New Military Litmus Test? Will You Fire on Citizens?

Texas is already successful, dimwit. Originally Posted by joe bloe

If first you don't succeed just keep sucking till you do suck seed.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You know that was almost clever. Keep up the mediocre work. You also seem to be avoiding the issue. Have you gone and looked up this stuff? You know the Internet is for more than porn. You can type in a name and a couple of clues. It may surprise you what people have said or done. It is called becoming self aware. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Once again you are babbling and talking out of your ass.

See if you can stay with me on this.

I have directly addressed the issue.
I was in the Army. I know what the oath says and means.

What name and clues did you enter to come up with ....nothing on this subject?
Once again you are right about two things.

There are many surprises on the internet..

You making no sense and being off topic isn't one of those surprises.

The second is that when you read about other people's deeds and words, it makes your sad, sorry, self aware of how far down the food chain you are.

Most other people become self-aware by doing things themselves
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Since I first posted this, I've had several military personnel confirm this to me. Go ahead and flame like I know you will, but this is what I was told.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Cog I bet we have the same FB friend. He's not wrong. I saw someone this week that confirmed it (and he would know.) general mattis has been removed too. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Prove it wrong. I would love that. However, such a notion is not far-fetched, and well within the realm of possibilities with the Obama administration.

Still, I hope it's wrong. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well, hell, there you have it! It has to be true because a friend of a friend who is third cousin, twice removed, to a recent client (or someone passed in the ammo store) said so. Oh Yeah, that really inspires massive amounts of confidence. Of course, the standard "I can toss this absurb sh*t out there - BUT - YOU have to prove ME wrong" horse-hockey is the rationale for all things paranoid. Gritsboy, you've gone to that well so many times you're now just pounding sand - as usual - in the realm of possibilities. haw haw haw
Yssup Rider's Avatar
From Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow:

I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new "litmus test" in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. "The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not". Those who will not are being removed. - Dr. Jim Garrow - January 21, 2013

This was a Facebook post on his page yesterday.[b] If true, [\b]it is truly frightening.

But wait, there's more:

This comes on the heels of Sunday's report in the Washington Free Beacon (WFB) that the head of Central Command, Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis is being dismissed by Obama and will leave his post in March. The WFB article states:

“Word on the national security street is that General James Mattis is being given the bum’s rush out of his job as commander of Central Command, and is being told to vacate his office several months earlier than planned.”

Did Gen. Mattis refuse to "fire on U.S. citizens?"

You clowns really need to open your eyes. Remember, Obama does NOT give a DAMN about you! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy


Prove any of this is related.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We did it once. We will keep our eyes on your types...fucker Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So did half the country. Texas didn't secede first. It followed the lead of other slave owning states. And plunged into was with the north.

Is this what you're talking about?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Some of you guys have just enough information to be .....what's the point? You can't understand anyway.

So someone talked about secession. South Carolina seceded first (your welcome Whatzup) and it started as a peaceful secession. That's right peaceful. They announced they were leaving the union and that was it. The problem was the fortress in the mouth of Charleston Harbor manned by federal soldiers. They politely informed the president James Buchanan that they had to vacate South Carolina property. Buchanan kept them there and resupplied them occassionally by ship. Some of the soldier went into the city to buy victuals and other essentials. No problem. Then Lincoln as inaugurated. He sent ships down with troops on board to reinforce the fort. That was an aggressive act. The South Carolinians fired on the ships and drove them off. Eventually a decision was made to take the fort by force. Lincoln used this attack as the reason for sending a military force into the south and South Carolina. Virginia, up to this point still part of the union, seceded because they thought it was unconstiutional to allow an army through their country (they thought of states as countries) to get to South Carolina. Virginia seceded. Lincoln still had to reaise an army.

Back to the topic. We have generals confiming the report not some nobody. I seem to recall some of you putting a lot of credence in the words of a generals when they came out for Obama. Hypocrtical turds! I find that some of you have little faith in out military and that includes some veterans here as well. I have faith in out military and the people in it. They took an oath to protect the Constitution and that came before the passage about obeying the LAWFUL orders of those appointed above them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If I'm not mistaken, when South Carolina was the only state to secede, everybody else was still a member of the Union, right. that was the point you chose for today's lecture, Barleybrains. of course, you got the part about Virginia wrong, by four months. A number of states, including Texas, seceded beforehand. In fact, more than half of the Confederacy had been formed before Virginia joined the others.

No, Texas wasn't nearly the first to secede.. and though it makes for lively macho banter, it won't happen again.

Here's who seceded and when:

Order of Secession During the American Civil War

State Date of Secession
South Carolina December 20, 1860
Mississippi January 9, 1861
Florida January 10, 1861
Alabama January 11, 1861
Georgia January 19, 1861
Louisiana January 26, 1861
Texas February 1, 1861
Virginia April 17, 1861
Arkansas May 6, 1861
North Carolina May 20, 1861
Tennessee June 8, 1861

(Insert insult for ignorant teacher here...).
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Talk about stupid Whatzup. Go back and CAREFULLY read what I wrote. South Carolina was the first state to secede just like I said and other states seceded after Lincoln made plans to invade South Carolina through Virginia and North Carolina. By the way, I will tell you that Lincoln was inaugurated in March to avoid the embarassment of thinking it was January like today. So I was completely, exactly correct and you look like a turd. Glad to be of service Whatzup.