When we were kids we said "sticks and stones may break my bones..."
Can you guess which way I'm gonna go on this one?
Are you serious? We are adults here and I'm sure each and every one of us is capable of recognizing the context of the content of this discussion. Why do people give so much power to a handful of letters in a certain arrangement so much power that grown people dread or even fear using them in a conversation about those very words? Really?! Jeez!
Originally Posted by Caitie Mae
Just had a double with Jessica Caliente this past week...
A gent was DATY on her when all of the sudden she had a gusher orgasm -all over his face. She then told me to, Get down there and clean up her mess!
Wow, that was hot...of course, I FOLLOWED INSTRUCTIONS WELL!!
he he he
Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
Damn girls...
I'm not really one for dirty talk, mostly though our of fear of the reaction. I'm a pretty passive person so its just easier to not.
Actually that attitude is probably responsible for a few bad sessions, too passive, but I'm always afraid to offend.
Is there such a thing as TOO respectful? lol