Nope, you can twist the term "equality" any way you want;l it doe not make me anymore wrong than your view of equality.
That is the problem with people like yourself, you only want to see things in a very narrow context when it comes to another opinion, but in a very wide context when it is your opinion. That is unless you are picking for a needle to suit your interpretation.
\It is like discrimination. Discrimination is what has enabled the human to survive yet depending on how you choose to view it, it is bad thing. Discrimination is a learning process that is developed from the time we are infants. It is the process of learning how to choose what is best for you. This carries on to business and the desire to hire the best person for the work to be done.
Now we are told that making the best choice regardless of race3, sex, etc. can be considered discrimination because you did not hire this person or that person based on a perceived notion that it was motivated by anything other than the best fit for the job.
Let me say I am interviewing two candidates for a job that requires a person to interact with people in a sales role.
The first applicant is a tall young white male. He interviews wearing a pair of polished shoes, dress slacks that are neatly pressed, a belt, a long sleeved shirt with a time, his hair is neat and he is well mannered. The other applicant is black young man. He is wearing some air jordans that are loosely laced, his jeans are bagging and barely cover his ass, he has on a muscle shirt with some sort of gang looking writing on it, chansons hanging from around his neck, he has a few tats and some piercings and his hair is all out of sorts. He speaks an urban lingo that sounds a bit ghetto.
Which one would I hire? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
ok then .............................. .............................. ........