ASPD Fallout

May we have a moment of silence?
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
I guess the curtains are finally closed.
Out for the Count......R.I.P!
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-06-2010, 09:43 PM
I wonder if "the estate" has thought about selling the domain name?
discreetgent's Avatar
i think they made it clear in a bunch of postings that they had no such plans
Well, apparently ASPD is down. WTF, you'll be glad to know that I got the last post in on the HDH board. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Now don't forget ladies, in honor of the new lax avatar rules here at ECCIE, tomorrow is "Fully Naked Avatar" day here at D&T. We'd like to see full participation by all of the ladies.

There is extra credit for full-frontal.
I'll start.
Now don't forget ladies, in honor of the new lax avatar rules here at ECCIE, tomorrow is "Fully Naked Avatar" day here at D&T. We'd like to see full participation by all of the ladies.

There is extra credit for full-frontal. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I fully endorse this celebration of feminine form.
discreetgent's Avatar
hear, hear,
verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice NB
Hubba hubba!
Hubba hubba! Originally Posted by pjorourke
Did you just say hubba hubba? I may just have to change my avatar to honor your feminine form day.
I did and please do.
I was reminded that my avatar did not comply.
discreetgent's Avatar
bravo Lauren; who's next?