SWC Owner Arrested!

cowboyesfan's Avatar
placing trust in the the wrong lady Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I think almost every man has done that at least once...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I sure have, just the cost was not quite as high!
Someone mentioned in ths thread that ECCIE was under investigation but never responded to any requests of where that info came from so I doubt that is true.

An IP log can be used to locate a specific location that a computer was used. That by itself is meaningless. They would still have to prove you actualy broke the law. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Casey Anthony was locked up for years before they realized they weren't able to prove she broke the law and let her go free. I'd rather not go through that.
WAY off topic, but, She WAS convicted on 4 counts and sentinced to 4 years in jail. But that has absolutly nothing to do with any of this :-)
OMG I cant believe they have nothing else to do but harass that gentleman .
Casey Anthony was locked up for years before they realized they weren't able to prove she broke the law and let her go free. I'd rather not go through that. Originally Posted by AimeeAims

I don't see the connection.

This I think may have been by design to scare people away from utilizing, registering on escort boards. May be LE's first real attempt at scaring folks. Looks like it may have had some impact. Honestly, these people might walk after all is said and done because they really did nothing illegal. The sad truth is all the media hype has cost them dearly in real life.
tia travels's Avatar
Casey Anthony was locked up for years before they realized they weren't able to prove she broke the law and let her go free. I'd rather not go through that. Originally Posted by AimeeAims
Sure she used an example that was hard to connect at first, but I understood what she meant.

The quote she was referring to said that IP addresses themselves are meaningless in the way of proving someone committed a crime. They are basically used to prove the location of a computer that was used. Whose to say who was sitting at that computer. The rest of the quote basically said they'd STILL have to prove you actually broke the law.

Anyway, Aimee was giving an example of one criminal (or supposed criminal) who was locked up for years before they were not able to prove she broke the law. Whether Aimee was referring to Casey and a computer, I don't know. But what Aimee was trying to say in a "general" sense, was she'd just rather not experience being locked up for any amount of time while the lawyers and police are trying to determine if the computers "we folks" use, are actually used to commit a crime.

Bubba you say Casey was convicted and sentenced to 4 years. That might be fine, but still....overall again....Aimee was just trying to say it's no fun being locked up while folks are working at proving you're guilty...esp. if you're innocent.

At least that's how "I" interpreted it and thus I could see the connection she was trying to make.
EXACTLY and that is what is happening to the original creator/owner of SWC. She still is in the klink while LE is trying to prove her guilt from fictional posts by a fictional character LE purports were made by her allegedly threatening/intimidating another, when in reality they weren't. How in the heck are LE gonna' explain that alleged postings from such have been posted since she was taken to the klink and while she has been in the klink from that same fictional character, hmmm?! Ahahahahaha!

But. it is no Ahahahahaha for the original creator/owner of SWC because she is still in the klink for BS Crap, poor thing!
Geez. Do these sorry-ass cops have nothing better to do with their time? They must be bored down there in the southwest.

You can tell an election year is approaching.

I still think prostitution should be legal in the US. Of course, we wouldn't make as much. Oh, well. It's better than having to look over your shoulder all the time worried about LE having their head up your ass.

Another provider and I started a new board in STL. After getting the news of the professor being busted, we decided to close it. Neither one of us wanted our names on it. We both have too much to lose! It was a great site. We loved it, and we will mist it.
Bubba you say Casey was convicted and sentenced to 4 years. That might be fine, but still....overall again....Aimee was just trying to say it's no fun being locked up while folks are working at proving you're guilty...esp. if you're innocent.
I understood it that way as well Tia. When you're in a jail waiting to be *cleared* no one treats you like you're innocent. And, you're not innocent until proven guilty...you're guilty until proven innocent...really sucks!
How can we get in trouble for fantasy stories? This is clearly just for fun and entertainment after all. When did thought police become legal? Also, are they going to arrest Jay Z for rapping about selling drugs? Give me a break.
Not necessarily true. Comcast has an emergency disclosure provision (and probably other internet providers do as well):

Emergency Disclosure
18 U.S.C. § 2702(b)(8) and § 2702(c)(4) contain provisions for the expedited release of subscriber information in situations where there is an immediate danger of death or an immediate risk of serious physical injury. Law enforcement agencies need only to adequately complete Comcast’s Emergency Situation Disclosure Request form (Reference Attachment #1) and they will receive accelerated subscriber identification.

As long as the police are willing to pay, Comcast will even record all of your internet activity and emails:

Pen Register / Trap and Trace Device
Title 18 U.S.C. § 3123 provides a mechanism for authorizing and approving the installation and use of a pen register or a trap and trace device pursuant to court order. All orders must be coordinated prior to submission to Comcast. Law enforcement will be asked to agree to reimburse Comcast's reasonable costs incurred to purchase and/or install and monitor necessary equipment. See "Reimbursement," below.

http://blogs.computerworld.com/15667...lice_about_you Originally Posted by cowboyesfan
Which is why I switched from them to someone else.. and I use my neighbor's wifi (what he does not know won't hurt me) and I use TOR.. it hides where I come from.
I hate to bump an old thread, but, what exactly are the legal ramification for the eccie owners in a situation like this and or, how are they protected............by fantasy?
We are doing great with legal protection, thats why there is no postings with complete nudity or money amounts. There is no illegal activity here.
We share our personal stories, we share our sexy pictures, we are a placing for meeting new ppl and nothing more. If someone does something in their personal time and its illegal, it has nothing to do with this place.
I provide sugar-daddy arrangements only. wink wink
cristy jones's Avatar
woooow!!! hope we ALL will be safer and watch out as much as possible!!!