identify with the founding principles of Tea Party movements. It is intrinsically more libertarian than conservative. But faced with a choice of, say, an establishment RINO like Dewhurst versus a social conservative like Dan Patrick, with the winner to face a garden variety liberal Democrat ... I will happily "waste" my vote and go for the Libertarian. My stomach cannot handle voting for Dan Patrick, no matter how many Tea Party organizations endorse him.

I think you will see the Tea Party movement will continue to give the GOP fits, just as it did last night by sacking Eric Cantor. And if the GOP takes the Senate in 2014, and the Presidency in 2016, you will see how the Tea Party continues to be an anti-establishment movement.

That movement will be a damned good thing for liberty. The two parties are the reason why our liberties have been infringed upon so massively in recent years. Originally Posted by Texas Playboy
Well, one post in this thread makes sense.

How long before IIFFY would move there? Maybe he already has! It is the definitive Dixie, isn't it? Maybe IIFFy IS the guy in the blue t-shirt. Do we know for certain that he is not? I think he just might be that guy!
Originally Posted by Old-T
We have a winner!

Stand up and take a bow, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm afraid that if I respond to this idiot (Z) that it will make me stupid. He hasn't got a clue but I think he writes like I remember FuckZup used to.
I'm afraid that if I respond to this idiot (Z) that it will make me stupid. He hasn't got a clue but I think he writes like I remember FuckZup used to. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

^ a more likely scenario is you'll be exposed for being stupid ;-)
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-12-2014, 03:07 PM
^ a more likely scenario is you'll be exposed for being stupid ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Too late, that happened long ago!
^ a more likely scenario is you'll be exposed for being stupid ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Stupid is two rungs on the ladder higher than JDIdiot. The bottom rung is where the Idiot Family resides.
flghtr65's Avatar
^ More emotional ranting from the party who can't figure out how to grow their "big tent". So humor me Jewish Lawyer (who must qualify his expertise as if he's a suspected Palestinian living in Jerusalem) what constitutes the real America?

Is this it:

Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Z789, did Jewish Lawyer ever answer your question? Vicksburg, Mississippi looks like an Atomic Bomb was dropped on it. Question for the ECCIE conservatives. Is the trickle down theory working in Vicksburg? You know low taxes for the one percent and their success will flow downward with good paying jobs for the bottom. It looks like the trickling down did not make it all the way to Vicksburg. Z789 you are right. Why these people vote republican, I will never understand. The guy in the blue t-shirt with the bad looking teeth, looks like he hasn't seen a dentist in 20 years.
The guy in the blue t-shirt with the bad looking teeth, looks like he hasn't seen a dentist in 20 years. Originally Posted by flghtr65
20 years? That's not true! "Sweet Ass" IIFFY can proudly proclaim that he has yet to sit in a dentist chair.

He did meet an aspiring dentist once at one of the annual Idiot Family Klonvocation Retreats. But it was not a professional encounter. Let's just call it a social gathering and leave it at that.