I'm trying to think of a right wing movement that has helped people

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-23-2012, 08:10 AM
Where's the strawman, WDF?

. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The commie comment by you.

I don't think either one was in favor of communism. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I was talking about debt from military spending. Something a good Libertarian would know about.
And in that thought, the post WWII policy of containment was rooted in the constitutionally conservative school of foreign policy known as Political Realism.

Political Realism formed the basis of George Kennan's policy of containment that was adopted by multiple Presidents. In the realist tradition, security is based on the principle of a balance of power, whereas the Wilsonian view (considered impractical by realists) relies on morality as the sole determining factor in statecraft - Obama being the prime example of moral equivalency in foreign matters being a failure.

As a realist Kennan believed that US Foreign policy shouldn't be driven by advocacy of democracy and human rights; again, counter to the Obama perspective. And in the 21st Century Keenan was warning about the the hispanicization of the US.

Peace through strength......we won the Cold War without firing a shot......even Gorby admits it.......Bill Clinton sure loved that peace dividend! LOL! Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
"You know I just, I don't think......" Originally Posted by WDF

I know........

Virtually everything government does discriminates against someone in some way, that's why conservatives recognize less government is better.........liberals believe in discrimination to end discrimination. How fucked up is that?!...........your comments are very hypocritical for a liberal, or libertarian, or whatever the fuck you say you are.......
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
"Founded in the Northern states in 1854 by anti-slavery activists, modernizers, ex-Whigs and ex-Free Soilers, the Republican Party quickly became the principal opposition to the dominant Southern Democratic Party and the briefly popular Know Nothing Party."

"Conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others oppose modernism and seek a return to "the way things were"."

JDB, The Republican Party was not a distinctively or exclusively Conservative party under Lincoln or Roosevelt (in fact it was quite progressive) and it didn't seek to bring together all the strains of American conservatism until after WWII. Today's Republican Party would likely call Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Nixon and even Reagan RINOs and run them out on a rail today were they alive.

"The meaning of "conservatism" in America has little in common with the way the word is used elsewhere. As Ribuffo (2011) notes, "what Americans now call conservatism much of the world calls liberalism or neoliberalism" Conservatism by nature seeks to retain the status quo with any existing injustice and even corruption (usually) so it often resists any expansion of rights and justice and even seeks to roll back rights in some cases (witness efforts at voter suppression since segregation - a long history with court decisions against).
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The commie comment by you. Originally Posted by WTF
Proved my point. You're an ignorant fool. Please try to know what you're talking about before you post. You will sound less stupid.
Obviously your not trying too hard to answer your own question:

Private Property Rights.

? Originally Posted by Seeker
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So after all this blather, is there a point?

Ahhh.... let's bicker.


LovingKayla's Avatar
The 30,000 folks that showed up in Dallas the Friday before restoring love to do charity work comes to mind. Though it's not really a right wing thing. Just good folks coming together to help each other. The fact it was made up of right leaning people might be important to you but not to me.
A long view of history shows that liberal movements have moved civilization forward, whether it be ending feudalism, allowing voting, universal education or stopping the destruction of the environment.

The right thrives on fear and ignorance to advance it's agenda. Liberalism relies on advancing knowledge to improve the condition of people. On an individual level, the most educated people
have the most liberal political views. The uninformed populace gets duped into supporting the right. Otherwise right wing candidates could never get elected.
I B Hankering's Avatar
A long view of history shows that liberal movements have moved civilization forward, whether it be ending feudalism, allowing voting, universal education or stopping the destruction of the environment.

The right thrives on fear and ignorance to advance it's agenda. Liberalism relies on advancing knowledge to improve the condition of people. On an individual level, the most educated people
have the most liberal political views. The uninformed populace gets duped into supporting the right. Otherwise right wing candidates could never get elected. Originally Posted by Seeker
Capitalism and Protestantism killed feudalism in the West, while leftist Communism just killed millions of people. "There are none so blind as those, that will not" see . . . those like you, Seeker.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fuck you and your dogma, Dipshit of the Year. You make blanket claims like they were fact. They'll fire you at Home Depot if you're a lying sack of shit... Which you are!
I B Hankering's Avatar
More dribbling bullshit-blather from the pile of bullshit AKA Assup! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You're still a very ignorant SOB, Assup. Your every post proves it! Electroshock is still prescribed! Now go tongue an open wall outlet, you Dim-witted, Kool Aid sucking retard. Your atrophied cerebral cortex could use the exercise.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A long view of history shows that liberal movements have moved civilization forward, whether it be ending feudalism, allowing voting, universal education or stopping the destruction of the environment.

The right thrives on fear and ignorance to advance it's agenda. Liberalism relies on advancing knowledge to improve the condition of people. On an individual level, the most educated people
have the most liberal political views. The uninformed populace gets duped into supporting the right. Otherwise right wing candidates could never get elected. Originally Posted by Seeker
If you take a long view of history, then you also know that classical liberalism is quite a far cry from modern "liberalism". You are referring to classical liberalism. Modern liberalism is just as dependent on fear and ignorance as your description of conservatism, and leads to the same end. Total government control.
I. Modern liberalism is just as dependent on fear and ignorance as your description of conservatism, and leads to the same end. Total government control. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sounds like empty tea party rhetoric. I guess liberal ideas like ending child labor and passage of the voters right act were examples of "total government control"