Sugar Daddy Allowances?

Hedi_malone's Avatar
So right
Whispers's Avatar
When they start wanting to be in a "reationship" and not an "arrangement" that;s when it is time to cut bait as they say. You should have an out clause and exercise that out when this happens. Originally Posted by SkylerScarlett
So right Originally Posted by Hedi_malone
She's a 53yo hooker..... Maybe her thought process should be "How much longer can my body and looks pay the bills with a diminishing number of client options as I age Out. Something regular and relationship based could lead to an exit strategy".

I don't understand why any guy looks to the hooker crop for travel and vacation companions..... It's way easier and less expensive to pickup a waitress, stripper or a CoEd that wants to travel..... and the pussy usually has a lot less wear and tear on it...
Typically, people plan for 30yrs in retirement. Hopefully he has other assets to help carry him through that because if he will be dependent on that half mil alone, that works out to less than $1500/mo... To live on... No wonder he didn't want any of his previous girls to quit providing. At this rate he will be needing to borrow money from you just to make ends meet... Sounds more like hes looking for a sugar mamma to me. Originally Posted by VegasJen
Your calcs on how long that will last are off by quite a bit. An invested amount like that, at a conservative 7-8% interest rate, the principle will double about every 9 years. That means even in retirement over 30 years that amount will double almost 3 times. Maybe more with a little better interest. However at that point in life you generally don't invest too aggressively since you aren't contributing to it any more so no more dollar cost averaging if the investment goes down for a few years.

And you have also forgotten about SS income of possibly 2-3k per month maybe more. It depends on how much he made in his working years.

He also possibly owns a home, so no mortgage or rent, just taxes and insurance, food, and pussy. lol
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-31-2016, 06:39 AM

I suspect your numbers are off a fair bit.
--Your "conservative" growth rate is not as conservative as you thing--not over the past decade or so
--Jen's assumption is he is taking $$ out monthly, so it certainly isn't growing anywhere as quickly as you estimate. General rule of thumb was you could take out 4% per year on a sustained basis, though most planners are now lowering that to 3%. So based on $500,000 that is $15-20K a year, essentially what Jen said
--SSN at 3K/month? Not likely. Even at $2400 he should have made enough to be worth FAR MORE than 500,000 at this point. Either he won't be getting that much SSN or he goes through money like a sieve. Either way, not good.

So, I think more realistically we are looking at about $50 per year at the top end, more likely near $40K. He won't starve, but he won't be living the high life either (depending upon where he lives and whether he is in a paid off house vice renting vice a mortgage).
I have a gentleman that has met me as a client a couple of time out of State.(next State over)
He has taking a liking to me and came to my home town and we went out as friends.
He wants to take me on cruses trips and be my boyfriend. and come see me like 10 times a year., I would like to ask the men here what do you think a good allowances would be? (each time we meet it would be for 5,7,10 day visit.)

He told me that he feels strange giving me money for my services., but is fine with gifts.
He told me he has had two other providers as girlfriends in the past and that the providers got mad because he didn't ask them to give up providing, he said he doesn't want to tell the girl what to do.

I know he is well off, and is in the process of retiring and will be getting half a million to subsidize the rest of his life., so he will only get a portion of that money annually.
(He is not looking for marriage)

What are your thoughts? What kind of gifts would subsidize me? Originally Posted by Kinky Carrie
Sugar babies and all levels hookers.mistresses.girlfriend PAYING for services.Clients and sugar babies has to come up with a PAID agreement with each other.
Your numbers are based on 0 growth over 30 years. Like the money is just sitting in a bank locker and not invested. Yes taking 3% out a year would deplete 500k in about 30 years. If this is invested, in ten years about 150k will deplete leaving 300k to probably double to 600k in that time. And then the first ten years can be scheduled out and it will grow some also. There are many details left out in the original post that can influence this.

Definitely not going to be living like a king... but surely can live comfortably on income from 500k, SS, and maybe a part time job or hobby that pays some...


I suspect your numbers are off a fair bit.
--Your "conservative" growth rate is not as conservative as you thing--not over the past decade or so
--Jen's assumption is he is taking $$ out monthly, so it certainly isn't growing anywhere as quickly as you estimate. General rule of thumb was you could take out 4% per year on a sustained basis, though most planners are now lowering that to 3%. So based on $500,000 that is $15-20K a year, essentially what Jen said
--SSN at 3K/month? Not likely. Even at $2400 he should have made enough to be worth FAR MORE than 500,000 at this point. Either he won't be getting that much SSN or he goes through money like a sieve. Either way, not good.

So, I think more realistically we are looking at about $50 per year at the top end, more likely near $40K. He won't starve, but he won't be living the high life either (depending upon where he lives and whether he is in a paid off house vice renting vice a mortgage).
Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-31-2016, 12:39 PM
I agree, we are all speculating in the absence of data!
bladtinzu's Avatar
I have a gentleman that has met me as a client a couple of time out of State.(next State over)
He has taking a liking to me and came to my home town and we went out as friends.
He wants to take me on cruses trips and be my boyfriend. and come see me like 10 times a year., I would like to ask the men here what do you think a good allowances would be? (each time we meet it would be for 5,7,10 day visit.) Originally Posted by Kinky Carrie
It varies across the nation. In Arkansas you can get a super hot college student for as little as $800 a month. In San Fran 10k a month gets late 20's super hot where Manhattan you looking at 25k a month for the same. Cost of living has a lot to do with it.

He told me that he feels strange giving me money for my services., but is fine with gifts.
He told me he has had two other providers as girlfriends in the past and that the providers got mad because he didn't ask them to give up providing, he said he doesn't want to tell the girl what to do. Originally Posted by Kinky Carrie
For the most part pro's make shitty SB's. But this has been hashed to death on here for years.

I know he is well off, and is in the process of retiring and will be getting half a million to subsidize the rest of his life., so he will only get a portion of that money annually.
(He is not looking for marriage) Originally Posted by Kinky Carrie
I hope to hell he has another 5 or 6 million hidden that he can tap into because 500k goes super quick (damn Bentley dealership)..

What are your thoughts? What kind of gifts would subsidize me? Originally Posted by Kinky Carrie
Would depend. Factor in your cost of living. Then add in things you want but can never afford. Then add it up and you have a number to ask for.
Do you like him?
If you do...or if you want to be just friends....your price would depend on you short and long term goals and what you believe would reach them. 😘
nikki12392's Avatar
if you like him enough to be broke. but if you don't and you want that money need to tell him straight up. don't beat around the bush
I don't understand why any guy looks to the hooker crop for travel and vacation companions..... It's way easier and less expensive to pickup a waitress, stripper or a CoEd that wants to travel..... and the pussy usually has a lot less wear and tear on it... Originally Posted by Whispers