Had to do it so sue me!

  • Vyt
  • 02-07-2012, 09:42 AM
I plan on slipping a $20 in Max's garter regardless. What she chooses to do with/for it is up to her...
It's better with no cover. Door cover, of course!

Fran making sangria again?

Reya, you have time to practice for your debut pole dancing ;-)
Mature Companion's Avatar
It's pathetic how your a public hater. Yet the very women you call names. YOU BEG to see, no matter how many times your told NO! Friggen pathetic.

I could care less the types of relationships you have with anyone. As I've stated. Your a public hater to women you can't have your way with. And I have to agree with Whispers comments to you. You have an agenda.

And the link I posted, is to point out your ThreAD comments. Seems the owners made up their own mind regarding such and there's no need for you to bitch & whine about it.

Ah, the old wicked bat from SA graces Austin coed. You have no idea the "relationships" I have with Reya and Max. The last interaction (recent) was initiated by Maxeen herself. If she was that bothered by me, she would not have contacted me. Reya and I are cool and the last time I saw her non-BCD was pleasant with no issues. Once again you chime in not knowing what you are talking about. Very typical of you.

I find it funny that you give a link to something Mokoa postsed considering your unkind words towards him in the past. Since this suits your agenda, I guess that makes him cool in your book until you go off the deep end again.

It's good to know you are paying attention...

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
I plan on slipping a $20 in Max's garter regardless. What she chooses to do with/for it is up to her... Originally Posted by Vyt

I will be sure to put one on too
Am I the only one who thought that was hilarious?

I am not kissing ass. It is fact that I have hung out with Max before. Once even by her invitation. I respect Whisper's opinion regardless if I agree with it or not...

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
budman33's Avatar
Am I the only one who thought that was hilarious? Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
yep priceless, especially because he doesn't hang out very far. at anyone's invitation. zing
  • Vyt
  • 02-07-2012, 03:11 PM
All right, I asked politely once, now I'm flat out stating that if this thread cannot return back to its original topic it will be closed.
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Max, the cover charge does not seem onerous. I'm happy to pay as part of the celebration. Hell, it's worth $15 just for the chance to finally meet Reya! Originally Posted by Cityjazz
I agree 100%. But if I get to meet Reya I'll kick in $25.
sixxbach's Avatar
Am I the only one who thought that was hilarious? Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine

I don't see Maxeen denying it. She can't, it's true

budman33's Avatar
the cover, now no cover, was fine at 15. we all pay 25 bucks when we go to socials and I have not yet given it to a duly authorized strip club employee so I will be bringing some booze/food if I cannot donate cash.
Everyone just bring themselves and let's have some great times! Budman33 I do hate to inform you that the pole has been taken down, lol
Wish I was invited
Wish I was invited Originally Posted by Chelitotito
Sometimes it pays to be picky and NOT just let anyone or anything come... IJS!
Britttany_love's Avatar
agreed... aww no poles for the drunkies to dance on haha
To all, sorry have been out of town all week and forgot the charger to my iPad so no access since Tuesday early morning.

The performer is scheduled for 2 to 3 on the 22nd so plan accordingly! She will be doing two performances. One at 215 and one at 245.

To Six, I have no idea nor do I care what you're saying. I told you already you are on ignore.

This thread has gone awry and I feel it has taken a bit from the celebration. Please realize, I am not interested in continuing the nonsense! This is a celebration of life and friends! I am putting nothing but positivity into this and the rest will be ignored!