Dont count on this being life altering Originally Posted by winn dixieYeah ask the Dems how it’s going against the greatest President ever Donald J Trump
Doubtful. They are saying that the entirety of the vids would take over 5 years to watch for one person. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
On the bright side, with more footage being aired it raises the chances of people being identified and charged.Originally Posted by 69in2it69
... You're surely right about that, lads.First, I'm liking your presentation the more I read it.
More people identified in the videos - undercover cops.
Who can NOW be charged. ... And sued. ... Hear! Hear!
#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... Agreed, mate.
... And THAT is the whole idea of letting people see the footage.
For instance - a good lot of those arrested and charged for
6th January at the Capitol - they and their barris--- er.. lawyers
were NOT able to view or use footage for their defence.
But NOW that the footage is out there - reckon some of the charges
will be overturned on appeal.
Revolver News has had good and honest reporting on this from
the start... And good QUESTIONS about things.
I'd surely recommend that some o' you lads with open minds
take a look over there... So YOU can surely decide for
yer-selves what really happened. ... And what didn't.
### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The article then concludes with a provocative call to arms against what it refers to as “evil behavior” of Black Lives Matter and other protestors.
“The principle concern of our society is to uphold and defend law abiding citizens, families, and communities. But that will only happen if we refuse to accept or coddle evil behavior, and we obliterate violent displays of Antifa and BLM with the heavy, righteous and just hammer of law and order,” the article states.
It concludes: “Louisville can set an example for the country in the days to come: If our nation wishes to stay happy, prosperous, and safe, rioters must be crushed completely with the full weight of the American justice system. Our civilization will only ever be as strong as our will and resolve to defend it. Let the shooting start.”