Are you happy now?

John Bull's Avatar
Well as I've said in the past, nobody thinks they are doing it and everyone thinks they are having it done to them.

Human nature I suppose. Originally Posted by WTF
There's a lot to that. But, I do believe that if there is a conscious effort to treat others kindly, the forum as a whole benefits.
I'm not talking about kid gloves treatment so much as just treating posters as you would if you met them in the mall.
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  • WTF
  • 06-02-2011, 12:49 PM
I am supremely saddened. Meanness nevers serves any useful purpose, and to have lost one so special and unique because of the inability of a few to accept and learn from others is too awful. This forum has changed so much in such a short time, and it is a great loss for those who used it as a place to explore without condemnation. Originally Posted by topguntex
I was much more saddened by Nineveh leaving but I didn't make a big BooHoo about it. She, like Lauren, left because they choose to. Choice is so much better than force IMHO.

Do you want a forum where one side of the fence can say WTF ever they want unchallenged, no matter how preposterous? Or do you want a forum where all can speak and defend their own views. Nineveh did not care for the former and it appears Summerhill does not care tor the latter.

There's a lot to that. But, I do believe that if there is a conscious effort to treat others kindly, the forum as a whole benefits.
I'm not talking about kid gloves treatment so much as just treating posters as you would if you met them in the mall. Originally Posted by John Bull
That might be part of the problem JB, I can't remember the last time I've been to the mall and it appears many others haven't either!

If form holds true...PM's have already went out.

''Do not reply to WTF posts. Ignore him.''

I can live with that., much better than....
"That mother fucker can't leave enough alone!" You think.
"F you and the horse you rode in on!"

I never heard that at the mall!
macrose's Avatar
New to the boards but this problem is rather common on many types of boards. I think it is easier for people to react/respond more forcefully (or without a filter) on a board than they would otherwise act in a face-to-face conversation. You can disagree with a person and make a point without being rude. Sadly, many people can not effectively communicate without making things personal or hurtful.
"F you and the horse you rode in on!" Originally Posted by WTF
Since when did you learn to ride a horse?
Willen's Avatar
Don't know whether you heard about this about a new survey that puts the whole happiness issue into a wider context. The survey ranked countries according to how happy their populations are. The US came in dead last. The happiest populations are found in Iran and North Korea. The survey was done by a North Korean outfit.
Don't know whether you heard about this about a new survey that puts the whole happiness issue into a wider context. The survey ranked countries according to how happy their populations are. The US came in dead last. The happiest populations are found in Iran and North Korea. The survey was done by a North Korean outfit. Originally Posted by Willen
Of course, there was only one choice ("happy") on the surveys distributed in NK and Iran.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Though alternate choices do come with necessary mortuary assistance.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
John Bull's Avatar
WTF, I agree that people come and go as they will for many reasons. And, I promise you, I wasn't inspired by any particular person but the thing that makes me concerned is the volume of folks who seem to have left.
If one looks at that as a pattern, it's not a good sign for the Forum and I believe we all need to take a look at our "posting attitude".
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-02-2011, 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
LOL MA as in FU2
dearhunter's Avatar
They are leaving?

I thought they were taken in the rapture.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
LOL MA as in FU2 Originally Posted by WTF
I almost spit my drink. Funny.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-02-2011, 03:32 PM
WTF, I agree that people come and go as they will for many reasons. And, I promise you, I wasn't inspired by any particular person but the thing that makes me concerned is the volume of folks who seem to have left.
". Originally Posted by John Bull
If one looks at that as a pattern, it's not a good sign for the Forum and I believe we all need to take a look at our "posting attitude". Originally Posted by John Bull
Lets make a list.

Establish who has come and gone; why they have come and gone and see what the proper action is.

We have added Val, London, namoi and nina off the top of my head. Wait certain posters tried to run London and Val and namoi ....wait and nina off. Luckily they stayed.

Becky has left and Lauren.

For some strange reason every time Lauen leaves there is a big bruhaha.
That patteren is unmistakable. I was much more saddened by Becky departure.

I did not care that a certain poster from atlanta seemed to make it tough on the new ladies. That is a huge problem IMHO.

I say let people discuss WTF they think the problems are and lets try and fix them.

I have no problem admitting that I am a problem for certain posters. I also have no problem admitting that they are a pain in the ass as far as I am concerened.

Why not let all sides bitch about WTF they do not like and lets see what we can do to fix this so called problem.
We can start by reminding MA that he is a moderator. Originally Posted by WTF
Does that mean he has to drink in moderation?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 06-02-2011, 03:41 PM
Does that mean he has to drink in moderation? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Wrong thread PJ.

MA takes it about as well as he dish's it out.

Long as he does that it is all good.