21 words from FISA court

HedonistForever's Avatar
Neither. It isn't a story because it isn't a story. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

What is your definition of a story?

I have to admit though that I am amused at how you will not admit that the "21 words" were true when you were wondering if they were made up. Are you now convinced that the "words" ( I'll try and stay away from using the word "story" till you define it ) were true?

Why it pains you to be truthful and will stick with your "narrative" no matter the proof submitted to you, is puzzling, or is it?

I guess if indictments do come down, one could still say "it isn't a story" simply because it doesn't interest, impress you.
  • oeb11
  • 03-12-2020, 05:12 PM
9500 and ilk cannot integate anything not given them in the DPST ppolitical narrative - they cannot comprehend the 21 words or meaning.

And - they "Know" that Putin stole the election in Nov 2016 from H....!
Foolish individuals!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
9500 and ilk cannot integate anything not given them in the DPST ppolitical narrative - they cannot comprehend the 21 words or meaning.

And - they "Know" that Putin stole the election in Nov 2016 from H....!
Foolish individuals! Originally Posted by oeb11

Clinton stole the election from herself. how many mistakes did that hag ass cunt make? quite a few including her idiotic "basket of deplorables" statement, probably the biggest gaffe since HW Bushie said "read my lips no new taxes". another mistake .. cooking the polls showing she had an "insurmountable" lead that didn't exist .. then actually being arrogant enough to believe her own lie. bahhaaa. this of course is the curse of the dementedrats which are lazy voters. tell them they are gonna win and they don't bother to do the one thing required to win .. show up and vote. who knew you had to actually vote to win? lol. then her campaign was nonexistent down the stretch, not bothering to put in the time in critical states that she thought she'd win (perhaps those cooked polls told her not to bother?) of course her many known medical issues could have been part of that but that means she's unfit anyway. and last and perhaps best, she listened to idiots like Robbie Mook and John (my password is "password") Podesta rather than some guy named Bill .. her husband. butt what would a 4 term Governor and two term President know about getting elected yeah? bahhahahaaaa. he's the one that told her you can't get elected without the white middle class vote. how right he was.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
FISA expires this weekend.

Trump has said that he will veto the "clean" FISA if changes are not made.

the house passed it, but it looks it might stall in the senate.

  • oeb11
  • 03-13-2020, 06:46 AM
I'd like to see that veto - and FISA Court disbanded.

It is too corruption prone for the DPST's to resist spying on political enemies.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ Yup my point ,when you can use a fed court to get what you want
I'd like to see that veto - and FISA Court disbanded.

It is too corruption prone for the DPST's to resist spying on political enemies. Originally Posted by oeb11
I think the court still has it's place. The question does become how to temper or remove the possibility for abuse.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I think the court still has it's place. The question does become how to temper or remove the possibility for abuse. Originally Posted by eccielover

I agree, it has it's place and that place can be found right there in the name, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance. No warrant to surveill an American citizen should ever be part of an application. Simple as that.

If the US government wants to surveill an American citizen, that's what the FBI is for.

One "improvement" on a new FISA law that our Congressional leaders are trying to decide, would be that the AG would have to sign off on surveilling an American citizen like was done to Carter Page. No. Leave all Americans out of the FISA process. Just my opinion.
I agree, it has it's place and that place can be found right there in the name, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance. No warrant to surveill an American citizen should ever be part of an application. Simple as that.

If the US government wants to surveill an American citizen, that's what the FBI is for.

One "improvement" on a new FISA law that our Congressional leaders are trying to decide, would be that the AG would have to sign off on surveilling an American citizen like was done to Carter Page. No. Leave all Americans out of the FISA process. Just my opinion. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Totally agree.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I agree, it has it's place and that place can be found right there in the name, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance. No warrant to surveill an American citizen should ever be part of an application. Simple as that.

If the US government wants to surveill an American citizen, that's what the FBI is for.

One "improvement" on a new FISA law that our Congressional leaders are trying to decide, would be that the AG would have to sign off on surveilling an American citizen like was done to Carter Page. No. Leave all Americans out of the FISA process. Just my opinion. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

except when they are doing oeverseas stuff.