To the ladies... would you consider going out with a client for real?

boardman's Avatar
Hookers that say they wouldn't date a client just haven't met ME yet!

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I have had a few providers hit me with that line.I miss you,was thinking about you,etc.Simple test is to text them back i miss you too do you want to hang out?.They reply yes baby i need you.Then you replay i need you to but i am short on $ today do you sill want to hang out........You will know where you stand real fast works in the SB/SD deal as well.Its a simple quick test lol Originally Posted by flyinghillbilly
she did LOL
Great response!
I met my future husband in the hobby, although he had a great sense of humor about the joke, he didn't quite see it the same way, lol....
I have met quite a few of my future ex-wives as well...they didn't get the joke..
Grace Preston's Avatar
See.. I've received some flack over the years because I do not text/email/contact my gentlemen friends off the boards after our sessions. But to me, to do so may muddy the waters with someone who doesn't understand that this isn't supposed to be a relationship.

Don't get me wrong, I've made friends in the hobby. There are gents who will text me to chat who I will chat with, go to lunch with, give recommendations to, etc. But I'm not in this to find my Prince Charming or my <shudders> "Richard Gere".
I fall for almost every provider I have a session with....for about an hour or two....

It's a nice momentary "endorphin release" and feeling of euphoria even if it is for just a little while. Then I'm off and back to my RW life until the next visit... It's like renting that sports car that I love to drive for a weekend...only I don't have to worry about the insurance, maintenance etc.'s a beautiful thing...this hobbying we all share in...
So I've been seeing this lovely provider for a few times now. We always have a good time, at least from my side of the story. After our last appointment, we parted ways and she went on seeing other clients that day from what she implied. Unexpectedly, she message me very early in the morning saying that she enjoys spending time with me and she was just up late thinking of me. If she sent that within an hour or two of our last encounter, i would just shake it off and think she's just being nice and it's part of the "marketing strategy". But she did that after a while, after seeing other clients that day, and early A.M. so it got me thinking. I like her a lot but I'm pretty good in staying detach and just keep it strictly business. But i wouldn't mind asking her out as well until i'm sure of what her intentions. Would other providers do that for marketing purposes or would you say that is genuine? Originally Posted by kerplunk13
.. That is a marjeting tacktic normally done right after a person leaves or maybe she got busy and sent it when it dot slowermaybe she had stand ups and tried to get what she knows again better than screening new ones. If you want to ask her out then I would suggest you do so in a manner where she will know it is nor going to mess up her money the money she is already use to from you and her future money with others unless you are prepared to replace it all. There are men I have seen That I was attracted to and wish I had met them in a different setting and they would ask me out or that my job would not matter to them. Who knows maybe she does like you maybe she doesnt.. but if you like her maybe it is worth you seeing if she likes you or could like you as a person without the wallet in your pocket...
.. That is a marjeting tacktic normally done right after a person leaves or maybe she got busy and sent it when it dot slowermaybe she had stand ups and tried to get what she knows again better than screening new ones. If you want to ask her out then I would suggest you do so in a manner where she will know it is nor going to mess up her money the money she is already use to from you and her future money with others unless you are prepared to replace it all. There are men I have seen That I was attracted to and wish I had met them in a different setting and they would ask me out or that my job would not matter to them. Who knows maybe she does like you maybe she doesnt.. but if you like her maybe it is worth you seeing if she likes you or could like you as a person without the wallet in your pocket... Originally Posted by Majichands

I agree!..You never know..anything can it happen. Is it a long shot? sure it is...but hey as long as you are confident enough as a man to date/see a girl who is a provider and know full well that she is going to be providing and it's her profession...then if she is interested in dating you why not?

I think I mentioned this before - But I think the only type of girl I could ever see myself dating and being with as an SO would be a provider. Because we would not judge each other on how we met and I could truly be myself with her vs. the vanilla civilians I've seen in the past.

So go for it have nothing to lose.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Would I "date-date" a client outside of the envelope? Nope.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
No. I got into this because it allows me to avoid serious attachments. I'm in love with my independence. Besides, part of why I get paid the big bucks is for the reassurance that I WON'T start thinking that way and try to attach myself to one of my clients.

You're making this too complicated. Remember that GFE is an illusion for which you are paying. I'm serious. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport

This this this .... so much this!
It helps I'm already married and live with two men (roommate, and hubby). But I will say I have one hobbyist I see weekly and talk to daily. Him and I click. I can talk to him about things most ppl don't even know about me. Yes he's on my FB and twitter. Knows my real name, I know his, and his wifes. It may only come in a blue moon but there are a few ppl you can trust. I do feel as if he may be falling for me and that worries me. I don't want to lose him but I could never fully be his. If it gets to that point I'll have to end it.
kerplunk13's Avatar
It helps I'm already married and live with two men (roommate, and hubby). But I will say I have one hobbyist I see weekly and talk to daily. Originally Posted by SweetM
Hold on a second, are you sleeping with both your roomy and husband? If you are, does your husband know about it? On the side, you have another hobbyist. Does your husband know about it as well that you are still providing?
No to the first question and yes to the second
DallasRain's Avatar
As I do have a "partner in crime" for over 30 years...the answer would be no.But on a couple of RARE occassions,I did get comfortable with a couple of my regulars and would let them join my guy and me in some threesome fun with no envelope needed.