The elephant in the room that no one wants to acknowledge

Grace Preston's Avatar
Nothing wrong with a strong military.. however, I question the necessity to spend more than the next 12 countries combined. Hell.. there are only a couple countries that spend more in relation to their GDP than we do, and they're considered allies (though.. I choke a bit at still referring to Russia as an ally).

Likewise... social programs aren't the problem-- its how we focus our social programs that are the problem. With very rare exception-- nobody should need lifetime foodstamps and housing. We need to double down on education-- whether that be college or good vocational and technical job training programs.. and develop better transition programs to get people out of public housing and off of food stamps and cash benefit programs.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Nothing wrong with a strong military.. however, I question the necessity to spend more than the next 12 countries combined. Hell.. there are only a couple countries that spend more in relation to their GDP than we do, and they're considered allies (though.. I choke a bit at still referring to Russia as an ally).

Likewise... social programs aren't the problem-- its how we focus our social programs that are the problem. With very rare exception-- nobody should need lifetime foodstamps and housing. We need to double down on education-- whether that be college or good vocational and technical job training programs.. and develop better transition programs to get people out of public housing and off of food stamps and cash benefit programs. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I'm sorry. You make too much sense to be on this forum.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm sorry. You make too much sense to be on this forum. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

If not for the fact that I know my activities here would undoubtedly show up and haunt me.. I'd run for office.
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2020, 05:26 PM
Prayers for you recovery, Grace.

And - you likely have too much common sense and honesty to run for office.

and if elected, to serve successfully

we pay our politicians to lie to us, and they do a great job of it.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Prayers for you recovery, Grace.

And - you likely have too much common sense and honesty to run for office.

and if elected, to serve successfully

we pay our politicians to lie to us, and they do a great job of it. Originally Posted by oeb11

Darling-- I'm a 15 year hooker.... I can fake it with the best of em when my job depends on it
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2020, 05:28 PM
9500- you don't want a military - you will serve as a serf for Putin, or a slave of Xi.

Take a look at what Disbanding police does to a city - there is an analogy there.

But - You don't want to think about that, do You!
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2020, 05:29 PM
Darling-- I'm a 15 year hooker.... I can fake it with the best of em when my job depends on it Originally Posted by Grace Preston

Perhaps 'excellent actress" is better terminology.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Take a look at what Disbanding police does to a city - there is an analogy there. Originally Posted by oeb11
I live in the burbs here in DFW and I can't even remember the last time I even saw a patrol car in my area. I guess giving out speeding tickets are not worth their resources.

I do have a Pakistani neighbor though and I expect to see the police soon. He's a good guy but he is from Pakistan and he believes in the culture there. His wife dresses like a ninja; but his daughter was born here in the states and acts like it. If I see cops in my neighborhood, I'll know that an "honor" killing has occurred. That poor girl is on borrowed time.
JRLawrence's Avatar
JR the Flag Waver ;

I am so glad to see you post such new,original,and astute thoughts.

You know some guys on here just regurgitate old,stale,generalizations that seem to come straight out of an old Republican playbook. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Well now, the second year of college I had a damn Democrat professor that kept repeating the Democrat party lies. I would frown, he would see it and play right into asking me a direct question. Really stupid because I would nail him to the wall evert single time. The son of a bitch had his Ph.D. in political science with very little knowledge of American History, our founding fathers, or the Constitution.

The ass hole quit teaching the class after about 4 weeks into the semester. Calling out his lies is what made him quit. It was his first, and his last, attempt to teach a class at that university. By the way, I got my A in the class and the replacement professor would call on me to comment on American History for certain sections of the class.

A simply knowledge of American History, and the Constitution, should be required for all High School Graduates. That alone would shut down the Democrat Party for good.

You really have a lack of knowledge. Go do some private reading on American History. before you comment again.
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2020, 06:45 PM
JRL - Thank you - well written!

A simply knowledge of American History, and the Constitution, should be required for all High School Graduates. That alone would shut down the Democrat Party for good.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Nothing wrong with a strong military.. however, I question the necessity to spend more than the next 12 countries combined. Hell.. there are only a couple countries that spend more in relation to their GDP than we do, and they're considered allies (though.. I choke a bit at still referring to Russia as an ally).

Likewise... social programs aren't the problem-- its how we focus our social programs that are the problem. With very rare exception-- nobody should need lifetime foodstamps and housing. We need to double down on education-- whether that be college or good vocational and technical job training programs.. and develop better transition programs to get people out of public housing and off of food stamps and cash benefit programs. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
We were able to outspend the Soviet Union, and it is no more. A strong military is essential
" programs aren't the problem-- its how we focus our social programs that are the problem."
Stop and think about social programs. Realize that few are meant to succeed, or contribute to the inner cities. Most of the money are not spent on the programs themselves; most of the money is spent for the administration of the programs. The programs for the inner cities keep those people dependent upon the government. They are promoted by the Democrats who benefit for the continued enslavement of that population.

This has gone on since the 40's, and you know it. Those that can afford it have fled to the suburbs. Now the Democrats have attacked the suburbs with plans to make them a part of every major city. The homes will loose value and the school systems will go to hell, just like the large cities in America.

The Kansas City School system is not even accredited and most of the students when the graduate are unable to read or do simple math.

This has gone on for decades because the Damn Democrats have control off the county. Almost all of the county property taxes go to support the Kansas City Schools while the Democrats attack the few charter schools we have. Even then, the Charter Schools loose out on a large amount of funding they receive vs. the public schools. The school teacher's union has to go, or our children will all be idiots.

When will we wake up and throw the lying, stealing, self-serving Damn Democrats out of office. They are the floating flotsam on the political sewer at the Jackson county courthouse.

Well, at least they sent Mike Sanders to jail: three years was just not long enough. By the way, I call him MIKEEEEE Sanders because of the old cereal commercial where the group of children said: "Give it to MIKEEEEE, he will eat anything". MIKEEEEE Sanders tried to get us to eat anything. Don't let the Democrats served you a plate of shit and expect you to eat it. Wake up and smell the roses, or at least the shit being served to you right under your nose.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Meh.. Cincinnati is chock FULL of charter schools that do almost as poorly as the worst of the public high schools in the area. Charter isn't always better-- but its really hard to get worse than the bottom of Cincinnati Public.

The real irony-- is that Cincinnati Public Schools has the best high school in the state of Ohio-- and one of the best Public high schools in the US.. while at the same time, having another high school across town where this past year-- ONE child out of 87 got a "college ready" score on the ACT-- The school is so bad that UC has a deal where if a student from that school meets the admission requirements-- they can go tuition free. Its a safe bet-- since there have been 2 kids in 4 years that met the admission requirements.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
(though.. I choke a bit at still referring to Russia as an ally). Originally Posted by Grace Preston

russia is considered a frenemy. not quite ally or enemy.
sportfisherman's Avatar
That certainly is a quaint anecdote from your undergraduate years.

And you got an "A" and got called on in class.

I have no PhD. But I do have a great deal of knowledge regarding American History,our Founding Fathers,and the Constitution.

You are very misguided to question my fund of knowledge.I don't need to go read anything to go toe to toe with you.

You have a very myopic view.
I comment on here often.Usually on pompous morons.
I will continue to do so.
If you do not fall into that category you have nothing to worry about.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Nothing wrong with a strong military.. however, I question the necessity to spend more than the next 12 countries combined. Hell.. there are only a couple countries that spend more in relation to their GDP than we do, and they're considered allies (though.. I choke a bit at still referring to Russia as an ally).

Likewise... social programs aren't the problem-- its how we focus our social programs that are the problem. With very rare exception-- nobody should need lifetime foodstamps and housing. We need to double down on education-- whether that be college or good vocational and technical job training programs.. and develop better transition programs to get people out of public housing and off of food stamps and cash benefit programs. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

You know what they call the second strongest military in the world? Loser.

If we aren't strong enough to take on an enemy by ourselves, any enemy, then we could possibly be the loser if we only spend an equal amount of a country that just might be unwilling to join us like we have seen with regard to Iran.

Our allies know that Iran must be dealt with and quivered in their boots when Trump took out Soleimani along with our own Democrats.

We are the leader of the free world and that doesn't come cheap. Of course we need to do a better job at what we spend money on like things the military says they don't need but we produce anyway for the jobs involved which just "might" be the fiscally responsible thing to do. That I don't know.