Liberals: Preaching Tolerance and Compassion with Venom and Hate

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Take immigration for instance. Such lofty and smiling people describing the heroic, hard working, yearning to be free children who deserve love and compassion. Watch the change when describing the opposition, such hateful, xenophobic racists (or raciests, depending on the writer) who bring up such inconvenient facts like half of all families headed by an immigrant receive some form of government handout. Using hate toward the opposition while preaching tolerance is incongruous and hate inducing.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It's a good Nazi move. Pass laws so that Jewish people can't hold meaningful jobs and then attack the Jewish community for not pulling it's own weight.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
It's a good Nazi move. Pass laws so that Jewish people can't hold meaningful jobs and then attack the Jewish community for not pulling it's own weight. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Liberals are today's Nazi motherfuckers when it comes to propaganda..