Small price to pay IFF it reduces teen pregnancy (or pregnancy for anybody who can't afford a baby). Originally Posted by essenceYou guys on the left are real fiscal hawks when it comes to abortion. Just imagine how much money we've saved by aborting FIFTY FIVE MILLION BABIES since Roe v Wade.
Next comes euthanizing the old people with Obama's death panel. That should be a real cash cow. We'll have a surplus pretty soon. Planned Parenthood was started by Margaret Sanger to promote eugenics by killing off minority groups. It's been a very effective tool; most black pregancies now end in abortion. SEVENTEEN MILLION black babies have been killed since Roe v Wade.
Irish playright, George Bernard Shaw was a devout socialist who believed that those who couldn't contribute to society should be exterminated; he called them "useless eaters." He was a big fan of Adolph Hitler. You liberals certainly are compassionate.