
I dunno how a threesome would work for me. I have some strangely monogamous tendencies, so in order to truly enjoy the company of a woman I haven't seen before, it has to have been a while since the last woman.

That being the case, it's just not something on my horizon. I'd rather just book the one lady for longer.

A threesome *could* potentially work for me with two ladies I've seen and who know each other well; but I won't go out of my way to make something like that happen.
John Bull's Avatar
I'm looking forward to a threesome with Becky and Ed. hehehe
  • MrGiz
  • 11-01-2010, 06:23 PM
The best threesomes I have ever enjoyed, have been with my SO as one of the femmes! The comfort level makes everything flow so much more naturally... to the point where I perform better! We have played both ways.... FMF.... as well as MFM..... nothing but good honest fun!! Nothing is more pleasing than for me to see her with that glow of extacy on her face as she's treating and being treated to orgasmic bliss!!

I'm looking forward to a threesome with Becky and Ed. hehehe Originally Posted by John Bull
I'd do one on one with Becky. A box of biscuits and promise of a walk afterwards for Edward (with Becky on my arm or me on hers).
discreetgent's Avatar
I've had a ton of them in "real life" but never as a pro. Part of that is that every time another provider asks me if I'd be down I am completely honest-I don't eat pussy. And I never hear about it again. I have paid for them though with my last ex lol.
Hello Everyone;

Had a few 4somes when my first wife & I were (how shall I put this) somewhat more adventurous and enjoyed everyone of them.

Had two paid 3 somes, as has been previously stated; you have to know your companion well before you embark on the adventure & it is important that she picks another lady who she knows well (in all senses of the word).

But the most important rule to obey is that you make sure the ladies use Female Condoms, makes life so much easier for the Gentleman.

Thank you for raising this subject & rekindling the memories.

First, I'm a long time lurker from the old board and glad I found this reincarnated version. I can't think of a better topic for my first post.

I love lesbian porn. Nothing gets me hotter than watching two women kiss and make love to each other. So much so that when watching I have no problem "taking matters into my own hands" 3 or 4 times in an hour.

I've tried a few paid threesomes and so far don't seem to be able to achieve the same record. At first it was finding 2 women truly into each other. Recently however I did find two very beautiful women with the right chemistry and they even agreed to let me "direct" them. Not sure why, but still was not as exciting as the videos. Still a great time mind you. I'll definitely try again. I'm hoping practice makes perfect in this case.

Atldrummer Originally Posted by Atldrummer
Then I cannot recommend the film House of Dreams by Caballero Films. The entire genera of art-core porn is fabulous. I play it for all my threesomes and sometimes for my mano y mano love makin’.
DallasRain's Avatar
In my book---IT'S ALL GOOD!!!!!{lol}
ICU 812's Avatar
Souinds great in my head (big head), but I dont think I could deal with two hot women. If FMF I couldn't taske care of both of them. If FFM I couldn't tale care of one of them enough and they would leave me out of the action just watching (cool, but I can do that online at home).
Rarely offer threesomes unless I have an exceptional duo partner like this week and next. Agree that one hour is too short to truly savour the experience and someone is usually going to get left out a bit
I'm looking forward to a threesome with Becky and Ed. hehehe Originally Posted by John Bull
I'd do one on one with Becky. A box of biscuits and promise of a walk afterwards for Edward (with Becky on my arm or me on hers). Originally Posted by SR Only
Are you guys attempting to start rumors about Edward again?

The closest Ed has come to a threesome was when a very nice client who was worried about Ed waiting in my car set up a beautiful room for him in his home. Ed could lay on the cool tile, sip water,and watch the birds outside.Well 20 minutes after leaving him he must have missed me, because he started to whine a little which turned into a bark, and from there we heard a loud crash. Ed thought it would be a good idea to break down the door, so that he could rescue me. Long story short...Edward now has a nanny lined up for my longer dates, and for some unknown reason I have never heard again from that very nice client.
Then I cannot recommend the film House of Dreams by Caballero Films. The entire genera of art-core porn is fabulous. I play it for all my threesomes and sometimes for my mano y mano love makin’. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Olivia, that is one of my favorite all-time movies, along with Hidden Obssessions. Great recommendation indeed!
Are you guys attempting to start rumors about Edward again? Originally Posted by Becky
Naw, we just know Edward is the true love in your life. And while the fastest way to a man's heart is via his stomach or his umm, well you know what, the fastest way to your heart is to take good care of Edward.

The closest Ed has come to a threesome was when a very nice client who was worried about Ed waiting in my car set up a beautiful room for him in his home. Ed could lay on the cool tile, sip water,and watch the birds outside. Originally Posted by Becky
Now that is a nice person. Too bad he did not repeat.

Now that is a nice person. Too bad he did not repeat. Originally Posted by SR Only
Yes, I really did feel bad because he just wanted to do something nice for my dog. Even though we were able to start over once Ed was returned to his car I really cannot blame him for not wanting a rerun I found out that day that taking Edward in to a client's home, even a separate area is comparable to showing up with a 200 pound toddler who is possessed by Satan.