The End of Privacy

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-17-2012, 01:02 PM
I has been and could be a LOT better than that. That's what I'm advocating. You advocate passive obedience. That's not freedom. You would almost be as happy in Syria as you are here based on that criteria. Except the hunting isn't as good. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

should I ?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just asking what have you done for the good of our country besides posting on this hooker board?I am guessing you have traveled to other countrys.If so even in Europe we have a better life than they do much less the middle east.If you spend a month there you will be happy to be home. Originally Posted by ekim008
That's interesting. A good question. What do I do for the betterment of my country besides commenting on a SHMB? You don't know, do you? Nor do I know what you do outside of here. It's better that way. I probably wouldn't care if you knew, Ekim, you have some reasonableness about you, but I'm not posting what I do off the board because I don't want these whackos on here to be able to figure out who I am.

But, as stated, I don't intend to save the world through Eccie. I come here for one purpose only. Entertainment. You can assume I do nothing to support what I say on here in my outside life, but you would be wrong. And surprised.

If it helps others to make stuff up about who I am and what I do outside of here to help them feel superior and make their pathetic lives a little more meaningful, fine. I could give a shit less.

And is the fact that Syria is a miserable, horrible place to live any reason to not try to improve what we have here? North Korea is a terrible place, so we should accept the encroachments on freedom in the United States, because at least we're not like North Korea?

I say what I say, do what I do, and post what I post exactly because I know what life is like in other countries, and it reminds why America is special. And it angers me when I see our leaders doing all they can to destroy that.

This is still the best country in the world. But if we continue in the direction we're headed, we will be just like any other socialist country. We won't be special anymore, and we won't be free. I don't want to see that happen. And the statement "Well, at least we aren't as bad as ___________ (fill in the country of you choice), however true it is, doesn't make me feel any better about our downward slide into tyranny.
StupidOldFart, that was a well thought out post. Of course, it's all Seagull shit but at least it was well thought out Seagull shit. Which is much better than what you usually do.
That's interesting. A good question. What do I do for the betterment of my country besides commenting on a SHMB? You don't know, do you? Nor do I know what you do outside of here. It's better that way. I probably wouldn't care if you knew, Ekim, you have some reasonableness about you, but I'm not posting what I do off the board because I don't want these whackos on here to be able to figure out who I am.

But, as stated, I don't intend to save the world through Eccie. I come here for one purpose only. Entertainment. You can assume I do nothing to support what I say on here in my outside life, but you would be wrong. And surprised.

If it helps others to make stuff up about who I am and what I do outside of here to help them feel superior and make their pathetic lives a little more meaningful, fine. I could give a shit less.

And is the fact that Syria is a miserable, horrible place to live any reason to not try to improve what we have here? North Korea is a terrible place, so we should accept the encroachments on freedom in the United States, because at least we're not like North Korea?

I say what I say, do what I do, and post what I post exactly because I know what life is like in other countries, and it reminds why America is special. And it angers me when I see our leaders doing all they can to destroy that.

This is still the best country in the world. But if we continue in the direction we're headed, we will be just like any other socialist country. We won't be special anymore, and we won't be free. I don't want to see that happen. And the statement "Well, at least we aren't as bad as ___________ (fill in the country of you choice), however true it is, doesn't make me feel any better about our downward slide into tyranny. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I can see your point

I can see your point Originally Posted by ekim008
With the "point" being, StupidOldFart moonlights as a Seagull.
A seagull well damn would have never guessed Did think his grandpa was a cigar store Indian.
Nice job COG...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know, BT. The one thing we ALWAYS tend to overlook is the fact that COD is from Wichita Kansas. That's somewhere between good barbecue and Saliva... No wonder he can't get a nut!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thank you, AssupFacedown, for another example of a thoughtful, reasoned response. I hope everyone is taking notes.
I hope everyone is taking notes. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yep, I just rechecked my notes and they clearly indicate that StupidOldFart continues to have his ass handed to him on a regular basis. Other than that, nothing new here!

Carry on!