White House denies TX as "major disaster area"; local leaders frustrated

You'll forgive me if i have trouble determining which of your idiotic statements are meant as sarcasm, and which are real. Originally Posted by Doove

Are you having a problem determining the idiocy of the statements I post when I quote the Constitution or Founding Fathers?
You'll forgive me if i have trouble determining which of your idiotic statements are meant as sarcasm, and which are real. Originally Posted by Doove
I promise to mock you in a more unsophisticated manner in the future.....
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  • 05-10-2011, 08:34 AM
it's neither hypocritical nor inconsistent to play the big government game while at the same time working towards smaller government...people pay into big government, they are entitled to their $$$$$$$$$$.....!........ Originally Posted by Marshall
And folks wonder why government is continuing to grow!

Haven't you heard, Texas is succeeding from the Union.

I wish Perry would hurry the fuc up and quit begging Washington for bigger government intervention.

And folks wonder why government is continuing to grow!
Originally Posted by WTF
You say that like big government is a bad thing! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! We all know you love big government.....you think the people in government are smarter than you and can spend your money more intelligently than you can [you'd probably blow your money on apple martinis and hookers]......you need big government to protect you from you....HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
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  • 05-10-2011, 02:21 PM
I promise to mock you in a more unsophisticated manner in the future..... Originally Posted by Marshall
You mean so far it's been sophisticated?
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  • 05-10-2011, 03:13 PM
http://pajamasmedia.com/tatler/2011/...ma-fundraises/ Originally Posted by pjorourke
Did you want Obama to put out the fire all by himself?

Even if he did you would credit Bush and waterboarding.

You mean so far it's been sophisticated? Originally Posted by Doove
You have to consider the source Doove. He is doing the best comedy act he can.
You mean so far it's been sophisticated? Originally Posted by Doove
I said "more unsophisticated"....I guess I didn't dumb it down enough.....
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  • 05-10-2011, 04:41 PM
I said "more unsophisticated"....I guess I didn't dumb it down enough..... Originally Posted by Marshall
Oh NO....you have done a wonderful job of dumbing it down from the jump start
Marshall, you should be proud of yourself. Praise from the master of dumb.
Did you want Obama to put out the fire all by himself?..................... Originally Posted by WTF
No, just behave as if he is part of the collective-American experience and not a do as I say, not as I do politico. Not even that simplistic, sophomoric Bush was so cold and bold. Jesus, at least he had a soul.

He already promised and rescinded - in the first month of his presidency - his declarations to the Hispanics; they aren't going to vote for him no matter what he promises this time around. He promised, I assume the same thing his going to promise in this election, immigration reform. And he backed off that faster than he could change his mind on Gitmo when he got in office.
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  • Doove
  • 05-10-2011, 06:11 PM
I promise to mock you in a more unsophisticated manner in the future..... Originally Posted by Marshall
You mean so far it's been sophisticated? Originally Posted by Doove
I said "more unsophisticated"....I guess I didn't dumb it down enough..... Originally Posted by Marshall
So you're saying that you're just not quite unsophisticated enough?
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  • 05-11-2011, 06:06 AM
No, just behave as if he is part of the collective-American experience and not a do as I say, not as I do politico. Not even that simplistic, sophomoric Bush was so cold and bold. Jesus, at least he had a soul.

. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Oh now you are the only one that can look into a man's soul to see if he has one. If you did research half as well we wouldn't be having all these fact finding missions your distortions are sending me on. You are sounding more and more like one of those crazy Tea Party folk.


The bottom line is that both Washington and Austin are fighting budget shortfalls as fire-fighters attempt to contain the flames.
Texas officials, caught in a state budget squeeze, want the federal government to send more aid to defray their costs. Federal officials, facing a record deficit, are being careful in their use of “major disaster” declarations such as the one that followed the widespread devastation of Hurricane Ike or the recent Alabama tornadoes that killed hundreds of people.
Federal Emergency Management Administration spokeswoman Rachel Racusen said the administration has “already approved 25 fire management assistance grants in recent to help cover expenses for these emergency response efforts, including 19 grants in April.”

Marshall, you should be proud of yourself. Praise from the master of dumb. Originally Posted by pjorourke

PJ and Marshall sitting in a tree......
The bottom line is that both Washington and Austin are fighting budget shortfalls as fire-fighters attempt to contain the flames.
Texas officials, caught in a state budget squeeze, want the federal government to send more aid to defray their costs. Federal officials, facing a record deficit, are being careful in their use of “major disaster” declarations such as the one that followed the widespread devastation of Hurricane Ike or the recent Alabama tornadoes that killed hundreds of people.
Federal Emergency Management Administration spokeswoman Rachel Racusen said the administration has “already approved 25 fire management assistance grants in recent to help cover expenses for these emergency response efforts, including 19 grants in April.”

PJ and Marshall sitting in a tree...... Originally Posted by WTF

Hmmmm......I wonder if those 25 grants were intended to cover a fire as extensive as this one?

Are you saying Barry is careful about spending too much money? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Why doesn't he use some of the unspent stimulous money which he is saving for election time?! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

herfacechair said that when someone got to you, you always resort to gay jokes. He sure had you figured out........
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  • 05-11-2011, 01:38 PM
herfacechair said that when someone got to you, you always resort to gay jokes......... Originally Posted by Marshall
Just with my gay friends