Double standard

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Kick ass job Emmie Originally Posted by BigDeal
Troll posts ahead? Toot toot. Full speed ahead.

It seems one troll may have been scared off.

I'll just watch the drama unfold. It should be spectacular.
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 06-01-2016, 12:03 PM
Is this a hooker board or is it a cyber reality show? It seems there is so much needless drama at times, that quality information sharing and safety for all involved in this hobby falls by the way side. Every week, it's a race to see who turned on who and what side is winning. Guys and girls, as difficult as it may be at times, we should see who you want for the reason that you want them and let the useless drivel go? Can we get back to business? There's fun to be had and roses to be shared if we do so. Isn't that why we're here?
Is this a hooker board or is it a cyber reality show? It seems there is so much needless drama at times, that quality information sharing and safety for all involved in this hobby falls by the way side. Every week, it's a race to see who turned on who and what side is winning. Guys and girls, as difficult as it may be at times, we should see who you want for the reason that you want them and let the useless drivel go? Can we get back to business? There's fun to be had and roses to be shared if we do so. Isn't that why we're here? Originally Posted by Cleo
You'd think but here egos prevail. And there are more than I can count. I'm always wanting for good info. Share and share we must.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Same SFBS ..different day.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
Oh Fritz its so nice to see that you got your handle back!! FYI, you've already burned this with all of the ladies as we all know it is you. However, since you want to call me low hanging fruit you certainly didn't think that when you were stalking my ass. Now, move on little troll because NOBODY wants you around. Originally Posted by Emmie
Fritz? What ladies are you referring to? I have never stalked your ass and never would. Don't flatter yourself. I don't stalk any f ucking whore even the hot ones. Go ask your f ucking lady friends if you have any or of the caliber I associate with.

Seems you have some fans. They sure know the winning side. IT's really hard to enjoy the wins when the other side is too stupid to not realize it.

Anyhow I am bored so I set aside a little bit of time out of pure kindness to enlighten you on the basic facts as mentioned above.

LEt that sink in before you spout off that dickhole again. Your laughable threats and mischaracterization don't mean s hit to me or anybody except the gullible.

The ladies I associate with don't give a f uck about the drama on this s hitty board. They are like me. They use it for its sole purpose. meet and greet. That's f ucking it. Sorry you use it as the basis for your social life and that's sad but it ain't my reality.

I just have fun f ucking with you people. Too easy. And doesn't mean s hit to me either. I could live with it or not and it wouldn't make a difference to me.

IF none of this is making any sense to you dimwits. I'll make it clear. I got banned twice. It didn't make put a dent in what I gain from this s hitty board. So say all you want but make sure you know what you're saying because casting innuendo or aspersions just make you the fool when you are dead wrong.

I don't f ucking know what all the drama around here is about and I don't f ucking care except to incite more drama but you f uckers take it too f ucking seriously.

Word of advice for the losers here? BE f ucking more careful. USe your f ucking minds for once. IF a loser lowballs you and threatens you on the first call, it would be good to alert and beyond that f ucking don't talk to the f ucker again.

I don't have to defend my status or rep because your opinions don't mean s hit to me. I already have people who can vouch for me I don't need yours.

I think I made that crystal clear. S hit for brains all around here. I guess I should be happy just more s hits to berate, right? And you all are asking for it with the stuff you guys say. You just can't make this stuff up.
  • Luxie
  • 06-02-2016, 09:47 AM
Doesn't care.
Proceeds to write an entire essay on how he doesn't care.
Couture's Avatar
Doesn't care.
Proceeds to write an entire essay on how he doesn't care. Originally Posted by GemmaFox
Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 06-02-2016, 10:06 AM
Doesn't care.
Proceeds to write an entire essay on how he doesn't care. Originally Posted by GemmaFox
Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 06-02-2016, 10:18 AM
Fritz? What ladies are you referring to? I have never stalked your ass and never would. Don't flatter yourself. I don't stalk any f ucking whore even the hot ones. Go ask your f ucking lady friends if you have any or of the caliber I associate with.

Seems you have some fans. They sure know the winning side. IT's really hard to enjoy the wins when the other side is too stupid to not realize it.

Anyhow I am bored so I set aside a little bit of time out of pure kindness to enlighten you on the basic facts as mentioned above.

LEt that sink in before you spout off that dickhole again. Your laughable threats and mischaracterization don't mean s hit to me or anybody except the gullible.

The ladies I associate with don't give a f uck about the drama on this s hitty board. They are like me. They use it for its sole purpose. meet and greet. That's f ucking it. Sorry you use it as the basis for your social life and that's sad but it ain't my reality.

I just have fun f ucking with you people. Too easy. And doesn't mean s hit to me either. I could live with it or not and it wouldn't make a difference to me.

IF none of this is making any sense to you dimwits. I'll make it clear. I got banned twice. It didn't make put a dent in what I gain from this s hitty board. So say all you want but make sure you know what you're saying because casting innuendo or aspersions just make you the fool when you are dead wrong.

I don't f ucking know what all the drama around here is about and I don't f ucking care except to incite more drama but you f uckers take it too f ucking seriously.

Word of advice for the losers here? BE f ucking more careful. USe your f ucking minds for once. IF a loser lowballs you and threatens you on the first call, it would be good to alert and beyond that f ucking don't talk to the f ucker again.

I don't have to defend my status or rep because your opinions don't mean s hit to me. I already have people who can vouch for me I don't need yours.

I think I made that crystal clear. S hit for brains all around here. I guess I should be happy just more s hits to berate, right? And you all are asking for it with the stuff you guys say. You just can't make this stuff up. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
If that's not a SPA I dont know what is! I will make sure to check additional sites to see if you've tried to out additional providers as you have in the past. Good luck getting a reputable provider after this alert you put on yourself. Stick with backpage honey.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
If that's not a SPA I dont know what is! I will make sure to check additional sites to see if you've tried to out additional providers as you have in the past. Good luck getting a reputable provider after this alert you put on yourself. Stick with backpage honey. Originally Posted by Emmie
Ooo. I'm scared. You're still in denial. Here. I'll repeat it. I HAVE NO aliases. Good luck finding them. Please go and make a big deal out of it. Just makes you out to a busybody and proves my f ucking point. Really you should cause less drama and make your life easier but no you want to get slowly f ucked over just like Arianna and the rest who left did. Stupid does as stupid will. Can't change that. I am going to call it. This is the beginning of the end. You've made yourself a lightning rod not me.

Doesn't care.
Proceeds to write an entire essay on how he doesn't care. Originally Posted by GemmaFox
Yes I don't care. I just like listening to the sound of a thousand angels fighting by my side. For f uck's sake that's the definition of crazy. There's no explanation as to why crazy people do what they do except they're crazy. And also I like f ucking with people. I just wanted to get as much in there as I thought would be a little over necessary. But you never cared for an explanation just a jab at nothing really. So I have replied to your comment of practically s hit nothing with the same.
JRLawrence's Avatar
"I just have fun fucking with you people.....

I don't fucking care except to incite more drama....

I don't have to defend my status or rep because your opinions don't mean shit to me...."
Originally Posted by A2theb2thec

zeejoe's Avatar
I w ould like to t hank whoever the he actually is (really, does it matter at this point?) for consistently using the online equivalent of a neurotic facial tic every time he t ypes a nything t hat c ould be c onstrued as a c urse w ord.

It's a tactic that ten year olds with internet access in their mother's basement usually use on videogame message boards in order to defeat a modesty filter when they flame somebody over a dispute about Pokemon, but it's a refreshing nod to propriety on a forum where we routinely and legitimately discuss facefucking and buttfucking hookers.

Or maybe he is ten and the browser on a Playstation 3 just types it that way.
One of those. Anyways,
Well done, insert current handle here!

A2theb2thec's Avatar
I w ould like to t hank whoever the he actually is (really, does it matter at this point?) for consistently using the online equivalent of a neurotic facial tic every time he t ypes a nything t hat c ould be c onstrued as a c urse w ord.

It's a tactic that ten year olds with internet access in their mother's basement usually use on videogame message boards in order to defeat a modesty filter when they flame somebody over a dispute about Pokemon, but it's a refreshing nod to propriety on a forum where we routinely and legitimately discuss facefucking and buttfucking hookers.

Or maybe he is ten and the browser on a Playstation 3 just types it that way.
One of those. Anyways,
Well done, insert current handle here!
Originally Posted by zeejoe
Yeah that would only pertain to me and me alone. You don't see any other asshole with that issue. It only happens when I'm using my windows computer. May be that's it. Let me see if it does it to me here. Shit shit shit shit fuck fuck. Nope doesn't autocorrect to something innocent. Must be my fucking computer.

May be I am a 10 year old using a PlayStation console to type my shit out. Keep thinking that. The whores I have been with must be pedophiles then. Or at least forced pedophiles. Well I guess it would be my fault since I initiated the contacts and engaged. What to do about my 10 year old's desires and a boatload of cash. Argh. Can't come up with anything else since I already do the other stuff so I guess I will just have to continue manipulating these women. More is the pity. And the money I dole out will never erase their shame.