Biden picks Kamala Harris, his former 2020 rival, to be his vice presidential running mate

Lapdog's Avatar
Yep. This is going to be quite the circus. It's about to turn pretty ugly in no time. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Yeah, they're already gettin kinda snippy. Starting to realize their future, I would say.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yep. This is going to be quite the circus. It's about to turn pretty ugly in no time. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
It already has. He just makes shit up because he doesn't know anything.

His voice is cracking. Overunder on number of days until he says something racist? I put it at 14.

adav8s28's Avatar
I have been saying Harris from Day 1. She makes the most sense if you don't take Gov Whitmer. With a +7.5 lead in Mich, Biden should take Mich without Gov Whitmer being on the ticket. IF Biden/Harris flip Florida along with Mich or flip two other battleground states Biden/Harris get to 270 electoral college votes. Trump and Pence can go home!!!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bone spur in chief of lies has already started his final meltdown. Putin has a lot of work to do for a reappointment of his puppet
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bone spur in chief of lies has already started his final meltdown. Putin has a lot of work to do for a reappointment of his puppet Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Putin doesn't like Biden. he smells like Sulfur from fondling Obama's junk.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Considering Biden already has a substantial portion of the black vote wrapped up, I don't think this pick helps him that much, and may continue to alienate Hispanics, who are arguably being ignored by Biden.

At least 1500 people she put in jail for smoking [redacted] when she smoked it herself won't vote for her, either.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Considering Biden already has a substantial portion of the black vote wrapped up, I don't think this pick helps him that much, and may continue to alienate Hispanics, who are arguably being ignored by Biden.

At least 1500 people she put in jail for smoking [redacted] when she smoked it herself won't vote for her, either. Originally Posted by friendly fred

don't forget the white chicks, Fred .. the white chicks!
adav8s28's Avatar

BAHHAAHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's politics, in the end no harm no foul.
I guess they are betting on this locking up enough of the moderate and independent vote, while taking the progressive vote for granted ("anyone but Trump", etc.).
HedonistForever's Avatar
How many Black families do you suppose are for school choice? Pre pandemic and now. Think those numbers went up? Think any Black family concerned about their children's education will be voting for Biden who wants to take away choice?

Report: Support for school choice continues to rise, especially among black, Hispanic Democrats

Biden's plans have been praised by the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers,[65] the major U.S. teachers' unions, which both endorsed Biden in 2020

Tells you all you need to know about Biden's stand on school choice

How many Black families want the number of police to remain the same? Polls say about 50%. How many Black families want to increase the police? About 25%.

81% of Black Americans Don't Want Less Police Presence Despite Protests—Some Want More Cops: Poll

A Gallup poll conducted from June 23 to July 6 surveying more than 36,000 U.S. adults found that 61 percent of Black Americans said they'd like police to spend the same amount of time in their community, while 20 percent answered they'd like to see more police, totaling 81 percent. Just 19 percent of those polled said they wanted police to spend less time in their area.
Black Americans' responses to the question were nearly on par with the national average, in which 67 percent of all U.S. adults said they wanted police presence to remain the same and 19 percent said they wanted it to increase.

http://Joe Biden's advantage over Tr...nton's was
Poll: Most Black Americans Want Police to Remain in Their Areas

Yeah, yeah, none of that matters because Blacks hate Trump more than they value their safety or their kids education. You keep telling yourself that.
So the question is and it's an important one, what percentage of the Black vote will Trump get?

Why Anger At Trump May Not Help Democrats Win

“If you want blacks to support you, you have to get the people within their social networks to help mobilize them in terms of helping to ensure a high turnout,” said White. Unfortunately, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, that’s hard advice for Biden’s currently homebound campaign to heed at the moment. But he will need to keep it in mind. He cannot count on anger at Trump to be motivation enough for voters who aren’t white.

Joe Biden's advantage over Trump with Black voters is currently smaller than Hillary Clinton's was
Just show the clip of Tulsi Gabbard ripping Harris.

Lots of good stuff there. Gabbard starts at about 3:54.
Is it me or does Harris' speech sound slurred?
Redhot1960's Avatar