Pirgozhin for president.... Of Russia!

Yep living under a rock, but I did notice that BLM and antifa aren't in the news much lately! Except of course when the right needs to find a terrorist organisation they perceive to be worse than them!
Wonder why that is?
Why don't we hear much about BLM and antifa?
Maybe it's because they made their point and the Police commiting crimes against minorities has slowed way down.
And the police were prosecuted and justice for George Floyd and others in that time frame was served! Because I don't care what George Floyd did or the others for that matter they deserved their day in court! Not to be murdered by some asshole drunk with power. Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe
Yep. The only time we hear about BLM or Antifa anymore is from Republicans who need a distraction from their own bullshit. The BLM point was made. A modicum of justice was served. Antifa only rises up when it needs to, as well.
berryberry's Avatar
OMG, this thread gets even better with age

Not only has it been one of the best threads exposing Left Wing BS ever with the lack of knowledge displayed by the leftists but my favorite liberal journalist, Glenn Greenwald pointed this one out:

Between the swooning and cheering for the Wagner Group to take over Russia and its nukes, and the ongoing worship of the Azov Battalion, I don't think there's been this much open cheering of actual Nazis since the Nuremberg rallies:

That's the leftists for you
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yep living under a rock, but I did notice that BLM and antifa aren't in the news much lately! Except of course when the right needs to find a terrorist organisation they perceive to be worse than them!
Wonder why that is?
Why don't we hear much about BLM and antifa?
Maybe it's because they made their point and the Police commiting crimes against minorities has slowed way down.
And the police were prosecuted and justice for George Floyd and others in that time frame was served! Because I don't care what George Floyd did or the others for that matter they deserved their day in court! Not to be murdered by some asshole drunk with power.
I don't believe that counterfeiting was ever a capitol offense!

The Nazis were good at false flag events , you all not so much!
But then again, you followed and apparently still are following a moron!

Did ya see the orange turd admit in television to obstruction of justice?
Oh I'm sorry did I say that already, sorry to bore you!

And yet like the Pied Piper you all March and dance and wave flags behind him!

How many of his crime were actually taped and yet you all put your heads down and picked up more of his water and carried on!

I do enjoy when the one guy and we all know who he is because not a minute goes by that something else with his icon doesn't pop up here with more right wing garbage!
This guy cares more about the site rules than the United States constitution!
Teacher teacher, that's not BDJ, that's so and so!
Like a child!

I swore an oath to the constitution and when I ETSed from the service I wasn't relieved from that oath.
But I WAS TOLD to keep my mouth shut about the secrets I was made privy to!
And once again apparently that got by you all's champion, what a sharpie!

What.... perhaps Who were all of those secret documents for Dickhead Donny?
Who were you going to sell them to Mr Hansen, err I mean trump?

Now I know that someone handing out the beans and the bullets as you said you were, probably didn't deal with clearances very much.
I was in combat arms, not a quartermaster.
But you did swear the same oath as me!
I believe your handle should be Steward Roades, because dispite the organization he founded and apparently named, he had forgotten that oath too!
And now is doing 18 years along with some of his minions!
Good for them!

So Gunga Din, when is trumps water gong to become too heavy for you?
Feel free to RTM me! Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe
Incoherent much? Here’s a piece of advice: When pretending to be something you’re not, keep the conversation amongst those who won’t pick up on inconsistencies.
I don't think there's been this much open cheering of actual Nazis since the Nuremberg rallies:[/I]
Originally Posted by berryberry
Apparently neither he nore you have been paying much attention to the MAGA they've been cheering on a Nazi on for quite sometime now!
Incoherent much? Here’s a piece of advice: When pretending to be something you’re not, keep the conversation amongst those who won’t pick up on inconsistencies. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Well quartermaster general, go ahead and point out my inconsistencies!
But it's alright jacuzz, they also serve that pass out the beans and the bullets!
Thank you for your service!😘
I'm sure it was good to be in the rear with the gear!
berryberry's Avatar
Apparently neither he nore you have been paying much attention to the MAGA they've been cheering on a Nazi on for quite sometime now! Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe

Always trying to deflect aren't you. You and a number of other leftists here have been the ones literally cheering on the Nazis as Greenwald so aptly points out

Between the swooning and cheering for the Wagner Group to take over Russia and its nukes, and the ongoing worship of the Azov Battalion, I don't think there's been this much open cheering of actual Nazis since the Nuremberg rallies: