
valkyra's Avatar
Not if they have natural immunity. But "science" must have forgot about that.
have you heard about any studies done on people with natural immunity? i keep waiting... they have numbers for everything else but natural immunity was completely forgotten...
Next Best Thing's Avatar
All important topics, but this is where we have the biggest divide. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Disagree that this is the most divisive issue but it is a divisive one due to Dementia Joe's attempts at authoritarianism and his snarky scumbag remarks as well as his douchish threats.

I find the clusterfuck on the southern border to be more divisive, as well as the idiot's encouragement of the latest crime wave and his utter mishandling of the hyperinflation.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
have you heard about any studies done on people with natural immunity? i keep waiting... they have numbers for everything else but natural immunity was completely forgotten... Originally Posted by valkyra
Stories of that keep getting deleted. Not long ago was story about FDA and CDC bitching how did tat data get out. LOL now that story is deleted and as I looked yup FDA and the CDC moved it from their open sites.

So yes its true, but they do not want you to know that. As they also do not want you to know if you had C19 then took one of the 2 jab shots or a booster, you increase the risk of getting it again..
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Disagree that this is the most divisive issue but it is a divisive one due to Dementia Joe's attempts at authoritarianism and his snarky scumbag remarks as well as his douchish threats.

I find the clusterfuck on the southern border to be more divisive, as well as the idiot's encouragement of the latest crime wave and his utter mishandling of the hyperinflation. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
On Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc, the vaccination/mask debate is going on everywhere. It's been a constant for the past two years and hasn't slowed down.
The cluster-fuck at the border is arguably more important and has more dire long-term circumstances. It's just not on as many people's radar.

And this is what we as a people find important to obsess over?


You all talk about “sheep”…..look at what you are obsessing over……whether to wear a mask or not. Whether to take a vaccine that MAY mitigate a pandemic.

Wake up people…….this is NOT what America is supposed to be.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund

The assertion that it is only about wearing Masks and taking Vaccines is the most naive post I have ever seen.... except the one that praised the murder of an unarmed protesting American citizen.

The Hokey Pokey, despite what you may have heard or repeated in the past, isn't what it is all about.
I'll bet brasil is making that statement because he understands the science, not because Tucker or some other clown told him what to thinck. Originally Posted by jimxbeam
To know the science is to know Dr Fauci. He is the science. All others do not know or understand the science. All that disagree do not know "the science".
Willie Wanker's Avatar
To know the science is to know Dr Fauci. He is the science. All others do not know or understand the science. All that disagree do not know "the science". Originally Posted by sexman333
In Germany Dr Josef Mengele was the "science" for awhile too.
To know the science is to know Dr Fauci. He is the science. All others do not know or understand the science. All that disagree do not know "the science". Originally Posted by sexman333
What nonsense. None of this is about Dr. Fauci's opinions. He is the target of the conspiracy theorists because he articulates the current consensus of those who study Covid and know what they are talking about, not just in this country, but internationally.
have you heard about any studies done on people with natural immunity? i keep waiting... they have numbers for everything else but natural immunity was completely forgotten... Originally Posted by valkyra
No, natural immunity has always been recognized. It does offer some temporary protection. But there are people who got Covid who got it again. It is not a permanent solution.
What nonsense. None of this is about Dr. Fauci's opinions. He is the target of the conspiracy theorists because he articulates the current consensus of those who study Covid and know what they are talking about, not just in this country, but internationally. Originally Posted by brasil
You are restating the same thing Dr Fauci and the post said. Science = Dr Fauci

By the way how is the application of " The Science" going for the United States. Looks to me like the science is producing a lot of carnage.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
No, natural immunity has always been recognized. It does offer some temporary protection. But there are people who got Covid who got it again. It is not a permanent solution. Originally Posted by brasil
Two jabs and a booster later implies that the vaccine is also temporary.
Studies have shown that natural immunity alone provides better immunity than vaccine alone. Of course it can be argued that having both is best, but shouldn't be mandated if antibodies already exist.
lilylivered's Avatar
Two jabs and a booster later implies that the vaccine is also temporary.
Studies have shown that natural immunity alone provides better immunity than vaccine alone. Of course it can be argued that having both is best, but shouldn't be mandated if antibodies already exist. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Yep, without the chance of fucking up your immune system
offshoredrilling's Avatar
No, natural immunity has always been recognized. It does offer some temporary protection. But there are people who got Covid who got it again. It is not a permanent solution. Originally Posted by brasil
just not by anyone that makes mandates ta push the jabs
Willie Wanker's Avatar
just not by anyone that makes mandates ta push the jabs Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Exactly. Anyone that had Covid in 2020 had better immunity against Delta than those who were VAXXED. Omicron isn't nearly as deadly. If you're already vaxxed an unvaxxed person with natural imunity poses no more of a risk to you than someone who is vaxxed.
Requiring a vaccine when natural immunity already exists is pointless and puts people at unnecessary risk of vaccine related complications.
valkyra's Avatar
Exactly. Anyone that had Covid in 2020 had better immunity against Delta than those who were VAXXED. Omicron isn't nearly as deadly. If you're already vaxxed an unvaxxed person with natural imunity poses no more of a risk to you than someone who is vaxxed.
Requiring a vaccine when natural immunity already exists is pointless and puts people at unnecessary risk of vaccine related complications. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
yes, this ^^^