the military ramps up for global warming....

LexusLover's Avatar
And now the DoD plays to the liberals? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Yes. Go ahead and disagree with "the King." Retire early.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Yes. Go ahead and disagree with "the King." Retire early. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I noticed you didn't refute anything I said. Why? Other than it all being correct or questioning your statements?

You sound like you can name some people who did.
Can you? Or is this something else you just know?

It's strange that only people who could watch the US fall as long as Obama fell first are the one's who call him king or messiah or some such.
Why are you like that?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Calm down sog.
They train for urban combat in war zones. The training isn't for use in the US any more than any other aspect of their training. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You truly are an idiot if you think that.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He is clueless, didn't serve. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You just truly are an idiot.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-16-2014, 07:32 PM
Yes. Go ahead and disagree with "the King." Retire early. Originally Posted by LexusLover
As it has been for generations. Ever check the forced removals during the Civil War?

The reality is a lot of senior military folks are encouraged out in every administration.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You truly are an idiot if you think that. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Coming from you that means nothing.

There are much more important things to spend the money on. Ask LL. He's on your side. He'll tell you.
rioseco's Avatar
Run Chicken !
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-16-2014, 07:45 PM
Pissing off money? How much? What contingency planning is suffering or going un-planned for because of this? What pressing agendas aren't being addressed? Isn't it worth putting 20-30 people, out of the 3+ million that work for the DoD, on this if for no other reason than to prove it's bs? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

It is far, far more than "20-30". It is a significant number, probably off by at least a factor of 100 if you add up full time and part equivalent manpower. And it is a VERY significant number if you include Guard and Reserves. There are a number of very different issues involved in disaster preparedness planning that don't easily translate from "regular" DoD missions. Intel Oversight is a significant legal headache, as are issues of logistic marshaling, the bureaucratic systems and processes of FEMA, states, and municipalities that were never designed to seamlessly pass information--to say nothing of the comm systems that CAN'T communicate because every organization wants to set their own standards.

Does this planning interfere with other DoD work? Of course it does. There are no additional positions provided to do the work. But our political system, including the deeply rooted separation of civilian and military, doesn't provide an easy or obvious good alternative. There are at least as many laws and rules that make it harder as make it easier. And it has always been a very bi-partisan set of reasons.
rioseco's Avatar
Obama is a butt hole baby ! This clown spent 7-8 trillion in five years now he wants to cut spending ? And where? The military ? As far as I can tell climate change is not hijacking our airliners and flying them into buildings full of civilians. The climate has not beheaded anyone or burnt their corpse and strung them up from a bridge. The climate is not stoning women to death or imprisoning them when raped ! I say spend the money on killing terrorist and let Chicken Little run from the falling sky around him.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-16-2014, 08:30 PM
Obama is a butt hole baby ! This clown spent 7-8 trillion in five years now he wants to cut spending ? And where? The military ? As far as I can tell climate change is not hijacking our airliners and flying them into buildings full of civilians. The climate has not beheaded anyone or burnt their corpse and strung them up from a bridge. The climate is not stoning women to death or imprisoning them when raped ! I say spend the money on killing terrorist and let Chicken Little run from the falling sky around him. Originally Posted by rioseco

sounds like you have a pretty good head start on the Chicken Little bullshit to me.

whine rio, whine !
You just truly are an idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Coming from you that's funny dull knife.
The military needs to start training for the Ozombie Apocalypse. Too late!

I wonder what their "contingency plan" is when an embassy is overrun? oh, wait.....
rioseco's Avatar
Say what ? Are you a complete ignoramus? Probably not but you are making yourself appear to be !
How does Obama pissing off 7-8 trill on solar panels and cash for caulking and clunkers make you believe I said the "sky is falling"? You have serious issues if you cannot have a discussion without attacking someone else's opinion. Does it make you feel good to denigrate others ? Perhaps so, but it does not make you any smarter or better informed. I did not attack your views. I called the doomsayers "Chicken Little"
rioseco's Avatar
The contingency plan in this administration is embrace all things un-American, be little American tradition and ingenuity. Ignore the real threats to our nation and deny, deny, deny ?
As one liberal punch drinker said to me, "Benghazi ? What's a Benghazi ? "
rioseco's Avatar
sounds like you have a pretty good head start on the Chicken Little bullshit to me.

whine rio, whine ! Originally Posted by CJ7
Oh how wonderful, all the fruits and nuts are embracing climate change awareness !............
To which the Zen Master said, "Wonderful......We'll see ?"