Federal judges reportedly call emergency meeting in wake of Stone case intervention

Nowhere in the various reports does it say when, where and specifically who is involved in this "emergency" meeting either. Oh it says some Federal judge group but I don't see a list of names other than Cynthia Rufe.

Nor do I see a list of demands other than "Orange Man Bad."

Like I said before, in a couple of weeks this'll be on page 4. Originally Posted by gnadfly
It's been two weeks and it was already on page nine.

Is Trump still the President? Is Barr still the AG?

Another Jaxoff progressive circle jerk meltdown thread.

Last I heard "a judge" scheduled a teleconference. It happened. Consequences must have been as earth shaking as a fart.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2020, 12:17 PM
Everyone is having a Corona presently
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
no follow up on this judge conference?
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
The head of the Federal Judges Association is taking the extraordinary step of calling an emergency meeting to address the intervention in politically sensitive cases by President Trump and Attorney General William P. Barr.

U.S. District Judge Cynthia M. Rufe, the Philadelphia-based judge who heads the voluntary association of around 1,100 life-term federal judges, told USA Today that the issue “could not wait.” The association, founded in 1982, ordinarily concerns itself with matters of judicial compensation and legislation affecting the federal judiciary.

Don’t Stop With Donald Trump, Democrats: Impeach Attorney General Bill Barr
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
And no doubt my friend that the Trump Crime syndicate will claim that this judge was another Obama appointee or some other lame excuse...we all know what these crybabies are all about.

I’m not so sure Trump can Pardon That shady criminal Stone. I’ve read that Mueller fixed it so that it was a state prosecution and not a Federal...hence Trump can’t pardon Stone.
But we all know that Trump is as lawless as it gets and I bet he will try every trick in the book to get his way.
Stone should have gone to jail long ago. He’s been a menace for years just like his rabid buddy Lee Atwater.
no follow up on this judge conference? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Apparently not. Just handwringing and name calling. Ignoranceisblisschris is really stupid if he thought that the Stone trial was set up as a state trial.
Judge Judy's 25 year retirement got more publicity and concern that this judge. Why?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Judge Judy's 25 year retirement got more publicity and concern that this judge. Why? Originally Posted by gnadfly

she's on tv that's why. she made like 40 million.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And no doubt my friend that the Trump Crime syndicate will claim that this judge was another Obama appointee or some other lame excuse...we all know what these crybabies are all about.

I’m not so sure Trump can Pardon That shady criminal Stone. I’ve read that Mueller fixed it so that it was a state prosecution and not a Federal...hence Trump can’t pardon Stone.
But we all know that Trump is as lawless as it gets and I bet he will try every trick in the book to get his way.
Stone should have gone to jail long ago. He’s been a menace for years just like his rabid buddy Lee Atwater. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
and .. where did yous read that? MSDNC?

yous really need to stop making foolish rhetoric .. because it's making yous look foolish!


Roger Stone sentenced to three years and four months in prison, as Trump predicts ‘exoneration’ for his friend

By Rachel Weiner,

Matt Zapotosky,

Tom Jackman and

Devlin Barrett

Feb. 20, 2020 at 5:18 p.m. CST

A federal judge on Thursday sentenced Roger Stone, President Trump’s longtime friend and political adviser, to serve three years and four months in prison for impeding a congressional investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The penalty from U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson comes after weeks of infighting over the politically charged case that threw the Justice Department into crisis, and it is likely not to be the final word. Even before the sentencing hearing began, Trump seemed to suggest on Twitter that he might pardon Stone. With the proceedings ongoing, Trump questioned whether his ally was being treated fairly. Afterward, he attacked the jury in the case and said he would “love to see Roger exonerated.”

In a lengthy speech before imposing the penalty, Jackson seemed to take aim at Trump, saying Stone “was not prosecuted for standing up for the president; he was prosecuted for covering up for the president.” She also appeared to call out Attorney General William P. Barr, saying his intervention to reduce career prosecutors’ sentencing recommendation was “unprecedented.” But she said the politics surrounding the case had not influenced her decision.


Federal judicial service

On June 17, 2010, President Barack Obama nominated Jackson to fill a vacant seat on the United States District Court for the District of Columbia that was created in 2007 when Judge Gladys Kessler took senior status.[5] Her nomination lapsed at the end of 2010, but Obama renominated her on January 5, 2011. The United States Senate confirmed Jackson on March 17.[7] She received her commission the next day.[4]

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And no doubt my friend that the Trump Crime syndicate will claim that this judge was another Obama appointee or some other lame excuse...we all know what these crybabies are all about.

I’m not so sure Trump can Pardon That shady criminal Stone. I’ve read that Mueller fixed it so that it was a state prosecution and not a Federal...hence Trump can’t pardon Stone.
But we all know that Trump is as lawless as it gets and I bet he will try every trick in the book to get his way.
Stone should have gone to jail long ago. He’s been a menace for years just like his rabid buddy Lee Atwater. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
jeez.... you really got a stinky shoe stuck up your ass.

get your facts straight before you come off looking like an effin fool. Mr. T would pity a fool like you!!!

Stone was sentenced by a Obama appointed federal judge.

no state judge was involved in his case.

the only menace around here is your spoilt mouth. time for you to see a proctologist to see about that stinky shoe that's stuck up your ass.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And no doubt my friend that the Trump Crime syndicate will claim that this judge was another Obama appointee or some other lame excuse...we all know what these crybabies are all about.

I’m not so sure Trump can Pardon That shady criminal Stone. I’ve read that Mueller fixed it so that it was a state prosecution and not a Federal...hence Trump can’t pardon Stone.
But we all know that Trump is as lawless as it gets and I bet he will try every trick in the book to get his way.
Stone should have gone to jail long ago. He’s been a menace for years just like his rabid buddy Lee Atwater. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
jeez.... you really got a stinky shoe stuck up your ass.

get your facts straight before you come off looking like an effin fool. Mr. T would pity a fool like you!!!

Stone was sentenced by a Obama appointed federal judge.

no state judge was involved in his case.

the only menace around here is your spoilt mouth. time for you to see a proctologist to see about that stinky shoe that's stuck up your ass. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

it's all about Evil Lord Trump ..

see below .. the truth hurts the ignert!

and .. where did yous read that? MSDNC?

yous really need to stop making foolish rhetoric .. because it's making yous look foolish!


Roger Stone sentenced to three years and four months in prison, as Trump predicts ‘exoneration’ for his friend

By Rachel Weiner,

Matt Zapotosky,

Tom Jackman and

Devlin Barrett

Feb. 20, 2020 at 5:18 p.m. CST

A federal judge on Thursday sentenced Roger Stone, President Trump’s longtime friend and political adviser, to serve three years and four months in prison for impeding a congressional investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The penalty from U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson comes after weeks of infighting over the politically charged case that threw the Justice Department into crisis, and it is likely not to be the final word. Even before the sentencing hearing began, Trump seemed to suggest on Twitter that he might pardon Stone. With the proceedings ongoing, Trump questioned whether his ally was being treated fairly. Afterward, he attacked the jury in the case and said he would “love to see Roger exonerated.”

In a lengthy speech before imposing the penalty, Jackson seemed to take aim at Trump, saying Stone “was not prosecuted for standing up for the president; he was prosecuted for covering up for the president.” She also appeared to call out Attorney General William P. Barr, saying his intervention to reduce career prosecutors’ sentencing recommendation was “unprecedented.” But she said the politics surrounding the case had not influenced her decision.


Federal judicial service

On June 17, 2010, President Barack Obama nominated Jackson to fill a vacant seat on the United States District Court for the District of Columbia that was created in 2007 when Judge Gladys Kessler took senior status.[5] Her nomination lapsed at the end of 2010, but Obama renominated her on January 5, 2011. The United States Senate confirmed Jackson on March 17.[7] She received her commission the next day.[4]

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like bwk needs to be called a nazi or commie.. haven't decided which...

prolly that's a good thing. bahahahahaha!
she's on tv that's why. she made like 40 million. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
True. But Judge Judy is a more of a judge than Judge Rufe. Anybody hear what happened to this? It was front page, lede story headlines on many prog and MSM websites.

Evidently she was slapped down. You didn't hear about this, did you?


Manuel P. Asensio, the Plaintiff in the nation's first federal civil rights domestic relations case, has incorporated a federal judicial misconduct complaint against HON. CYNTHIA M. RUFE, A JUDGE OF THE U.S. DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA into the matter titled the "INVESTIGATION OF THE HON. JOHN G. ROBERTS, JR'S MISCONDUCT" (ICRM). The ICRM is filed with the Office of the Attorney General of the United States.
JUDGE CYNTHIA M. RUFE'S unprecedented private notice to the press announcing a "conference call" to discuss the "Mueller/Roger Stone" fiasco is clearly one of the most blatant and consequential acts of judicial misconduct and usurpation of the Office of the America Presidency's Unitarian Executive and political power in America's history. It must be directly and forcefully addressed.

Of course a lot of people could file a complaint.
But it likely had some effect. The "emergency meeting" wasn't called. In all likelihood, there wasn't a groundswell of judges who wanted to sign their name to this to call an emergency meeting.

It was all choreographed "fake news" along with the 10,000 former DOJ officials who wanted Barr to resign.



The FJA memo acknowledges Ms. Rufe spoke to a reporter about the forthcoming meeting but says she “rejected the reporter’s speculations as to its timing and purpose.” It doesn’t say the Trump and Stone fiasco wouldn’t be discussed at the meeting. USA Today quotes Judge Rufe as saying the topic “could not wait.” She did not respond to two requests for comment on Tuesday.

Judge Rufe wasn’t the only source consulted as the “emergency meeting” story spread far and wide. CNN reported last week that it confirmed it with Megan Cruz, executive director of the FJA. Yet Ms. Cruz told us Tuesday she wouldn’t say whether or not an emergency meeting was in fact scheduled—only that no meeting ultimately took place—and she wouldn’t comment on the difference between the CNN report and the FJA internal memo.

So what happened?


It’s partially why the Trump White House has been so aggressive in filing the many vacancies across the board in the circuit courts. Some have totally flipped. Over 200 judges have been confirmed by Trump. The Ninth Circuit, notorious for being wrong in their legal opinions and insufferably liberal, has flipped. And notice how there are next to zero national injunctions from these clowns since the court is now stacked with conservatives. Obama left vacancies. Trump filled them. Elections have consequences.


In a nutshell: Fake News. Swallowed by ignoranceisblisskriss hook, line and sinker.
  • oeb11
  • 03-04-2020, 09:48 AM
G- Thank You - a good read. !
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It’s partially why the Trump White House has been so aggressive in filing the many vacancies across the board in the circuit courts. Some have totally flipped. Over 200 judges have been confirmed by Trump. The Ninth Circuit, notorious for being wrong in their legal opinions and insufferably liberal, has flipped. And notice how there are next to zero national injunctions from these clowns since the court is now stacked with conservatives. Obama left vacancies. Trump filled them. Elections have consequences.


In a nutshell: Fake News. Swallowed by ignoranceisblisskriss hook, line and sinker. Originally Posted by gnadfly

9th circuit court has not quite flipped. but it is getting there.

there's ruling by the 9th that went against trump recently. so it shows they haven't completely flipped.
Another good read about how a nothingburger this was set in motion by a TDS judge and the MSM.
