Question about provider demographics.

So yes you are correct. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
I like the sound of that.
Not true. There are some men I wouldn't see for all the money in the world. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Isn't that the truth! Nothing turns me off quicker than a man with a fat wallet and the attitude that you can be bought.

For gals, it's all about the $$$.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Not true. There are some men I wouldn't see for all the money in the world. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
But you must admit, those are few and far between. And the more $$$ they offer, the fewer of them you would exclude.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I like the sound of that. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I'll bet you do...

Chevalier's Avatar
And the more $$$ they offer, the fewer of them you would exclude. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
That would make me feel really good about myself, that I could afford to spend more than the rate a lady charges everyone else, to bribe her to overcome her reluctance to see me because of my personality. Hell, I could deliberately be even more obnoxious than normal, because I could afford it!

But you must admit, those are few and far between. And the more $$$ they offer, the fewer of them you would exclude. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Please stop digging your hole deeper. You really don't have a clue how we decide who we will see.
But you must admit, those are few and far between. And the more $$$ they offer, the fewer of them you would exclude. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Dude, adjust your monitor or find your glasses. The rest of us don't need the large, bold, red font.
  • Eliza
  • 02-15-2010, 06:01 PM
Isn't that the truth! Nothing turns me off quicker than a man with a fat wallet and the attitude that you can be bought. Originally Posted by Ansley
I have to chime in with a loud agreement as well!
Hell, I could deliberately be even more obnoxious than normal, because I could afford it! MWAHAHAHA!!!! Originally Posted by Chevalier
That's exactly the attitude I was speaking of earlier.
Well, I would disagree that all men are about pussy and orgasm.

Intimacy can be found in the most amazing ways. I look for someone I can be intimate with and "click" with. Do I like an "O', sure, but, don't go into it expecting it everytime.
Chevalier's Avatar
That's exactly the attitude I was speaking of earlier. Originally Posted by Ansley

Ummm, you do realize I was indulging in a bit of completely-over-the-top irony??
Please stop digging your hole deeper. You really don't have a clue how we decide who we will see. Originally Posted by Ansley
Yes I do. Every one of your websites and FAQs says to place the donation (in envelope) on a table first. You screen according to the number of Ben Franklins available to be had.

[BTW, I just had a lady, who agreed to a rate, try to raise it. So I know it's all about the $$$.]
Ummm, you do realize I was indulging in a bit of completely-over-the-top irony?? Originally Posted by Chevalier
Yes I knew you were, but there really are men that fit that description.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
For me, yes it's about the money. It's simple math....3 sessions a day ( 9am-9pm) 5 days a week at 200 adds up! 90% are regulars or multi hour sessions...I'm not complaining nor am I 'worn out'. I still receive glowing reviews. It's not for everyone, but I'm a single gal so it's easier to accommodate this lifestyle without sacrificing my personal space.
  • Eliza
  • 02-15-2010, 06:08 PM
Yes I do. Every one of your websites and FAQs says to place the donation (in envelope) on a table first. You screen according to the number of Ben Franklins available to be had. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Uhm, no.

Being able to afford the rate is like the proverbial foot in the door. You need it to progress through, but it doesn't guarantee anything. This isn't "the highest bidder wins." I don't negotiate either.