Backpage Review With Cecilia88

The more a fucktard rants at 2 am the more inclined I am to believe the provider claiming harassment...ijs. Originally Posted by boardman
Boardman - I don't think I was ranting and I sure don't think you know anything about my personal schedule.
You've made a stupid statement here indicating I'm probably harassing her because of the time of night I put up a post and hanging "ijs" on the end of your bullshit doesn't make it less irresponsible. I'm at work when you're playing Sherlock Holmes on ECCIE.
Am I the only one that thinks harassing a woman is a big deal? I have no reason to communicate with Cecila, haven't been and won't be. I really have nothing against her, I know she has good qualities and I know it's immaturity that leads her to lie like a kid caught with hand in cookie jar and unravel after a negative review but I sure don't appreciate her making up harassment stories and you white knights handed her a shovel by encouraging her and helped her dig herself deeper or it would have ended with her first post. "Oh really Cecilia, golly, is he still harassing you?". Ass-wipes. Only she knows why she's taken down her ECCIE showcase. She still has one up on p411.
I put up a factual review and there was a whole lot of piling on which I regret and some of it is so I'm going to bow out of this string and not contribute any more to the negativity.
dearhunter's Avatar
If she thincks she can circumvent the reckoning for her disclosure of ROS by guesting her account and returning under a new name next week, she is wrong.......ijs
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
^^ what he said....
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 04-25-2013, 07:05 AM
If she thincks she can circumvent the reckoning for her disclosure of ROS by guesting her account and returning under a new name next week, she is wrong.......ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
^^ what he said.... Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Okay, what about a tit and/or taint picture portfolio. Would that do it? ija
boardman's Avatar
Boardman - I don't think I was ranting and I sure don't think you know anything about my personal schedule.
You've made a stupid statement here indicating I'm probably harassing her because of the time of night I put up a post and hanging "ijs" on the end of your bullshit doesn't make it less irresponsible. I'm at work when you're playing Sherlock Holmes on ECCIE.
Am I the only one that thinks harassing a woman is a big deal? I have no reason to communicate with Cecila, haven't been and won't be. I really have nothing against her, I know she has good qualities and I know it's immaturity that leads her to lie like a kid caught with hand in cookie jar and unravel after a negative review but I sure don't appreciate her making up harassment stories and you white knights handed her a shovel by encouraging her and helped her dig herself deeper or it would have ended with her first post. "Oh really Cecilia, golly, is he still harassing you?". Ass-wipes. Only she knows why she's taken down her ECCIE showcase. She still has one up on p411.
I put up a factual review and there was a whole lot of piling on which I regret and some of it is so I'm going to bow out of this string and not contribute any more to the negativity. Originally Posted by Rocky1@411
You are right, I don't know anything about your personal schedule. I can only go by what I see. So far what I see is that you scheduled an afternoon appointment and up until this started and for the previous three months all of your posts have been either late morning, early or late afternoon and early evening. So I made what I felt and still feel is a logical assumption that you are on a daytime schedule.

After some reading I can also deduce that you are a little angry at whores in general(usually mommy issues but who knows) and rather vindictive to the point of following providers posts in order to further discredit them(a form of board harassment) after you had already posted a NCNS thread
Furthermore, this is not C88's first negative review(but you should know that if you researched) so caveat emptor seems to apply in her case more than most.
You posted your review and it was straightforward, to the point and seemingly honest. Responding to this thread with such anger, as you have, indicates a level of instability that backs up my previous statement and actually takes credibility from your review and gives credibility to the OPs claims. It also leads me to wonder if that kind of anger is present during a session which could contribute negatively on the experience as well.
Perhaps a more reasonable response would have been to simply say "I stand by my review" and let this thread take it's natural course. Either way it shined a new light on a provider that has not had a stellar reputation.
The fact is, based on your behavior, I don't have any more respect for your reputation as a contributor than I do for her as a provider except for the fact that you have stuck around for the fallout. Not sure yet if that's balls or stupidity.
Sometimes standing on the mountaintop proclaiming your innocence gives reasonable people room for doubt. I stand by my earlier statement that there is more at play here than we know...ijs LOL, cuz that makes it lighthearted.