Trump wants to invoke martial law

HF - well written - but U R throwing 'pearls before swine" - be not mistaken that FACTS alter the beliefs or behavior of the radical rioting pathologically Trump hating DPST's - to whom 'Truth" is independent of Facts, and as their NYCrimes has shown itself to be deliberately LYING many times just this year alone - they care not for FACTS - only their narrative Propaganda!

And the foolish, brainwashed DPST minions eat up the CCP propaganda of Chariman Xi!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
In my experience, the average DPST is a brain dead moron.
  • oeb11
  • 12-21-2020, 01:22 PM
Thank U - DPST - and since you believe that Trump will impose Martial law to further his Presidency - I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell You - Cheap!!!
Foolish DPST's - u believe as Gospel anything XiNN and its CCP master put out for You to Swallow wholeheartedly.

Foolish DPST's - all it is is Trump Hatred.
Because U have nothing better in your poor lives to believe in.

HF and Tiny are exactly Correct!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2020, 02:20 PM
Like I said....this is Trump's MO.....he floats out a bunch of BS to see how it plays out. If his followers don't latch on to it obviously they haven't (as of yet....if Trump decided to declare martial law, HF , oeb11 and all other Trump worshippers on here would be all for it))

Trump called it fake news you boys (for now} say it is nonsense.

But of course it was a trial balloon...which means Trump was at the very least considering it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2020, 02:22 PM
Like I said....this is Trump's MO.....he floats out a bunch of BS to see how it plays out. If his followers don't latch on to it obviously they haven't (as of yet....if Trump decided to declare martial law, HF , oeb11 and all other Trump worshippers on here would be all for it))

Trump called it fake news you boys (for now} say it is nonsense.

But of course it was a trial balloon...which means Trump was at the very least considering it.
More Larry curley n moe. Trump fired two of them and real Americans fired twit head
HedonistForever's Avatar
Blame it on the board
HedonistForever's Avatar
double post
Larry curley n Moe. Taking care of business. 2 fired by twit head and twit head fired by real Americans

Double post 2. Still looking for stupid clueless ignorant supporters to reply or report me omg
HedonistForever's Avatar
Here's an excerpt from the video:

OK, Flynn was coy. You could say he didn't exactly propose martial law. But he sure pointed out it was an option. Originally Posted by Tiny

I didn't see this post because the board was screwed up but as you can see, I did try to amend my question to you as soon as I became aware of Flynn's interview.

There was no need to add "exactly" to your statement. One can play the video and hear Flynn say unequivocally that he was not calling for it. One could say that it is the duty of an adviser, to point out what is possible if not advisable but what it does point out, is that the headline was wrong and probably intentionally so.

"Nobody wants to invoke martial law" would have been a more correct headline but truth was not what they were looking for.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I think you are a paranoid chimp. Originally Posted by EverybodyLovesFangFang
and a spreader of fake news otherwise known as lying.

Flynn said on Thursday that President Donald Trump should impose martial law to overturn the results of the 2020 US election.

Nope, he told Trump that it was an option and according to Trump, never considered.

Specifically, Flynn told the pro-Trump network Newsmax that the president should deploy the military to "rerun an election" in battleground states that he lost to President-elect Joe Biden.

Nope, he said it was an option not that Trump should do it but one can see what adding a word that was never spoken can change a story and that's exactly why they do it.

The former national security advisor, who was recently pardoned by Trump, made a similar suggestion earlier this month when he shared a message calling on the president to deploy the military for a "national re-vote."
Nope, not a suggestion a legal option in Flynn's opinion and that this process had been done 64 times in our nations history "suggesting that in his opinion, it was a legal process.

An honest report would have made these distinctions.
winn dixie's Avatar
op got his ass handed to him AGAIN and is MIA!

op got his ass handed to him AGAIN and is MIA!

Originally Posted by winn dixie
Not MIA at all trix. Just waiting for a proud boy post that is worthy of my response. Has yet to occur.

You wish I was MIA. But it's not going to happen
*duplicate post*
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Check your PMs
OMG! Funniest thread ever! OP spit roasted