Should Sessions resign? Absolutely not!

I B Hankering's Avatar
He lied to Congress, openly, like a WEEK into his new job as being the chief protector of law and order in our Great Experiment. AG has been replaced for far less. So, he should be fired (or allowed to resign in disgrace) before he gets impeached.

Little known fact: the Supreme Court can remove him and don't think they haven't discussed it.

And while we are on the subject, anyone who thinks the Russia connection doesn't amount to much is ignoring a LOT of data.
Originally Posted by iamtryingthis
You lib-retarded jackasses would be the only liars around here. Franken asked Sessions if he'd talked to the Russians while acting as a "Trump surrogate", you perennial jackass. Sessions answered that he did not speak to the Russians as a "Trump surrogate". End of matter.