Will empty suit Rick Perry switch parties again?

Not any time soon! I've got a lot of catching up to do. Trendy gave us a daily dose of Trending for the entire 6 months leading up to election 2012. Juast giving him a taste of his own medicine. If it bothers you, look elsewhere.

Problem solved! Originally Posted by bigtex
I can't "look elsewhere". You stick it in every thread.

I appreciate the spirit in which you offer up your advice, opinion, and criticism,,,,but being a newcomer I don't think you have a handle on my politics, cultural values, or concerns.....so I think I will take a pass on your offer to meet you in the middle of the road....after all, that is where I see most of the roadkill.

How about you re-thinking your ideas on our "shrinking world"....while we agree that the world is getting smaller and more connected, it doesn't mean that the problems are solved by less freedom, bigger government and more public debt !

If you know otherwise, please tell us.

Thanks in advance. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He's not new, just recycled.
.his repetitive moronic "trending" posts is the best he can muster..... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I'm quite partial to the "trending" posts, especially Wisconsin is Trending Hillary!

Really ??

Who before............??

He's not new, just recycled. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I can't "look elsewhere". You stick it in every thread. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I confine my Trending remarks exclusively to the National Sandbox. Just like Trendy did prior to Election Day 2012.

ExNYer, indeed, you could "look elsewhere. You're just not trying very hard! There are plenty of other forums to choose from in this playpen!

You might want to try using a little imagination for a change. It would probably do you a world of good to broaden your horizons.

Just sayin'
I confine my Trending remarks exclusively to the National Sandbox. Just like Trendy did prior to Election Day 2012.

NY, you could "look elsewhere, you know. You're just not trying very hard!

You might want to try using a little imagination for a change!

Just sayin' Originally Posted by bigtex
Really? use a little imagination?

This from the guy who has two types of posts - "Trending" and "Hillary 2016"?
Really? use a little imagination?

This from the guy who has two types of posts - "Trending" and "Hillary 2016"? Originally Posted by ExNYer
What you see is what you get. You can always look elsewhere!

I heard the NYC forum is quite nice this time of year!


If the NYC forum does not suit you, perhaps you can ask the Mods if they will open a "Stuffed Shirt" and/or "Pompous Ass" Forum exclusively for your use.

You don't know if you don't ask!
Texas won't be a blue state, or a swing state, at any time in the foreseeable future that any of us will be talking about it on this board....maybe our kids....if your kids are young....and anybody that thinks different is dreaming. Texas is red. And will be for the foreseeable political future. The hispanic voters aren't organized and are generally uninterested. That will change eventually but it's a generation away...maybe.

As for Rick Perry not having any power. Think again. He has appointed every state board member or state commission member that currently sits in Texas. He's appointed 5 Texas Supreme Court justices. Years back, he vetoed all 82 bills passed by the Texas legislature during one of their ridiculous sessions. Perry exercises incredible influence in Texas. Last year he vetoed a bill passed by the absurdly conservative Texas legislature that would have outlawed texting on a mobile phone while driving.

As for Rick Perry ever being a democrat again. That's so stupid it doesn't merit comment. He wants to be the republican nominee for POTUS...and despite his pathetic performance the last go round (although he was the darling of the GOP for a month or so) he'll be giving that one a try again in 2016. If the democrats are lucky, and the republicans are incredibly stupid, he will be.
>>The hispanic voters aren't organized and are generally uninterested. That will change eventually but >>it's a generation away...maybe.

Which is a challenge for the Dem organizers. Not that Hispanics can't be organized, but the GOP has and will continue to find ways to make real elections and voting more difficult, by suppressing turnout and gerrymandering districts. Speaking of empty suits, Tom Delay was very successful in making this happen in Texas. By the way, is he in jail now? I don't keep up with the news.
>>The hispanic voters aren't organized and are generally uninterested. That will change eventually but >>it's a generation away...maybe.

Which is a challenge for the Dem organizers. Not that Hispanics can't be organized, but the GOP has and will continue to find ways to make voting more difficult, suppress turnout and gerrymander districts. Speaking of empty suits, Tom Delay was very successful in making this happen in Texas. By the way, is he in jail now? I don't keep up with the news. Originally Posted by Seeker
Interesting you should bring that up since the courts have recently struck down the Texas GOP efforts to restrict the rights of the hispanics to vote. And the Delay thing continues to fester in the courts. Hopefully, he'll be frog-marched into a Texas prison at some point in the near future. But, I doubt it.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Texas won't be a blue state, or a swing state, at any time in the foreseeable future that any of us will be talking about it on this board....maybe our kids....if your kids are young....and anybody that thinks different is dreaming. Texas is red. And will be for the foreseeable political future. The hispanic voters aren't organized and are generally uninterested. That will change eventually but it's a generation away...maybe.

As for Rick Perry not having any power. Think again. He has appointed every state board member or state commission member that currently sits in Texas. He's appointed 5 Texas Supreme Court justices. Years back, he vetoed all 82 bills passed by the Texas legislature during one of their ridiculous sessions. Perry exercises incredible influence in Texas. Last year he vetoed a bill passed by the absurdly conservative Texas legislature that would have outlawed texting on a mobile phone while driving.

As for Rick Perry ever being a democrat again. That's so stupid it doesn't merit comment. He wants to be the republican nominee for POTUS...and despite his pathetic performance the last go round (although he was the darling of the GOP for a month or so) he'll be giving that one a try again in 2016. If the democrats are lucky, and the republicans are incredibly stupid, he will be. Originally Posted by timpage
why is this ridiculous?
why is this ridiculous? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
It's not, unless you've never texted while driving and understand how dangerous it is. I guess that's you moron.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Texas won't be a blue state, or a swing state, at any time in the foreseeable future that any of us will be talking about it on this board....maybe our kids....if your kids are young....and anybody that thinks different is dreaming. Texas is red. Originally Posted by timpage
I think that you're wrong. I think it will come in 2022 for State races, and 2024 for President.

And fuck no, Perry's not coming and we won't have him in any event. I can't imagine anyone who would far worse in a Democratic primary. I think he's run slightly behind Adolph Hitler.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, a recent poll of Texas Teapublicans shows Perry with a 3-1 lead over potential challenger Greg Abbot in the 2014 GOP primary.

If that's the case, then expect the D's to come out of the woodwork. If its one of the Castro brothers... Things might get VERY interesting in Red Texas!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually, a recent poll of Texas Teapublicans shows Perry with a 3-1 lead over potential challenger Greg Abbot in the 2014 GOP primary.

If that's the case, then expect the D's to come out of the woodwork. If its one of the Castro brothers... Things might get VERY interesting in Red Texas! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I like Julian and Joaquin, but it's just too early. The demographics aren't there yet.