• oeb11
  • 07-20-2021, 10:30 AM
japan joined the axis. it was considered fascist. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Ppfucker's quotes are valid. If true, those are racist remarks. However, do you hold Mr. Biden to the same standard of anti-racist purity?
texassapper's Avatar

"“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,” Trump said at his campaign announcement. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

So Trump is actually wrong... NONE of them are good people. Every single one is breaking the law by invading this nation.
  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2021, 01:37 PM
evidently pfd is unaware of teh mariel boatlift from Cuba - where Castro emptied his prisons into florida.
same principle.

fascist DPST minions are ecellent at denial and deflection in service to their ideologic religiosity.
Little Monster's Avatar

So Trump is actually wrong... NONE of them are good people. Every single one is breaking the law by invading this nation. Originally Posted by texassapper
I would rather have them over here than far right Trump supporters. Unlike Trump supporters, they contribute to society.
texassapper's Avatar
I would rather have them over here than far right Trump supporters. Unlike Trump supporters, they contribute to society. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Nothing is stopping you from leaving this RAYCISS hell hole and moving to some socialist paradise like Cuba or China. Don't let the doo rhit you in the ass on the way out.
Little Monster's Avatar
Nothing is stopping you from leaving this RAYCISS hell hole and moving to some socialist paradise like Cuba or China. Don't let the doo rhit you in the ass on the way out. Originally Posted by texassapper
Nah, I will stay here with the hard working immigrants, they're much smarter than conservatives. The Trump supporters can go to.......oh wait, that's right no other country wants them. Gee I wonder why.
  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2021, 02:17 PM
I would rather have them over here than far right Trump supporters. Unlike Trump supporters, they contribute to society. Originally Posted by Little Monster

LM is likely unaware of teh crime wave consequence to the mariel boatlift.

Fascist DPST's are clueless as to consequences of Actions.

Since one likes illegals ( including gangs, drug runners, human traffickers) - One may donate One's yard for a tent city shelter for the illegals.
Be a generous, tolerant, and inclusive party member towards those One wishes to have the Vote in America.

One may find teh 'contributions' are not precisely as a liberal POV envisions!

I do hope it does not create an issue in teh neighborhood.
texassapper's Avatar
Nah, I will stay here with the hard working immigrants, Originally Posted by Little Monster
That's the thing with liberals like you though. You won't ACTUALLY be "with" them. Sure they will be allowed to stay, but you won't send your kids to their schools. You won't have them in your neighborhoods. You won't care about the wages they depress for your neighbors. You won't be subject to their crimes. You don't care about those that will.

You're virtue signaling.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Unlike Trump supporters, they contribute to society. Originally Posted by Little Monster
You have any evidence for that claim?
Little Monster's Avatar
That's the thing with liberals like you though. You won't ACTUALLY be "with" them. Sure they will be allowed to stay, but you won't send your kids to their schools. You won't have them in your neighborhoods. You won't care about the wages they depress for your neighbors. You won't be subject to their crimes. You don't care about those that will.

You're virtue signaling. Originally Posted by texassapper
Ok, this is honestly and arguably one of the most ignorant posts I have ever responded to. You don't know me, never met me, but you're gonna tell me where and who I've lived among. LMAO!! OK, smart one.

I'm not sure how familiar with Austin. You are but ask anyone who's from here what Rundberg & Lamar is like. Ask them what language you mostly hear, I will give you a hint it ain't English.

And it was two itty bitty years ago when I lived in that neighborhood in a very large apt complex. And do you wanna take a guess what the biggest demographic was?? About a good 60 to 70 percent of my fellow tenants didn't speak English, whether or not they were illegal I don't know, didn't care.

You know why I didn't care? They never bothered anybody. They went to work and came home just like everyone else. My only complaint would've been their kids screaming at the playground early in the morning. The worst I ever seen them do was drink a few beers outside but their vehicles. They didn’t call the police all the time over stupid shit, but you know who does? Old conservative white people.

It was the American born thugs that I didn't care for. Are you seriously gonna tell me that crime doesn't happen in communities that have zero immigrants??? Remind me again who commits most of these mass shootings?

As far as wages go, if you're not earning enough to support yourself then that says a lot about YOU, not the illegals. If you were born in America and you are competing with illegals for decent paying jobs then that says a lot about YOU! Not the illegals.
Little Monster's Avatar

So Trump is actually wrong... NONE of them are good people. Every single one is breaking the law by invading this nation. Originally Posted by texassapper
Says the guy who broke the law at least 27 times!! You just have soooooo much room to talk don't you? You break the law in a different way than you do so that makes you a "Good Person".

Psssssshhh conservative hypocrisy...
  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2021, 05:46 PM
-sounds a lot like Fauci to me.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The hypocrisy control people the live here and pay tax's and let everyone else in with drugs covid human trafficking that's okay ,,,,LOL
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Pathetic human scum!

We Koalas are a much more nobler race.

Remove yourself from my presence at once.